To the End

To The End- Chapter Four

The next morning, we were sitting at the kitchen table (well, Danielle and I were sitting at the table. All of the guys were sitting on the counters), debating the age-old question:Are Gerard and Frankie secretly banging?> What the fuck were we going to do?

"I think Dani wanted to go shopping." William piped up, nudging her. "She's never been to New York before."
Dani gave him a Thanks for getting me involved look before shrugging uncomfortably.

"We don't have to. Don't feel obligated to go just because I want to."
But the damage had been done. Sandy was already bouncing around excitedly at the mention of shopping.
She had been itching to go ever since she had moved to the city three weeks before, to help me with the pregnancy; we just hadn't gotten around to it.

Hence, an hour later, we were browsing Gucci.

"What about this one?" I asked William, holding up a silk shirt. He gasped and raced over to snatch it, to the huge eye-roll of Dani.

"Holy shit!"
Shaant, who had his arms wrapped around me from behind, resting his hands on my belly, had caught sight of the tag.

"800 bucks?!?!" He whispered incredulously, When Bill and I had both given him the look.
You know the one.

Before Will could snipe a reply, a yelp and a crash sounded from the other side of the shop, and I looked around. There were two girls on the floor, giggling madly, one on top of the other. For a minute, I thought it was some bizarre public sexual rendezvous, but then they stood up and brushed themselves off, smiling innocently at the sales person.
One was petite and Hispanic, with two blond streaks in her swooping side bangs. She was clutching a starbucks cup in one hand (which the woman behind the counter was eyeing uneasily) and the other girl's hand in her other, helping her off the floor.
The second girl was even shorter than the first, with shockingly red shoulder-length hair and clear pale skin. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a neon pink tank top, despite the freezing January air.
The first one looked over at us, grinning widely. I knew this girl... Where had I seen her...? She stared for a second before snapping her fingers.

I groped in my mind... How did I know her?

"Zee!" I yelled triumphantly, the light bulb going off over my head.

"You two know each other?" Asked Sandy, appearing from behind a clothes rack. Then she grinned also, waving at Zee.
It was the chick who had asked to feel my stomach at the MCR concert.
I looked around, realizing that the guys had all disappeared at the sight of indie/emo/hipster kids. Fair enough I thought, shrugging before turning back to Zee, who was chatting animatedly with Sandy.
The redhead and I made accidental eye-contact, and I smiled warmly before stepping forward.

"I'm Maggie. Zee and I met at the My Chemical Romance concert the other night." I explained, and she shook my hand, grinning.

"Gabrielle. You can call me Gabby though."

"I think I have an STD or something." Frankie appeared from the bathroom, talking loudly. "Seriously. I've got these little fluid filled pustules all over my-"

"Frank!" I cut in loudly, trying not to snigger. "I think there are some people who would like to meet you."
Frankie looked up and beamed, totally unembarrassed. Zee bounced around excitedly, hugging Frankie (who didn't exactly object), and looking at Gabby, who returned a knowing look.

Eventually, after Frank had been yammering away with Zee for about 5 minutes, the other guys emerged from behind racks cautiously. Gabby made a bee-line for Will when he appeared behind women's pants, wringing his hand eagerly and telling him how much she loved the band.
A half an hour later, I had both Zee and Gabby's number's stored safely in my phone (and I'm pretty sure Zee and Frank swapped as well), with the promise of doing lunch within the next week.
They waved cheerfully upon leaving the shop, leaving all of us in a happy-go-lucky mood.