To the End

To The End- Chapter Eleven

I sputtered for a second, not believing my eyes. Shaant was proposing to me? Shaant wanted to marry me?

"Well... I... W.. Yes!" I said finally, my eyes welling up as Shaant's face split into a grin. He slid the ring (a beautiful diamond the size of Rhode Island) onto my finger and kissed my lips softly as I gaped at it, still not quite believing my eyes.

"That's where Travie and Pete and I were when your water broke." He explained as I continued to stare at the ring. "We were buying the ring. I knew it had to be perfect, and when I saw this one-"
Shaant's words were cut short as I covered his lips with my own, grabbing his hair and giving him the most passionate kiss I could muster.

"You're perfect." I said softly, running my fingertip down his nose. He smiled.

"You are. I just want to be with you forever."

I grinned mischievously, wiggling my left hand in his face.

"And if you keep getting me jewelry like this, I don't think that will be a problem."

I could only smile as Shaant's lips found mine. I had the perfect man, the perfect baby boy, and was on my way to a perfect marriage.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do we think folks? Should we make this baby a trilogy or not?
Because honestly, I probably won't update a lot of my other stories if I write another Shaant/Maggie one.
Let me know in comments which of my stories is your favorite, and if you think I should write another Shaant/Maggie one about the preparation for the marriage.
Or if you have any other ideas. Check my profile to see the new ideas I'm throwing around.
Thanks kiddies! It was a fun ride!