It's a Dog's Life

Chapter 8

Scarlette was woken to a dog licking her hand. She opened her eyes and saw Frank in dog form. He spotted she was awake and changed. She sat up and kissed him.

“Good morning love.” He said in his English accent that she adored.

“Morning honey.” She replied. “What was with that wake up call?” She asked.

“I felt in the mood.” He said. “Come on sweetie, it’s nearly noon. Everyone is gonna be round soon.”

“I know. But I’m so comfy here.”

“No, I know what that means. Come on, get up!” Frank pulled the covers away.

“Fine.” She got out of her bed and she began to get ready. She looked out of the window and onto the street. Her life had been very good over the past year.

It had been a year since she, Sara and Lucy had been reunited with My Chemical Romance, and their loves. Since then, Scarlette, Sara and Lucy had quit their jobs in England and moved to Newark with the band. They had got jobs easily and had moved into Frank, Ray and Mikey’s houses. 2 months after they moved, the guys had all proposed to the women, who had all said yes.

And it was 3 months ago that they had had a joint wedding and had spent a week together in Miami and then they had all had a week honeymoon in separate locations. Lucy and Mikey had gone to Greece, Ray and Sara had gone to Australia and Scarlette and Frank had gone to Italy.

Gerard had got engaged to Lyn-Z from the band Mindless Self Indulgence just a week after they returned back to Newark and had married a month ago, honeymooning in Brazil. Bob had got engaged to a woman called Regina Tamely, a few months ago. They were planning their wedding for August, only 2 months away. Everyone else had planned a honeymoon for the two of them in San Francisco and Hawaii.

What Scarlette, Sara and Lucy found out was that the band had known Lyn-Z and Regina before they got all their memories of being dogs back. They had met them around 3 years before they had met up with Scarlette, Lucy and Sara again. And strangely, Frank, Mikey and Ray had never found someone that they had stuck with for more than a few months, it was like they knew that Scarlette, Sara and Lucy existed and they didn‘t want to get into any serious, but of course they didn’t remember a thing.

Lyn-Z and Regina had instantly clicked with Scarlette, Sara and Lucy and the five of them were always out together.

Half an hour later, Sara and Ray arrived, bringing along everyone else. But there were two later arrivals, in the form of Mikey and Lucy.

“Scar! How have you been?” Lucy said, hugging her friend.

“I’ve been fantastic!” Scarlette replied. “How about you?”

“Never better.” Lucy grinned. They moved into the lounge, where everyone was currently sitting.

“So, how’s the wedding planning going?” Frank asked Bob. He groaned.

“Bobby, it’s not that bad.” Regina said. She was the only one who could call him Bobby and still live.

“It is Reggie.” He replied. She kissed his cheek and he brightened up instantly.

“Come on, there’s been four weddings so far, we can all get through this.” Ray said, pulling Sara onto his lap.

“Leave it in the bedroom guys.” Scarlette said.

“Why? We never do love.” Frank said, kissing her neck.

“Save it Frank.” Gerard said.

“We don’t really wanna see what you two kids are getting up to.” Sara said, grinning.

“Have we cared before?” Scarlette asked.

“No, but Frank’s just a dirty mutt.” Lyn-Z joked. Frank growled playfully. “I’m joking. You make a cute dog.“ After the 8 of them had got back to Newark, they had decided to tell Lyn-Z and Regina everything. After a few hours of talking, photos and changing, they believed them. And they didn’t care about it, it didn’t bother them. Sure, they didn’t understand how it happened, but none of them did.

“And he’s my cute dog.” Scarlette said, smiling at her husband.

“We all have our dogs.” Regina said.

“You sure do. Now, I’m gonna order pizza, what is everyone having?” Frank said, getting up to get the phone.

Hours later, once everyone had gone home, Scarlette and Frank lay on the couch together. Scarlette was laying across Frank and he had his arm wrapped around her.

“I can’t believe it’s been over 8 years that we’ve known each other.” She said.

“I know. I believe we have your parents to thank for all this. If they didn’t let you get a dog, you would never have found little poor, innocent me.” Frank said, making her laugh.

“You may have been a poor little dog but you were far from innocent when I met you Frank Iero.”

“I resent that statement.”

“It took you two days before you saw me in my underwear!”

Frank smirked. “Well, I did enjoy that sight I have to admit.”

“I bet you did. Perving on a 16 year old like that.”

“Hey, I was 20 at the time! And I’m male! So sue me!”

“I’d rather do other things to you baby.” Scarlette smirked as she leant up to kiss him. He kissed her back gently, but with so much passion. They parted and resumed where the way they were sitting.

“I love you so much Frankie.” Scarlette said.

“I love you too babe. I don’t know what my life would be like without you in it.”

“Shit.” Scarlette told him. “Because that’s what mine would be too.”

“Sounds about right.” He kissed her head. “Don’t ever leave, got that?”

“How could I?” She said.

They sat cuddling a while longer before Scarlette broke the silence.


“Mmm?” Frank said as She moved so she was looking Frank directly in the eyes. She grinned.

“I’m pregnant.”
♠ ♠ ♠
All finished my lovelys! But the sequel will be up within a few days, you can find the summary page already.

I'm loving it, I already have 4 subscribers to it and I haven't even posted the first chapter, it's great!

I'll see you all in the new story, and I hope you enjoyed reading this one.

D!ATD xoxo