To the End

To The End- Chapter Six

The next two and a half months passed fairly uneventfully, if you don't count my belly becoming so huge that Nate couldn't lift me anymore.
My due date was drawing closer and closer, and I was gradually becoming more and more worried about the birth.
What if I couldn't do it? What if I couldn't push it out, and the baby just stayed inside me forever?
Sandy tried to tell me that these fears were unreasonable, but I just wouldn't hear it.
Cute Is What We Aim For got offered another tour, but Shaant turned it down without even asking me; he knew he had to be here.

On the night of February 28th, a sharp pain in my abdomen caused me to sit up with a start.
The baby was kicking again.
I rolled over slightly and felt Shaant's empty spot in the bed, sighing sadly. He was in the city, performing on Saturday Night Live with the guys, completely unaware that his child was giving me hell for the third night in a row.
I decided, with a sigh, that some decaffeinated green tea might calm the baby and me down, and with a little effort, heaved myself out of bed.
I giggled a little as I saw my shadow; I looked like I had a watermelon under my nightgown. Walking down the hall and into the kitchen, I frowned as I found everyone asleep already. Sandy and Gerard were in the guest room (judging by their absence in the living room), and Nate was sprawled out on the couch.
Nate and I had gotten a lot closer lately, which was nice, because he was a sweet guy who actually enjoyed going shopping with me for baby clothes. And he sort of filled in the gap left by Shaant; who was gone almost every day, promoting the new album.
Almost as though he knew I was thinking about him, Nate cracked an eyelid and grinned at me sleepily.

"Hey... You okay?" He yawned, sitting up on his elbows. I smiled back and nodded, turning on my heel and shuffling into the kitchen, where I began making tea.

"Isn't Shaant back?" I jumped as Nate's head appeared right beside me, frowning as he looked at the clock. I shook my head, pouring the steaming water over my teabag and shrugging.

"Guess not. Want some tea?" I asked, raising my eyebrows inquiringly. Nate nodded, and I sidled over to the cupboard, reaching up to grab a mug.

That's when it happened.

The mug slipped out of my hand and smashed on the floor, and I looked around at Nate wildly. He misinterpreted the situation as I began to hyperventilate, putting his hand on my arm comfortingly.

"Maggie, it's not a big deal. I'll get it. Don't worry."
Nate crouched down and began gathering up the large pieces, and my heart nearly exploded it was pounding so hard.

Not while Shaant wasn't here.... It couldn't start while he was gone.

"Was there something in this cup?"
Nate's curious voice roused me from my revelry, sounding from around knee-level.

"No," I said swallowing and staring at the door, as though willing for it would make Shaant get here.

"Then why is it all wet down here?"
I looked down at Nate, my eyes desperate.

"Because my water just broke."