Status: completed; sequel 'Battling the Loss You Live For' is now running.

Smiles Echo In My Memory


“Sazzy!” Frank whispered quietly with a slight tone to his voice about ten minutes later, the thunder/lightening storm still going strong. “Let me go to sleep,” he grumbled, poking me in the side. “Go to sleep then, I’m not stopping you,” I whispered shakily, still terrified of the raging storm outside.
“Well, I can’t because you won’t let me go back to the futon,” he muttered, getting grouchy. “No, stay!” I muttered/shrieked into his ear, clutching onto him tighter. “Alright, alright, Jesus, I’ll stay,” Frank grumbled, closing his eyes slowly. I nestled into him more, getting comfortable and burying my head into his neck again. Frank started to rub small circles into my back, soothing me. It wasn’t long until I fell into a deep sleep.

“Sazzy? Oye, Sazzy! Get up!”
“Hmm… Go ‘way,” I mumbled, swatting away a hand that was lightly slapping me on my left cheek.
“It’s 12:30 and your Mom keeps calling! Something about a shine or something…? I don’t know,” Frank muttered, his hand resting in my hair. I slowly opened my eyes, then quickly shutting them again due to the bright light coming from the light bulb from the middle of the room. “Aaahhh!”
“Oh, yeah… Sorry, hang on,” Frank said, as I felt him get up from the bed and heard the click of the light switch. I opened my eyes again, to be met with a subtle darkness and Frank sitting up next to me and picking up the telephone from the nightstand. “Call your Mom, she called at about 11. And my Mom’s gone grocery shopping,”
I groaned and sat up, quickly flattening my bed hair at the same time.
“No matter how much you try to flatten your hair, it’s not going to work,” Frank stated, smirking. I sent him a glare and pulled the phone from his hand, wrapping some of the cord around my little finger. Frank quickly punched my house number into the base unit, and motioned for me to put my ear to the phone. I heard the soft ‘beep, beep’ of the dialing tone, stating that my home phone was ringing.
“Hello?” a female voice sounded from the line, in a soft tone.
“Ani?” I questioned, fidgeting with the phone. Frank got up off the bed, and moved towards the wardrobe, pulling out a plain yellow tee, a pair of faded light blue skinnies and a grey hoodie, after noting the weather outside by glancing out of the window. He walked out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.
“Yeah? Sazzy, is that you?” Ani said, bringing me back to the phone conversation. “Yeah, it’s me, spazface,” I joked to my younger sister, smiling. “You fricken’ idiot! Where the hell are you?! You knew Shine was going to be coming over today!” Ani cried, shouting so loud, I swear I heard unhealthy cracks coming from her phone.
“Shine?! And shitting hell, woman. Don’t break the phone!”
“Just get your ass over here, now! She’ll be here in about an hour!”
“An-” I got cut off due to my little sister, Ani hanging up on me. I slammed the phone down quickly, and jumped out of bed, and ran towards Frank’s wardrobe. I pulled out all of my shopping bags from the night before, and began rooting through them to find a suitable outfit to wear. “Fuck!” I muttered under my breath, after finding out I didn’t have a top to go properly with my dark faded grey jeans. I started rooting through all my other stuff that lives at the pit of Frank’s wardrobe, and found my trademark all-black converse, along with my favorite black a silver scarf. I pulled out my black hoodie that I was wearing the night before, and threw all the clothes on the double bed, and shoved all of my belongings into the bags, ready to take home with me. Right on queue, Frank walked in, fully dressed and ready. “Frank! I don’t have a top to go with this shit!” I wailed dramatically, pointing at the mess of clothes on his unmade bed, with my other hand slapped against my forehead. He smirked at me, and looked over at the clothes. “Don’t have to go all drama-queen about it,” he stated, his smirk growing that little bit bigger. He walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out his favorite Misfits tee, and throwing it towards the bed. “Now hurry up, I’m making coffee and toast,” he bellowed out happily, bouncing out of the room. I hastily gathered up the outfit and made my way to the bathroom, cleaning up and pulling on the garments. When I was finally ready, I bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen, immediately gulping down the black coffee that was waiting for me on the table and sat on one of the worktops, biting into a slice of toast.
“Frankieeee, I gotta get home, like now,” I said idly, chewing on the last of my toast. He looked up from his mug, and smiled his infamous lopsided smirk.
“Want a lift?”
♠ ♠ ♠
34 comments, 45 readers, 14 subscribers
I love you guys. You really just madea moment, my day, seeing those numbers.

I'm sorry, recently I've been a hormonal bitch and just couldn't write, and I suppose I had a slight case of writers' block.
Hopefully it won't happen again.

And the next few chapters may be slightly interesting, lol.
Or I hope.