Status: updates weekly at least c:

Hearts & Spades

chapter one : i may not be coming back....

From: Bethany <3 - 8:23 p.m
What do you love about me?

From: Jacky - 8:28 p.m
Someones fishing for compliments on this fine evening

From: Bethany <3 - 8:28 p.m
Someones got something better to do than answer their girlfriends simple question

From: Jacky - 8:29 p.m
I was busy goofball, besides you already know the answer

From: Bethany <3 - 8:31 p.m
Oh really, enlighten me

From: Jacky - 8:38 p.m

From: Bethany <3 - 8:39 p.m
That's a dumb answer

From: Jacky - 8:39 p.m
You're a dumb answer

From: Bethany <3 - 8:55 p.m
Sorry I'm driving, but come on you knooow you love me

From: Jacky - 8:57 p.m
Nope, I'm taking back all my love

From: Jacky - 9:20 p.m
I was just joking babe are you really mad?

From: Jacky - 9:32 p.m
Don't ignore me Bethanyyy

From: Jacky - 9:40 p.m
I love you

From: Jacky - 9:40 p.m

From: Jacky - 9:41 p.m

From: Jacky - 9:41

From: Jacky - 9:50 p.m
Seriously babe, what's wrong?

From: Jacky - 10:03 p.m
O h gdo please tll me your mom w as jokcing

From: Jacky - 10:04 p.m
Bethany answer me right now, I have to know you're okay

From: Jacky - 10:07 p.m
I'm shking so fu cking bsd please thi s isnt funny

From: Jacky - 10:10 p.m
This isn't happening I'm going to wake up and this will all be over, you'll come over and we can watch 500 days of summer even though you know how much I hate that movie

From: Jacky - 10:10 p.m
I'm always scared you think Joseph Gordon is cuter than me

From: Jacky - 10:11 p.m
No no no no

From: Jacky - 10:13 p.m
Please come back. You have to come back
♠ ♠ ♠
and that was the terribly written first chapter to a terribly written story i don't know how often this will be updated just yet or if i am even going to be able to complete it - high school is a bitch and so is muse yo.

title of this chapter and the story in general is from hearts & spades by i the mighty