To the End

To The End- Chapter Two

I love concerts. I always have.
There's just something about them that makes me want to cry even thinking about it.
Maybe it's the fact that you're packed in a mosh pit with thousands of other kids who are passionate about the exact same thing you are. Maybe it's the adrenaline that courses through you when the lights go down.
Or maybe it's just the hormones.

Anyway, after The Used had played their set (they were back on speaking terms, apparently), there was a sweaty ten minute break during which the entire crowd was tense with excitement. Sandy was babbling away about something or other (involving Gerard, no doubt), when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned to see a girl of about 17 staring back at me with almond-shaped amber eyes.

"How many months are you?" She asked brightly, nodding toward my stomach. I smiled.

Call me an attention whore, but I love it when people asked me about the baby.

"Six and a half!" I grinned, and the girls around us began looking over in interest. There's just something about pregnancy that makes every girl in the vicinity want to ask you about it.
The amber-eyed girl nodded for a second before speaking up.

"Can I feel?" She asked, grinning shyly.

"Oh, yeah!" I exclaimed, and the kids in the vicinity helped me turn around so I was facing her. The mosh pit was packed.
She reached out and cautiously put one finger on my stomach, looking nervous.

"Here, you gotta do it like this to feel anything." I said, grabbing both her hands and placing them firmly on my belly. She recovered from her surprise quickly and grinned.
After a moment, I realized that all the kids within a 20 foot radius of us had gone quiet, and were staring intently at my belly.

"Oooh! I felt it kick!" The girl exclaimed, beaming.
That ended the silence.
For the remaining eight minutes, every girl in the area asked excitedly if she could please feel my stomach. I, of course, had no problem with it, and Sandy grinned at me proudly.

"You know, Sandy's the godmother." I announced to the heavily pierced girl(?) feeling my stomach, jerking my thumb at San.

"Really?!" The (yup it was a girl) girl exclaimed, and Sandy beamed proudly, nodding.

That was about as far as we got though, because at that moment, the venue went completely black and the crowd exploded into cheers.
This would be a night to remember.

"Maggie!!!! Sandy!!" Ray opened the door and yanked me into the dressing room, snapping the door shut behind us.

"Let me get a look at you!" He commanded before I could speak, holding me at arms length and giving me a once over. His face cracked into a smile when he saw my huge belly, and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hey, Ray." I grinned into his shoulder. "I missed you, man."

"Is that the pregnant lady?!?!" I whirled around to find Frankie staring at me, arms crossed. The stern expression on his face broke when I leapt on him, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.

"Be careful!!!" Bob yelped, pulling me off of Frank and grabbing my tummy. "You’re gonna kill the little fucker!"
I busted up laughing at Bob's choice of words as I felt Mikey's arms wrap around me from behind.

This was the life.