Status: completed; sequel 'Battling the Loss You Live For' is now running.

Smiles Echo In My Memory

That's Heavy Shit

“So, so, Sazzy,” Frank began, his right arm draped over my shoulders. It was 10pm, and we were waiting for the bus to get to Franks’ after our shopping trip. I had about six bags clutched in my hands whereas Frank only had the one.
“What you got me for my birthday?”
“Like I’m gonna tell you!”
“Pwease?” he complained, pouting and using a babyish tone. I giggled at him, and he pouted more, sticking out his bottom lip.
“Frank!” I gasped in between giggles. He looked so funny when he did that!
“What? Please!
“Franklin! No!” I said, pulling a serious face.
“Franklin isn’t even my name! And I said please!” he replied, grinning at his own stupidity.
“Frank! I am not telling you!” he huffed at my answer, pouting a little.
“It better be worth the wait,” he said, smirking slightly, and crossing his arms, his H&M bag at his feet.
“It will be, I promise,” I stated, nudging him slightly.

When we got on the bus, it was surprisingly full. Frank raced upstairs with all the bags while I paid the driver for us, and followed him up warily. I didn’t like walking on a moving bus. He dumped all the bags on one of the seats, and sat down next to them. When I got there, there were no seats left.
“Where the hell am I gonna sit?” I complained, stamping my foot and holding onto the edge of Frank’s seat for support.
“You’re such a drama queen!” Frank moaned, pulling me onto his lap. I giggled again, my fingers pressed against my lips.
The bus just suddenly stopped, making the whole bus jolt forwards and causing me to fall off of Frank and land hard on the floor. I just sat there, motionless, and Frank burst out laughing.
“Hahahaha! That was the funniest thing! Oh my god…!” And then he burst into another round of laughter. I grinned stupidly at everyone else looking over at us and quickly scrambled to my feet. “Fraaaaank!” I grumbled, placing my hands on my hips.
“Awwwhe, I’m sorry, Sazzy! It was just so funny!” the smile still plastered on his face. I pouted, stamping my foot again. He giggled, pulling me back onto his lap, and looked around at everyone staring at us.
What?!” most the people scowled at us and turned away, whereas some people just kind of snickered and raised eyebrows before following suit. Frankie smiled in triumph, and placed his chin on my shoulder. “See? People are afraid of me,” I snorted, turning my head to look at him.
“Yeah, and I’m the queen!”
“Are you, really?”
He giggled, burying his face in my neck. “Sleeping at mine, I’m guessing?”
“Obviously… My Mother would halal me if I come in this late!”
“…Halal?” he asked, a puzzled look on his face.
“The Muslim way for killing meat…”
“Oh. Ew. I’m veggie, remember?”
“Yes, Frankie… And so am I - Remember?” I replied, sighing.
“Oh, yeah, I forgot about that… How do you know about the Muslim way for killing meat, anyways?”
“Because I am Muslim!” I said, my voice getting an octave higher.
Really?” he questioned, his eyebrows raising.
“Yes, Franklin,” I said, sighing again.
“I didn’t know that… Isn’t it like, bad for you to be with guys, or something? I heard kids get in shit for it,” he asked, his eyes widening. I giggled, shaking my head.
“Well, I suppose, kinda. I don’t tell my Mum I have boyfriends, and she doesn’t mind me going out. It’s just the culture, really… It’s not the religion that says men and women have to be separated- Well, actually… I don’t know, really, but that’s what I assume,” I explained, my eyebrows furrowed together.
“Oh, right. So when you were with Charley, none of your family knew?”
“Nope, and never found out,”
“That’s heavy shit.”
I shrugged at his comment, putting an end to the conversation. He re-positioned himself underneath me, and rested his hands on my stomach. “Oh, shit, Frank! I should be going home,” I gushed, remembering that I had to sort out how I was going to get his birthday present. I saw him flicking through a guitar magazine at mine once, and I had to go and find which one it was that he liked and order it.
“No fucking way. It’s almost 10:30 and I’m not letting you walk through the park on your own now. And it’s fucking dark,” he replied sternly, motioning to the window, where the streets outside where covered in sheets of darkness. “But, Frank, I have to-” I started, but got cut off due to Frank’s chin digging into my shoulder. “Shut up. You’re staying at mine,” he said, and I smiled at him, placing my hands on top of his. He smiled back, pecking me on the cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I said that I'd wait till I had 4 comments, and that doesn't look like it's gonna happen.
I'm a little pissed, to be honest, because I now have 35 readers and 12 subscribers and only 2 comments for the last chapter.
I mean, Geesus.
So then, I decided that I'm going to stop being such a comment whore and just update when I'm ready for one, but I would like some feedback.

I know that the last few chapters were like, fillers, but they're really important for the storyline, so bear with me, please. =]

Thank you x