It's a Dog's Life

Chapter 6

“What do you mean?” Lucy asked. “You remember us from the gig a few months ago?”

“No, I remember you from spending over 5 years of my life with you Lucy.”

“Gerard, you can… you remember everything? All the time you spent with us?” Scarlette asked, hoping for it to be true.

“Yep.” He threw his cigarette butt on the floor and removed his sunglasses. His eyes were sparkling with happiness. “Now come here. I never got a proper hug with you.” The three women stepped forward and hugged him.

“We’ve missed you so much. It’s just not been the same without you guys, Gee.” Lucy said.

“We’ve all fucking missed you three like crazy. Quick question, any of you have work tomorrow?” They shook their heads. “Good, you’re spending the night with the five of us. We have another gig here tomorrow so we‘re not going far.”

“Fair enough. Now can I ask you a quick question? Were we imagining it, or were you actually a dog earlier?” Scarlette asked.

Gerard smirked. Then suddenly, he was his dog self, making them jump. “Can you hear me still?” He asked. They all nodded. He turned back. “Ever since we went back with our human selves, we’ve still been able to turn into dogs.”

“Holy shit. That’s so strange. So, you still remember everything from with us, but do you remember everything that happened as Gerard the front man of My Chemical Romance.” Sara said. He nodded.

“It’s really weird, it’s like two lives that I’ve lived at the same time.” He explained. “Anyway, we should get to the bus, everyone else is waiting. Oh, and prepare to get jumped on.” He added. They walked only a couple of minutes until they got to the bus. Gerard opened the door and let them all in. The guys were silent while they stared at Scarlette, Lucy and Sara, until the craziness started.

“SCARLETTE!” Frank shouted, bouncing over to hug her. Mikey went to Lucy and Ray to Sara. “We’ve missed you so much!”

“Not as much as we missed you around the house.” Scarlette said, tears appearing in her eyes. Frank pulled away and saw her tears.

“Why are you crying?” He asked, softly.

“I never though I’d get to see you again. Well, see obviously, but not to talk to you again, it’s just-” Frank kissed her softly. She was shocked by it. He pulled away. “Wow.”

“I love you Scarlette. I love you so fucking much. I spent over 5 years of my life with you and it wasn’t until we were all human again that I realised I never told you how I truly felt.” Her eyes watered again, but this time is was because she was happy. Happy that he felt that same way that she did.

“I love you too Frankie. I always said it in a joking way, but I meant it. I love you so much it hurts. When you went, it hurt so much even to talk about you and I gradually got over it, but I didn’t want to.”

“Shh.” Frank soothed. “It’s alright, I’m back now.” She looked up. That last thing he said, his accent had changed.

“Frankie, you’ve gone English.” Scarlette half laughed, tears still down her face.

“Nothing wrong with that, love, is there?” He asked, picking her up and walking to the couch. She giggled.

“Get a room you two.” Bob said. He too was talking in the English accent they had all grown to recognise.

“Don’t fucking give them ideas Bob!” Gerard shouted. It seemed that they were all reverting back to their English accents.

“Come on, tell us what’s been happening since we left.” Ray said, holding Sara’s hand and walking over to the couch, everyone following.

“Not a lot’s been going on to be honest. We had about a month where we moped almost everyday about you guys, but we started to get over it gradually.” Scarlette said.

“And we started a band up.” Sara said. The three of them explained that they, Sara on drums, Lucy on bass and Scarlette on guitar, with Scarlette and Lucy doing split vocals and Sara doing back up vocals, had started it about 5 weeks after the guys left, it was something to try and take their minds off them. And it worked, kind of. They never could forget the guys though.

“That sounds cool. We’ll have to listen to some of your stuff soon.” Ray said, pulling Sara onto his lap and making her giggle.

“What happened? When you disappeared that night?” Scarlette asked.

“Well, strange as it sounds-”

“Nothing is going to sound stranger than you guys becoming dogs.” Sara interjected.

“True.” Mikey said. “Basically, we went back to when all this started, just after Bullets was released. But we didn’t remember anything about you guys. Until we met up with Bob again. We all spoke about it and it was the same for all of us. We dreamt of everything and when we woke up, we could remember it all. But then we only remembered for a few weeks, then it just faded from our memories.”

“So, it’s like meeting up with Bob again jolted your memory?” Lucy asked.


“But, how do you remember now?”

“That happened the night we disappeared. When we disappeared as dogs, all the memories came flooding back to us. We wanted to stay and tell you, but we had got dragged inside.” Bob told them.

“Since that night, we couldn’t wait to come back for a gig and we were all hoping that you’d be at one.” Gerard said.

“Which obviously you were.” Frank said, nuzzling his face in Scarlette’s neck.

“It’s not been the same without you in the house.” Scarlette murmured.

“It’s not been the same not being in the house.” Frank said, making her giggle.

“So how did you realise that you could change back into dogs?” Sara asked.

“Well, I believe that was Bobby.” Bob scowled at Gerard.

“Don’t call me that.” He growled.

“Bob, ignore Gee and tell us.” Lucy said.

“Fine. We were basically all chatting when we were round Frank’s place and I said to them that I kind of missed being a dog and then all of a sudden, I was a dog again.”

“And we could all understand him.” Ray said. “Obviously because we can all change, we can understand like you can.”

“This is getting way fucking weird again.” Sara said, leaning back against Ray, his arms going around her stomach.

“I know, I thought our lives couldn’t get any stranger.” Lucy said.

“It would only get stranger if we could change into dogs.” Scarlette said.

“Try it.” Scarlette looked at Bob like he was crazy. “I’m serious. It won’t hurt to try, will it?”

“I’ll try it.” Lucy said. Everyone stared at her for a moment before a red haired Irish terrier was sitting there. Sara and Scarlette jumped up.

“Fuck! It actually worked!” Scarlette said.

“This is fucking weird.” Lucy said, standing up.

“But you look really cute Luce.” Scarlette grinned. She and Sara sat back down. “Now it’s our turn.” Within minutes, Scarlette and Sara had disappeared too and in their places were a black haired border terrier and a brown haired English setter.

“Well, since you’ve done it…” Gerard said. He and the other four changed into dogs too. “…We might as well join you.”

“This is so weird.” Scarlette said, jumping around.

“Guys!” Their manager, Brian, called in. Everyone froze and quickly changed back. When Brian got to them, they were sitting as they had been earlier.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, only a couple more chapters until the end, but never fear! I am writing a sort of sequel as you read this.

And I would like to see lots more comments, cos you know you really want to comment and all that shiz.

Until next time!

D xoxo