South California Adventure


*Nicoma goes followed by Frankie*

Ray: *nudges Gerard* Where did Mikey and Bob go? *narrows eyes*

Gerard: Uh... *looks round* I don't know... *hears noises* and I don't wanna know! O_O

Ray: *O.o*

*Frank walks back in looking as white as a sheet and dead*

Ray: *pokes Frank with a stick* Is it alive?

Gerard: Dude, are you okay?

Frank: I think I know what’s going on with that Nicoma girl…

Gerard: What is going on with her, Frankie?

Ray: Well? What's wrong with her?

Bob: *huddles into Mikey as they come back in the room*

Frank: She went out with this guy, right…

Mikey: Who? The room service girl?

Frank: Yes, then she went around a corner so I followed, made sure I wasn't caught…

Bob: *kisses Mikey gently*

frank: He beat her, reminding her to turn up because 1 quarter of the money was already paid, and will you not do that while I'm in the middle of the story!

Ray: *O.o*

Bob: *blush* Sorry

Mikey: *hugs Bob*

Bob: *giggles and hugs back*

Frank: Anyways... I think she might be in a snuff film, because I hear there's loads about here and I think that's it. I mean, she hasn't even got a phone!


Mikey: Calm down, god damnit!

Ray: *barks at Frank*

Frank: Gerard what do you think?

Frank: You’re the only sane one.

Mikey: *puppy eyes to Gerard*

Gerard: *looks round from banana cream pie* Huh?

Frank: GERARD! Please I'm really scared that she is…

Gerard: *wipes face* Sorry, dude, I did listen. Yeah, I think you're right.

Frank: Do you even know what a snuff film is?

Bob: Ain't it like porn?

Mikey: *narrows eyes at Bob*

Bob: *shifty*

Frank: No. It's were when someone dies in a film, it's a real death. Like the lead normally is tortured and killed. I think she's the lead…

Mikey: Woah, that's tough!

Frank: Now you listen!

Mikey: Well, she walked into me didn't she! *huff*

Frank: Get over it! It was a accident, you moron.