It's a Dog's Life

Chapter 3

Around 2 months later and Lucy, Scarlette and Sara had become as close as sisters. Scarlette had decided to forget going to university and get a job in a photography studio, Lucy was working in an office and Sara had just finished her last year at university. She was the oldest at 21. Their lives were pretty normal… well, except for one part of it.

“Sara!” Ray shouted. “Please can we go for a walk now?”

“Ray, I’m getting ready now. Give me 5 minutes, ok?” Sara said, grabbing her trainers.

“Ok!” Ray ran back downstairs to tell Gerard, Frank and Mikey they were going out in 5 minutes. It wasn’t too bad walking them. They never pulled on the leads and they were all controllable when they were off the leads, which is why just one of them could take them out.
5 minutes later and they all had their leads on and were walking down to a park that was never very busy. It was about 9pm and it was empty every night at this time. Scarlette and Lucy had gone back to their parents for the night, leaving Sara on her own… well, in the company of doggy mcr as they liked to call them.

“Ok guys, you know the drill, don’t run off too far.” Sara said, unclipping them from their leads. They all immediately ran off and chased each other. She watched them for a while, until she saw a dirty blond haired dog, a husky, laying by a bin. He looked really thin and watched Sara warily with his blue eyes as she approached. She too approached with caution. She had no idea if this dog would try to bite her.

“Here boy, I’m not gonna hurt you.” She said. She finally got to him and she scratched his head. “Good boy.”

“Sara! Tell Ray that he’s mean!” Mikey yelled, running over. Then he saw the other dog and the other dog saw Mikey.

“Mikey?“ The husky said, shocking Sara. “Is that you Mikey?”

“Yeah, who are you?” Mikey asked.

“It’s Bob.” He replied.

“BOB!” Mikey yelled, jumping around.

“Shut the fuck UP!!! Bob?!?” Sara exclaimed.

“Wait, you can hear us?” Bob asked.

“Yeah she can. Hang on, I gotta get the others.” Mikey ran back over to the others. “I found Bobbert! I found Bobbert!” He said. “Come on!” He shouted, running around them before running back to Sara and Bob.

“Hey!” Bob said, wagging his tail. Mikey had his tongue lolled out and was wagging his tail while Frank, Gerard and Ray were silent for a moment, before they all found their voices.

“BOBBERT!” They shouted.

“Don’t call me Bobbert.” Bob said trying to sound annoyed, but you could tell he was ecstatic.

“We’ve missed you dude!” Ray said.

“Wait, do you remember him?” Sara asked. “Even though you’ve been dogs before Bob even joined the band?”

“I don’t know how to explain it, but just then I got memories of my old self, but it was all memories from after this happened to us and up to now. So yeah, we do remember him now!” Frank yipped excitedly.

“Haha, Bob the cat lover’s a dog!” Mikey said, running round.

Bob growled at him. “Bob, stop it.” Sara said.

“He’s mean.” Bob said.

“Get over it, Scarlette and Lucy have.” Mikey said, still bouncing round, but was now joined by Frank.

“Shit, Scarlette and Lucy! They’re gonna freak when they come home tomorrow to find another dog.” Sara said.

“Yeah, but it’s Bob! We’re all back together again!” Gerard said, sounding really hyper. The four dogs seemed to be really hyper and full of energy since they had met Bob.

“It really is doggy mcr now.” Sara laughed. “Come on guys, we’ll get home so we can get Bob some food and a bath.”

“Haha, Bob has to have a bath.” Frank laughed.

“Don’t think I didn’t see you rolling in the mud, you’re having one too Frankie.” He whimpered And tried to give her the ultimate puppy dog eyes. “That may work on Scarlette, but it don’t work on me.”

“Damn you.”

“Come on guys.” She got them all home and put some food down for Bob while she dragged Frank upstairs. She quickly washed him and set him down before we got Bob upstairs and into the bath. He had a lot of mud and dirt on him, but she soon got it all off.

“How long have you been like this Bob?” Sara asked him.

“I’m not sure how long, a couple of months I guess.” He replied.

“I guess it was lucky we found you then.”


“Sara! You done with Bobby yet?” Frank called up the stairs.

“Just about!” She called back down. She turned the shower head off. “And don’t even think about shaking up here, I’ll let you in the garden, got it?”

“Spoilt sport.” Bob said, but still obeyed her.

“You two wanna go under the hair dryer?” Sara asked. She knew that Frank would, Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Frank all loved it, but she wasn’t sure about Bob.

“Yeah, it’ll warm me up.” Bob lolled his tongue out. The next 20 minutes, Sara tried to dry Bob and Frank. Not that they didn’t want it now, but because it was just taking too long. She have up and said they could dry naturally.

“Now I want an early night for once guys, so if I let you in my bedroom, will you promise not to be talking to each other loudly?” Sara asked.
“Hey, that was one time.” Gerard commented.
“What ever.” Sara said. “I’ll let you in when I’ve got changed.” She got them outside her room and shut the door. She quickly changed, she knew that Ray had a tendency to try and open the door. She opened the door again and the five dogs burst in. “Calm it you guys!”

“Love you Sara.” Ray said. She had got him from a rescue centre about 2 months before Scarlette had got Frank, which was around the same time that Lucy had gotten Gerard and Mikey.

It was about a week after she had got him that she had heard him talk for the first time. She, like Scarlette, had been quite confused about it, but she soon grew to love Ray for his personality. They all jumped straight on the bed, which was luckily a double.

“Love you too Ray. Now, if I’m not awake when Lucy or Scar get back, wake me up. But no barking, got it Frank, Mikey?”

“Like we’d do a thing like that.” They said together.

“You two are scary. Good night guys.”

“Night Sara.” They all said. Gerard and Mikey were curled up together at the end of the bed, Bob and Frank were on the other side of the bed and Ray curled up against Sara, something he had done since the day she brought him home.

When she woke the next morning, Ray was pawing at her. “Sara, I think Lucy and Scarlette are home.”

“Ok Ray.” She yawned. “Time to explain Bob I guess.” She got up and opened the door. The dogs all ran downstairs and she followed them. Lucy and Scarlette were in the kitchen, the back door open and the dogs out in the garden.

“Sara, wanna explain why we have another dog in the garden?” Lucy asked.

“I was out walking them last night and I took them to Shepard’s Park. While they’re running around, I spot this dog. I went over to it and then Mikey came over and they recognised each other.” Sara explained. “That dog is Bob Bryar.”

“Bloody hell! We really do have doggy mcr.” Lucy laughed.

“That’s what I said last night.” Sara said. “Oh, and also, when they met up with Bob last night, they can remember everything that’d happened to their humans selves since they became dogs, that’s why they recognised Bob.”

“This is so strange, yet so awesome at the same time.” Scarlette said.

“Yeah, if only we knew why they were like this, but I doubt we’ll find out, it’s been 2 years already.”
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Yay! So, I've finally started to get subscribers!
I wanna dedicate this chapter to Mediocre Sinner for being my first (and so far only) reviewer!
Come on people, you know you really wanna review, your fingers are just itching to type!

See ya next chapter!

D xoxo