

My palms clammy, the dialling tone seemed to rattle through me, I was calling the local police department to get hold of an incident report, the report of My ex boyfriends latest crime, daryl had stabbed a man with a knife, "I wasn't involved" I explained desperately to the woman who had answered almost forgetting I was no longer at his side not his girl not his property and no longer linked to his transgressions.

The stabbing had happened not far from where we met on October 16th 2013 he was released on bail and just eleven days later
He was gone, died in a motorbike accident on his way to get more smokes in rush hour traffic, I had just seen him, just slept with him for the last time in that October.

I'd hoped that maybe if I could just read that police report I'd be able to piece that autumn back together, I thought maybe I'd be able to draw a pin sharp straight line between his last visit his crime and the accident then maybe our lives together would have made sense.

I posted the $10 and I waited.