Status: completed; sequel 'Battling the Loss You Live For' is now running.

Smiles Echo In My Memory

I Thought I'd give it a Name.

Just under an hour later, I was letting Frank into my house. He got a few ‘happy birthdays’ thrown at him and tackled into about five or six hugs. My mother gave him fifty pounds, which he kept declining again and again but she wouldn’t hear of it. She kept saying that you only turn sixteen once. She really did treat Frank like the son she never had.
I let Frank into my room, and sat down on my bed, with the guitar an arms’ length away. He just stood there in front of it, gawping. I giggled, and tugged at his arm, sitting him next to me.
“I never thought I’d see, no, have one of these,” he whispered, his eyes still locked on it. I smiled, my hands folded in my lap. He grasped my hand in his, lacing our fingers together.
“Thank you. So much,” he whispered, squeezing my hand. I grinned at him, squeezing back, before nodding towards the Les Paul in front of us. He grinned, pecking me on the cheek, standing up. He walked the three steps towards it and ran his index finger over the strings. He looked up and twisted his head to look at me.
“I thought I’d give it a name. What’s better than its owner’s nickname?” I replied, grinning. He chuckled, and dived at me.
“I love it, Sazzy. Thank you so much,” he mumbled, his lips pressed up against mine. I grinned, and moved my head forwards, meshing our lips together.

About two hours later, Frank and I were in his room, Pansy plugged into Frank’s amp. He was messing about on it, tuning it and stuff while I was picking something out for him to wear for the party that was meant to be starting in about… now. I heard the doorbell ring, and ran downstairs, throwing a pair of dark blue wash skinnies at Frank on the way out.
I opened the door, revealing Charley, Sydney, Katie, Jake, Rhea, Sally and Cally all crowded on the porch, grinning and shivering slightly because of the cold.
It was only about 12, but everyone insisted on a huge long party lasting for-fucking-ever, so we couldn’t really avoid it.
Anyways, I let them all in, all of them immediately running into the living room where the alcohol was situated. The stereo was turned up to full volume, and I ran back up to Frank’s room.
“The guys are here,” I said, seeing that Frank had changed into the jeans I’d thrown at him, and put Pansy and the amp away. I went over to the wardrobe, helping him go through his clothes for a decent tee. We picked out a Green Day one and he took off his plain red top, revealing his pale toned body. I licked my lips, and he turned to me, grinning.
“Checking me out?”
“A little hard not to,” I whispered, smiling. The next thing I know, I’m pushed up against the door of Franks’ wardrobe, with his mouth attached to the crook of my neck. A soft moan escaped my lips, and I felt him grin against my skin, sucking and biting slightly harder.
“F-Frank,” I mumbled, latching onto his hair. I heard him moan, his eyes fluttering closed. I tugged onto his hair, pulling him away from me slightly.
“They’re downstairs,” I whispered, running my hands through his hair again. He moaned again, closing his eyes and his grip on my waist slacking. He loved it when you played with his hair.
“Fuck, you know what that does to me,” he whispered, opening his eyes wide. I grinned at him, pushing him towards the abandoned Green Day t-shirt. He put it on hurriedly, and grabbed my hand.
“Par-tay time!” he announced, just as the door bell went off again. We went back downstairs, to a thriving party. A bunch of people slapped Frank on the back, wishing him and stuff before wondering off again.
I gratefully took a Bacardi Breezer off Frank, smiling. I had the worst feeling knotting up in my stomach and I hated it. I took a swig of my drink, hoping for the feeling to pass.
♠ ♠ ♠
I’m sorry that this took for-fucking-ever to post up. I’m back at school now, and even though it’s been my fifth day back, I have a huge pile of coursework piled up already.
So, this story might not be updated as much as it usually is now. Maybe, hopefully once a week.