It's a Dog's Life

Chapter 7


“Guys!” Their manager, Brian, called in. Everyone froze and quickly changed back. When Brian got to them, they were sitting as they had been earlier.

“Guys, I need to…” Brian trailed off, noticing the 3 new arrivals.

“Brian, this is Scarlette, Lucy and Sara.” Gerard introduced, his accent going back to the New Jersey one their manager only knew them having. “They’re Frank, Mikey and Ray’s girlfriends.”

“Girlfriends? Since when have you guys been dating?” Brian asked, confused.

“We kept it really hidden. We met years ago.” Mikey said.


“It was just after the first album was released.” Frank said.

“But why have you never mentioned them?” Brian asked, curious.

“Because we haven’t. Bri, you know that we don’t pick up fan girls at gigs. We‘re not Matt.” Ray told him. It was true, the five of them had never picked up groupies or fan girls after a gig, Matt had always been the one to bring anyone back to the bus or hotel.

“You know I wasn’t saying that.”

“Yeah, we know Bri, but it’s cool with these girls, we have known them for years.” Gerard said.

“Right.” Brian said. “Anyway, I need to tell you something about the hotel. They overbooked and they won’t be able to give us a room, so we’ll be spending the night on the buses.” The five band members all looked at each other, then at the girls.

“Have we got any interviews at all tomorrow? Or anything during the day for that matter?” Mikey asked.

“No, and you don’t have to sound check either, they can just keep it all as it was for tonight.”

“Well if we have all day tomorrow, can we meet you back here at around 5?” Ray asked.

“Well, yeah, but where are you going?”

“We’re going back with these lovely ladies.” Frank said, kissing Scarlette’s cheek.

“Alright then. Meet at this bus at 5 though, they’re going to be in the same place.”

“Got it Bri. See ya tomorrow.” Brian left the bus a little confused.

“So, you just invite yourselves back to our place…” Lucy said.

“Without asking any of us…” Scarlette continued.

“And you think that’s ok?” Sara finished.

“Hmm, pretty much yeah.” Gerard smirked. The English accent again.

“Why wouldn’t it be ok? Of course it’s fucking ok!” Scarlette grinned as she threw her arms around Frank. She pulled away to look at him. “And can I ask why you keep going back to the English accents?”

“We don’t mean to, just when we’re all together alone, we just sort of revert back to them. Nothing wrong with that is there love?” Frank asked.

“Nothing what so ever. I find it very sexy if I’m totally honest.” She kissed him gently.

“Come on, we better get a cab booked.” Ray said.

“Actually, we live like 15 minutes walk away from here.” Lucy said. “Come on guys, you must remember where we live near here.”

“It’s been 7 months though, we didn’t even know where this venue was near.” Bob said, grinning.

“Then let’s get walking. They’ll wanna lock up the bus anyway.” Mikey said, getting up and grabbing hold of Sara’s hand. So the eight of them travelled back to the house and when they were all in, Mikey and Frank changed into dogs.

“Oh my god, I miss doing this so much!” Mikey said, chasing Frank.

“Stop chasing me! Just cos I’m the smallest.”

“Mikey, stop it!” Lucy and Scarlette said at the same time. Mikey stopped to look at them while Frank changed back.

“Aww, you guys are no fun.” Mikey said, also changing back.

“Get used to it.”

I got used to it, you were like that when we were dogs.” He replied.

“Well, get used to it again.” Scarlette said, sticking her tongue out at him.

Mikey pouted. “You know, I could think of a few things that are fun Mikey… Well, for us at least…” Lucy said.

“And what would that be?” He asked. She whispered something into his ear and he grinned ear to ear. “Well, night guys. Long day and all that.” He said, taking Lucy’s hand, the two of them edging towards the stairs.

“Same here. Laters!” Lucy said as Mikey dragged her upstairs, both laughing and giggling quietly.

“Jesus, he’s my brother and I really, really don‘t wanna know.” Gerard said.

“Neither do we, she’s practically our sister.” Scarlette and Sara said at the same time.

Bob yawned. “Actually, I’m pretty tired though guys.“

“Me too as well. We started today at like 8. We had to be up at half fucking 5!” Gerard moaned.

“Aw, poor baby.” Scarlette teased. Gerard’s reply was simply to stick his tongue out.

“So anyway… Mikey’s sorted, we obviously know where Frank and Ray are, where are Gerard and I sleeping?” Bob asked.

“Sofa bed.” Sara replied. “I’ll help ya get it sorted.”

“Guys, Frank and I are heading up.” Scarlette said, sliding towards the stairs, Frank’s hand tightly gripped in hers.

“Go on, have fun and if you wake anyone up, be warned.” Sara laughed.

“Same can be said with you. Night guys.” Scarlette and Frank ran upstairs into her room. He shut the door and locked it, before turning to face her.

“So, love, are you tired?” Frank asked, keeping the English accent that Scarlette had so desperately missed.

“I was a little, but funnily enough, not anymore.” She said, using a sexy tone.

“That’s good. Neither am I.” Frank grabbed her and pushed her against the wall, their lips crushing together. He licked her bottom lip, asking for entry and she gave it immediately. It was a passion filled kiss that heated the room. Frank moved his mouth to her neck, where he bit and sucked on one spot.

“Oh fuck! Frank!” Scarlette moaned. He came away from her neck and looked her in the eyes.

“Shall we take this to the bed then love?” He growled huskily, making Scarlette’s knees go weak.

“Oh yes.” She replied. He picked her up around his front as she wrapped her legs around him and they kissed again as he took them over to the bed.

Neither of them got much sleep that night.
♠ ♠ ♠

And I've almost finished the sequel, so expect that soon as well...

Speaking of sequels, I've decided to make this a trilogy. So that's two more for you lovely people!!!

Until next time, LYA!!!!

D!ATD xoxo