To the End

To The End- Chapter Nine

Gabe screamed, practically pissing himself with glee. One of his hands was gripping my forearm so tightly I think I lost circulation, and the other was holding Nate's hand in what was sure to be a death grip on both sides.
Sandy was wiping my brow off every few moments with a damp paper towel, and Shaant was holding my hand and grinning like a maniac.

"Mr. Saporta, I'm sorry, but you really need to stop climbing up onto the bed!" The nurse exclaimed indignantly, yelling at him from between my legs. Gabe jumped down and yelled

"I'm sorry I just get so excited!" unashamedly back at her.
I couldn't help grinning as my mom rolled her eyes and continued muttering soothing words to me as I pushed, feeling as though my vagina was being speared with a hot poker.
William, who was staring at my birth canal with a mixture of fascination and fear, suddenly made a face and leapt back a few feet, accidentally tugging Nate with him.

"What the—WHOA!" Gabe yelled, pointing at my womanhood and mouthing wordlessly.

"We can see the head! Just keep pushing Maggie, you're doing great!"
The nurse yelled, and Gabe, William, and Nate inched closer, scrutinizing my vagina cautiously. Shaant kissed my cheek as I whimpered; it felt like my pelvis was cracking in two.

"You—can go—look, Shaant!" I gasped, and he grinned before bounding over and leaning down next to the nurse. If I had been in any shape to, I would have appreciated how sweet it was when William embraced Shaant tightly, and when Gabe and Nate clutched each other's hands like cheerleaders.

I whimpered again as I pushed with all my might, feeling as though I were taking the biggest shit the world had ever seen. Sandy grabbed my free hand and beamed at me through her tears, whispering

"You're almost there, sweetie!!"

And then it was over. With one last mighty PUSH, I felt the baby sort of.. slide out, as gross as that sounds.
I heard the triumphant yell of "It's a boy!" from Gabe and William, and I grinned, gasping for breath. Sandy and my mom burst into tears, flinging themselves on me, and I laughed weakly.

I did it.

Shaant was speechless. His mouth kept opening and closing as he stared at the little slimy child in disbelief. The doctor was beaming as he held him up in gloved hands, showing him to everyone. Nate (surprising us all) suddenly sniffled and turned away, rubbing his eyes. William, too, had tears running down his face, though he was grinning.

As the nurse whisked the baby away for cleaning, Gabe suddenly burst into loud sobs, flinging himself on William.

"I can’t believe it!!" He wailed, and Bill tried to stifle a laugh. "Little Shaant! Little Shaanty boy has a kid!"
Shaant looked at me, and his face suddenly broke into a wide grin.
He rushed over to my bedside and kissed me hard on the lips, and Will whistled obnoxiously in the background.

He pulled back and looked into my eyes with his wide ones.

"Maggie. We have a baby boy."