To the End

To The End- Chapter Five

"Moody's face was suddenly lit with an insane smile.'Tell me he told them that I, I alone remained faithful.... Prepared to risk everything to deliver to him the one thing he wanted above all... you."

It was two o'clock in the morning.
But we were wide awake.

I lay sprawled out on Shaant's and my king sized bed, propped up by pillows and clutching the worn paperback volume of Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire, pausing momentarily to clear my throat. Shaant was lying across the length of my body, his head resting softly on my swollen belly as I read aloud. Gerard and Sandy were in each other's arms at the foot of the bed, and Gabe and Nate lay on my other side, Gabe's fingers softly stroking my stomach. Frankie, Mikey, Ray, and Bob had left a few hours before, after Gabe and Nate had randomly showed up on our doorstep.
I glanced around to make sure I wasn't reading to a room full of sleeping people, but contrary to my expectations, no one looked remotely tired.
Gee gave me a why did you stop reading? look, and I took a breath before continuing.

"'You didn't.... it—it can't be you....'"

It had been Nate's idea, reading Harry Potter.
He had had the book in his car, and guess what? That was seven hours ago.

Shut up, you all know Harry Potter is fucking addictive.

We were almost finished. Shaant was the quietest, Sandy made suggestive sexual comments about Draco whenever he appeared in the story, and Nate regularly commented that he would "totally go gay for Dumbledore". Gabe and Gerard were the best audience; they gasped and said "Holy shit!" when bad things happened to Harry, and "Awwwwww"ed sympathetically when Cho turned Harry down because she was already going to the Yule Ball with Cedric.

Anyway, about a half an hour later, I closed the book with a sigh and looked around at everyone, grinning.

"I'm proud of us!" Gerard exclaimed, sitting up.

"Yeah," Nate agreed, putting his hand on my stomach curiously when he saw that both Gabe and Shaant doing it. "Finishing an entire book in one day."

"Yeah, but it's Harry Potter." Shaant pointed out, moving up to nuzzle my neck lovingly. "So it's not like it gets boring."
I grinned as he placed wet kisses up my throat, his hand still caressing my belly.

Nate sat up and looked around, grinning broadly.

"So! Who's up for Order of the Phoenix