Status: Active

Annabel Lee

A near mute, Annabelle Emaciare is a friend of Severus Snape through his harsh and painful years of childhood, staying by his side even at Hogwarts for all seven years. Annabelle, who spends much of her time reading Edgar Allen Poe and writing short stories, she can't help but harbor feelings for her closets friend. And though she is quiet, the sweet girl is the only person Severus feels that can understand how he feels, and the feeling is mutual since he is one of the few people she actually speaks to.

The only thing that Severus does not understand about Annabelle is the way she acts. Her strange way of always smiling even in the worst of situations baffles him. Why won't she ever open up and react, or why won't she speak of her past before he met her?

These are the trials of a modern day Annabelle Lee, her mysterious past, and her love for a greasy haired boy.
  1. The Meeting Of Annabelle Emaciare
    I Hate It When Narcissa's Right
  2. Annie Anorexic
    Potions Class And Bullies
  3. Way Too Inappropriate
    Awkward Stares Lead To Awkward Silences
  4. 10 Things To Buy Your Crush For Christmas
    Some Holiday Spirit
  5. Pulled Out Of Class And A Big Suprise
    Smiles Are So Frustrating
  6. Some Embarrassment
    Annabelle's Nightmare
  7. Obsessive
    A Previous Acquaintance
  8. I Like You, Holey Shoes And All
    A Picture To Remember
  9. Just... Don't...
    One Faulty Levicorpus
  10. Spinner's End
    Insufferable Summer
  11. Devastated
    Severus's Home
  12. Realizations
    Time At The Park
  13. The Ice Cream Parlor
    Can You Tell Us More?
  14. Three Years Forwards into Fifth Year
    Coming Out Of Her Shell
  15. Her First Trip To Hogsmeade
    Her Dad Signed The Slip
  16. A Melancholy Annie
    At Least For Today
  17. Progress
    Since When Have I Ever Been
  18. A Dog Show
    It’s All About Physical Contact
  19. Meeting Our Lord
    Deep into the darkness peering.
  20. Changed
    I've been so brash.
  21. A Matter of Trust
    I'm like you, I have secret.