My Worst Nightmare


After Starbucks we were all in the car, just sitting in the parking lot enjoying our drinks. Jonathan insisted I get a chocolate frapp, or well.. he ordered for me, and paid no matter how much I bickered he wouldn't give in.
"Man I am tired!" Scarlett yawned.
"I'm good." Jonathan nodded. I nodded as well
"I'm fine." I sat up.

"Soo, do you go to any concerts, Casey?" Jonathan hopped into the backseat with me.
"Can't anymore" I smiled.
"Why?" He frowned
"They're too busy, I'd pass out." I shrugged.
"You should come to one of my shows, we're not big so it's not bad." He smiled.
"Maybe... I don't know if it's a good idea."
"Sure it is!" He nudged me. I looked at my shoulder.
"Did you just nudge me?"
"Um... what is, yes?" He gave a cheesy smile.
"Jeopardy, ha ha." Scarlett shook her head.
"I might, Jonathan." I smiled.

I ran my hand down my face and shook my head. "Can we go to a gas station or something? I need an energy drink."
"Hey Case! Let's just go to your place!" Scarlett chirped.
"Fine, drive please?" I turned to Jonathan.
"Oh, yeah." He jumped into the front seat, me and Scarlett showed him how to get to my house.

We got inside and I immediately grabbed a Rockstar out of the fridge.
"Want one?" I asked, taking a drink.
"Those are so bad for you, Case." Scarlett frowned.
"No thanks." Jonathan looked around the kitchen.
"You guys want me to order pizza or something?" I asked walking towards the phone.
"Sure!" Scar smiled.
"What about you?" I looked at Jonathan.
"Sounds good to me." I picked up the phone,
"You guys can chill in the living room if you want." I said, dialing the numbers. Scarlett grabbed Jonathan and pranced into the living room.

"Soooo Jon..." Scar smirked.
"Sooo Scar...?" He raised an eyebrow.
"You totally have the hots for her."
"Do not." Jonathan shook his head,
"Don't lie, it's one thing to be a gentleman, and another to flirt." She smiled. Jonathan rolled his eyes, "It's okay, I won't say anything." She winked.
"You know what! I ju--"
"Okay! It'll be here in like thirty minutes!" I walked in the room.
"Great!" Jonathan smiled.
"Would you take me to the store later, Scar?" I asked.
"Sure, what for?" She leaned back in her chair, I noticed her shooting glances at Jon.
"I need stuff." I laughed.
"Oh." She yawned.

"What kind of music do you listen to, Casey?" Jonathan asked, leaning forward. I sat down next to him.
"Well, I like mainly alternative rock." I shrugged, "But I'll listen to mostly anything." "What about you?" I asked.
"Same thing." He laughed.
"Ooohh man..." I yawned, shaking my head. "I can't make this sleepiness go away!"
"Maybe you should sleep?" Jonathan asked.
"No." I said sternly, standing up, pacing.
"It's not good to not sleep." He nodded.
"You think I don't know that?" I rolled my eyes.
"I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry." He frowned.

"This is so cute!" Scarlett giggled from her seat.
"What?' I turned to her.
"Nothing, just talking to myself!" she smiled.
"Ok... It's fine, I'm frustrated is all." I forced a smile, I looked at Jonathan who was glaring at Scarlett.
"What's--" The doorbell rang before I could finish. "I'll get it." I walked to the door. It was the pizza, I payed and took it into the kitchen, "If you want some, come get some!" I yelled, Scarlett began laughing uncontrollably. "... I don't get it?" I cocked my head.
"She's being retarded." Jonathan said sitting at the small table.
"Ok..." I raised an eyebrow, Scarlett was still giggling. Jonathan kept shooting threatening glances. "Alright, what the hell is going on?!" I growled.
"It's... Heh... it's nothing Case," She smiled goofy.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, eating some pizza.

"Seriously, don't worry about it." Jonathan smiled.
"Ok." I continued to eat.
"Hey Scar, we should probably head back to your place soon, I gotta get my car." Jonathan said, finishing his first piece and going for another.
"Sure, Case has to go to the store anyways, right?" Scarlett looked at me.

We finished eating and headed out for the car. I got in the back and Scarlett drove this time, we decided to go to the store first. We walked in and I grabbed a basket and headed for the liquor.
"Casey, you aren't serious." Scarlett frowned.
"I can try, can't I?" I began putting various bottles of hard liquor into my basket.
"No, Case, it's not worth it." Scarlett grabbed one of the bottles.
"If it makes them go away, it's worth giving up my liver." I put it back and turned towards the checkout. "What about you? Gonna throw your opinion on why a grown woman shouldn't buy massive amounts of alcohol?" I looked at Jonathan.
"Nope." He replied, putting the bottles on the conveyor belt. I just stared at him.

The woman asked for my I.D., I showed it and finally let me purchase my goods. Scarlett frowned the whole ride back to her house, just a small conversation between me and Jonathan.
"I'll take Casey home, Scarlett, it's not out of the way."
"Sounds good with me." Scarlett snapped. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car.
"Bye Scar." I said
"Bye." She closed her car door and locked it, I put all my stuff in Jonathan's car and got in the passenger's seat.

"Soo...." I fumbled with my fingers.
"Hmm?" He gave me a side glance.
"How come you didn't tell me I shouldn't buy that stuff?"
"Because, like you said, you're a grown-up and plus, I can't take care of you all the time!" He laughed.
"Thanks." I smiled.
"No problem."

He parked in my driveway and let me out of the car and walked me to my door.
"Thanks, again." I laughed,
"It's fine, but here." He had a pen in his hand and grabbed mine and started scribbling numbers.
"It's my number, obviously. If anything happens, I only live like five minutes away, call me. Don't worry about the time or anything." He put my hand down and turned around, "Later Casey."
"Bye, Jonathan..." I waved.

I got inside and took a shower, walking downstairs in my pajamas, I looked at the bottles of alcohol. They were practically screaming my name.
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