It's a Dog's Life

Chapter 4

Over 4 years later and everything was fantastic. Bob had fit in perfectly and he had got on really well with Scarlette, Lucy and Sara. And those three, well they had become even closer. Scarlette was now a successful photographer, Lucy was assistant manager in the office she was working in and Sara was working as a runner in a television studio. They were all still living together and they were loving every minute of it.

“I don’t care if it’s raining, I wanna go out!” Frank shouted. Well, almost every minute of it.

“Frank, I can’t find my umbrella and I don’t feel like getting soaked.” Scarlette sighed. “I’ll let you out in the garden.”

“You let him out there, he’ll get everything soaking wet when he comes back in.” Gerard said, without even pulling his head up from where he was sitting in front of the TV. It was strange, when the women had first found them, they all had American accents, well obviously them being from America and everything, but they had become English over the years.

“You do that Frankie and I swear-”

“HEY YOU FUCKERS! We’re on TV again!” Gerard shouted. Mikey and Bob ran downstairs and Ray ran in from the study. Lucy and Sara followed them. On the TV was an interview with My Chemical Romance. It was strange to listen to the dogs with their English accents and then the human MCR with their American accents.

“At least I’m growing my hair again.” Gerard said. He had been horrified when his human self had cut it and dyed it white blond. Although he admitted it fit in with the character of the patient on The Black Parade album, he was still horrified. His hair was now around shoulder length. They were talking about the tour in England that was starting in a matter of days. Scarlette, Lucy and Sara had all brought tickets already and the gig was on 2 weeks away.
2 weeks later and the 3 women were getting ready to go to the gig.

“Guys, behave, ok? We aren’t going to be gone to whole night.” Scarlette said, scratching under Frank’s chin.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You just go have fun with us.” Bob smirked. Well, tried to smirk, have you even seen a dog smirk?

“See you around 12.” Sara said.

“And no fighting.” Lucy added. They closed the door and the five dogs waited until they heard them far away from the door. Gerard looked at the others.

“Did anyone sneak a look at the basic place the gig is at?”

“Yeah, I should be able to get us there.” Ray said. “It’s all the way across London.”

“Good. We should leave now, it’ll take a while to actually find it.” One by one, they walked out of the dog door and over to where the trees were in the corner of the garden. They had been working on a hole that appeared in the fence. When they were all out, Ray led them around the streets, which was harder as it got darker.

A few hours later, and the concert was over. Scarlette, Lucy and Sara were walking around the back of the venue as it was the easiest way for them to get home, when they spotted 5 people. It was My Chemical Romance.

“Hi there.” Gerard said, grinning.

“Holy fucking shit.” Sara said. “You guys were awesome tonight.”


“How did you find us then?” Frank asked.

“We weren’t actually trying to, it’s just this is a quicker way than going right through all the crowds.” Scarlette said.

“Make sense.” Bob said, throwing his cigarette butt on the floor.

“SCARLETTE, LUCY, SARA!” The 3 women turned around to find the dogs all running at them.

“What are you guys doing here?” Scarlette hissed.

“We wanted to find you.” Frank the dog replied.

“Are these all your dogs?” Frank asked. Each of them was staring at their dog counterpart.

“Yeah. I don’t know how they all got out.”

The five dogs walked over to the human self. As they bent down to stroke them, as soon as they touched them, there was a flash of white light. When it disappeared, so had the dogs. Security pulled the band back in and left Scarlette, Lucy and Sara on their own.

“Guys, this isn’t funny, come out!” Sara hissed.

“Come on guys, we have to get home!” Lucy said.

“Guys, stop it. They aren’t here.” Scarlette said sadly. “I think they’re back with their human selves again.”

“But… No, Ray!” Sara said.

“Sara, shut the fuck up!” Scarlette snapped. “They’re back where they belong, and that’s all that fucking matters now, isn’t it? Look, sorry for snapping. I‘ll see you at home, I, I gotta think.” Scarlette ran off, leaving Sara and Lucy staring at her. The ran after her straight away and finally caught up with her about half a mile down.

“Scar, I know why you’re like this. You were starting to love Frank, right?” Scarlette looked up at Lucy, her eyeliner running.

“How did you know?”

“Because I was starting to love Mikey.” Lucy said with tears in her eyes.

“And same with me and Ray.” Sara said, sitting next to Scarlette and putting an arm around her.

“Why did they have to go? I want Frankie back.” Scarlette cried into Sara’s shoulder. Lucy now had tears running down her face. She sat the other side of Scarlette.

“Scar, we’ll always have the memories of them. And you know they wanted to be human again. As much as they were happy as dogs, they always missed being human.”

“I know.” Scarlette sighed. “Come on girls, we look like right states, we should get home.” Scarlette added. They quickly checked their make up and made it look half decent before they got the tube back home.

When they arrived, everywhere reminded them of the dogs. They quickly cleared up without any tears and went to bed. But unknown to each other, each woman that night cried themselves to sleep, thinking of their lost love.
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Hehe, am I mean? Hope you're enjoying the story! It's not going to be much longer, this is just a really quick idea I had and I think there will only be 4 more chapters... But I am planning a sequel... Well, a kind of sequel.

Remember, reviews = happy author and cookies for you!!!

D xoxo