Status: completed; sequel 'Battling the Loss You Live For' is now running.

Smiles Echo In My Memory

You Got Me WHAT?!

Two days later, I woke up at 7:30 and started to get ready as fast as I could. I showered quickly, and towel-dried my hair before wrapping my long black locks in a towel. I ran into my bedroom, still wrapped up in towels and did my make-up, and then blow dried my hair. I then changed into a new pair of purple skinnies, and a new Misfits tee. I grabbed a white hoodie, and slipped on my white converse. I grabbed my wallet (yes, I know, a wallet!) and my keys, and ran downstairs, grabbing a slice of toast on the way out.

When I arrived at Franks’ place twenty minutes later, I let myself in, making sure to be quiet. He’d given me a key to his place because he always complained that he could never be bothered to get up to answer the door for me, the lazy shit. He often used an excuse that whenever I was coming over, he was always showering or he couldn’t hear the knock over his music or TV or whatever.
I pulled out my phone was I walked the stairs carefully, and looked at the time, 8:03am. I grinned stupidly as I saw Kelsey and Johnny sprawled out on their beds in the guest bedroom. The door was wide open, and Kelsey was snoring loudly, while Johnny was just kind of blubbering in his sleep. It was cute and funny at the same time. I closed the door for their own sake, and quietly made my way over to Frank’s room. I knew he didn’t lock it usually, and only when I was around, so I knew I wouldn’t have that problem. I opened the door, and saw Franks’ peaceful sleeping form huddled up in a corner of his double bed, up against the wall with the covers wrapped around him. His room looked messier than usual. There were empty cans of Red Bull and Rock Star scattered everywhere, and empty cartons of smokes strewn around the floor, and most the surfaces. I frowned slightly, scratching my head. I carefully treaded over all the cartons and cans, trying not to make any noise. It was really fucking hard, actually. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw something else other than a can of Red Bull or Rock Star. I bent down, picking it up. It was identical to all the other black cans in the room, after I looked at it carefully.
They weren’t cans of Rock Star. They were cans of Strong Bow.
Frank never drunk without an occasion. Unless he was angry, upset, or depressed. But if he was any of those things, he’d always call me.
I dropped the can down on the floor with a soft ‘clank’, and walked over towards Frank’s bed. I cautiously lowered myself onto the bed next to him, and shuffled over so I could see his angelic face. I stroked away some strands of smooth black hair out of his face, and leant down kissing his lip ring. He shuffled around a little bit, flinging his hand towards his head and rubbing the side of his face. I giggled softly, still stroking his hair.
“Frank,” I said softly, stretching the ‘a’ in his name. He kind of grunted, shifting about but not waking up. I frowned; he was quite a light sleeper. I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, and he stirred. This time his eyes fluttered open, and he groaned.
“Frankie!” I said, smiling down at him. He smiled in response, pulling me down to lie next to him.
“Happy birthday,” I whispered into his ear, before placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Um, Frank,” I mumbled, tracing his collarbone nervously.
“Did you, err-Why did you drink last night?” I asked, finally resting my hand on his neck. He shrugged, turning to face me.
“I didn’t, really. Kelsey and Johnny thought that I’d be fun if we had a few drinks to celebrate my sixteenth the night before,” I smiled at his answer, leaning towards him and kissing him softly. We pulled away and he pulled me into his chest.
“I got you a Les Paul,” I mumbled into his chest. I felt him freeze and stiffen in front of me, his arms tightening around me. After what seemed like forever, he finally spoke.
“You got me what?!
“Um, an Epiphone Elitist Les Paul Custom guitar,” I mumbled again, holding my breath. He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.
“Sazzy, are you fucking crazy?! They cost a bomb!
I giggled at his little outburst, and kissed his collarbone.
“You deserve it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, I suppose it's not really the same day now... =P
I just wanted to say, that as some of you may know, Johnny Hoal, the writer of 'Star Crawler' has unfortunately passed away. He was suffering from cancer, and died on the second of September.

That probably the reason why I didn't update on the second, because that's the day I found out.
We'll all miss him dearly.
Thischapter story is now dedicated to him.