It's a Dog's Life

Chapter 2

Scarlette woke up and yawned. She opened her eyes and saw Frank at the end of the bed.
“Frankie, wake up!” She said. He opened his eyes and looked at her. He had gotten a lot bigger since she first got him. It had been 2 years ago already.

“Morning Scar.” He said. Over the 2 years that Scarlette and Frank had known each other, Frank’s New Jersey accent had faded to an English one.

“Come on, get moving! I’ve got to get my stuff together.”

“Oh yeah, moving!” He said, excitedly.

Scarlette was now 18 and she was moving into London. She would possible be going to university in a few months. Frank, of course, would be going with her.

“Come on, the van will be here soon and I need to have a shower.” She said, getting out of bed and opening the curtains.

“Can I watch?” He asked.

“You’re still such a pervert Frank.” She laughed quietly. She could never talk to him loud when anyone else was in the house, but when she got her own place she could talk as loud as she liked. Well, until she found room mates.

A few hours later, she had all her stuff moved in and she was relaxing on the couch when Frank jumped on her lap.

“Watch it short stuff!” She said, laughing.

“Hey, just because I’m a dog you shouldn’t put me down because of it.”

“Actually, if I remember right, you were short even before you were a dog.”

He growled, but in a playful way.

“You do know that I’ve already put an ad in the paper for a room mate? So we aren’t going to have long with just us two here.” Scarlette added.

“Well, it’ll be cool to have other people round us any way.”

The next morning, Scarlette woke up and walked Frank. She still put the lead on him, but only until they got to the field. Frank had a tendency to run out in roads. She was back only a little while when there was a knock at the door. Scarlette got up to answer it. Standing there was a woman around her age. She had green eyes and dark red hair and was a little taller than Scarlette. But there was something she recognised about this woman.

“Lucy!” She said, throwing her arms around her.

“Scarlette! Oh my God, I can’t believe it’s you!” Scarlette and Lucy, or Lucinda to use her full first name, had been friends when they were younger but Lucy’s parents had moved away when they were 14.

“What are you doing here? How did you know where I lived?”

“Actually, I was answering the ad about the spare room.”

“It’s yours. We need to catch up. Come in.”

“Well there’s something I need to know. I have two dogs and-” Scarlette stopped her there.
“I have a dog too, they’re welcome.” She noticed two dogs sitting by Lucy’s feet. They were both Labradors but one was brown short haired and the other was black long haired. Lucy walked in and the dogs followed her. They walked into the living room and Frank bounced down off the couch. "This is my dog, Frankie.”

“FRANK!” Scarlette heard someone say. She frowned, looking around.

“MIKEY!” Frank said, running over to the brown Labrador.

“Lucy…” Scarlette started. “Can you hear them?”

“Yes… Can you hear them?”

“Yes…” I started. “Oh my God! I had no idea there were other people who could understand dogs.”

“Well, there’s something you should know about my dogs. They’re actually-”

“Humans, right?”

Lucy nodded. “But they’re also-”

“Scar, it’s Gerard and Mikey!” Frank yipped excitedly. Scarlette stared open mouthed at Lucy.

“Piss off! Gerard and Mikey Way are your dogs?” She asked.

“Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but they really are.”

“Wanna know who my dog is? Frank Iero.”

“Shut up!” Lucy said. “This is way too fucking weird.”

“Yeah, try being us.” Gerard said.

“Gee, shut up. I don’t wanna hear it again and I’m sure Scarlette’s heard it all from Frank.”

“This is so strange. I mean, what are the odds of us two being the owner’s of doggy MCR?” Scarlette giggled.

“Hey, Ray, Matt and Bob aren’t here though.” Mikey said.

“Technically, Matt doesn’t count because he isn’t in the band anymore.” Frank said. He had been interested in everything that was going on with the band and he’d made Scarlette buy the new My Chemical Romance CD, just so he could listen to what it sounded like.

“And you guys don’t even know Bob.”

“Actually we do, we were on a pen pal thing when we were 16, and we’ve never lost touch.” Mikey said.

The door bell went again and Scarlette went to answer it. Lucy followed her out to the hallway. When she answered the door, there was a young woman standing there. By her feet was a brown coloured springer spaniel dog.

“Hi, I was just wondering if a room was still available here?” She said. Scarlette heard claws on the wood flooring behind her.

“RAY-RAY!” Frank shouted and rocketed out the front door at the dog.

“FRANKIE!” Ray shouted, excitedly.

“Frank, calm it. I think you better come in… Uh, what was your name?”

“Oh, Sara, Sara White.” Sara walked in and Ray and Frank walked into the living room, only for Ray to be bombarded by Gerard and Mikey. “Ok, so can the two of you hear them?”

“Yeah. I’m Scarlette Noir, and this is Lucinda Brown.”

“Just call me Lucy.” She said.

“I take it that your dog is Ray Toro?” Scarlette asked.

“How did you guess?” Sara asked.

“Because my dog, the one that just came out is Frank Iero and Lucy’s two dogs are Gerard and Mikey Way, Gerard being the black one.”

“Fucking hell, this is freaky.” Sara said.

“I can feel a very special friendship between us though.” Lucy said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just to let you all know, the first chapter was in 2001 (I know Bullets was released in 2002, but it's my story and I wanted it to be a year earlier) and this chapter is 2003. I also know that Bob didn't join the band in 2003 (it was 2004), but in this story he does!

I hope you all enjoy reading, and I really hope you comment! Cos comments will make me very happy!