Status: completed; sequel 'Battling the Loss You Live For' is now running.

Smiles Echo In My Memory

Where the *** is Jake Stewart?!

My head started to swim even more than it already was. I don’t really know what properly happened, but Sydney had grabbed onto my forearm, pulling me up straight.
“Sazzy?! SOMEONE GET ME A BOTTLE OF WATER!” I blinked furiously a few times, my vision becoming clearer with each blink.
“Katie… What the hell? W-Why do you say that…?” I mumbled, rubbing my forehead and taking a sip of the water Sydney had passed me.
“Because… Jake, he… he tried to make Frank…” she trailed off, mumbling to herself. Sydney gave her a funny look, raising her eyebrow.
“Get it together, woman! What happened?” Sydney cried, waving her arms about dramatically. Trust Sydney to be all dramatic and light-hearted in a situation like this. It was good, though, helped keep your head straight.
Katie sighed deeply, looking up at us.
“Basically… When you two went off to dance, you left Frank with Jake. Jake offered him a beer, which I saw him spike. I thought he was going to drink it himself, you know, give himself a little kick or whatever,” she said, her eyes flitting between mine and Sydney’s. She took a deep breath, and continued.
“But then, I went to the sofa’s to find Rhee, and he was there, next to Frank, giving him the same beer…” I gasped at Katie’s confession. I knew that already, but hearing about one of my best friends drugging not only my boyfriend, but my closest friend was pretty heart breaking.
But it was then that a realization hit me.
Where the fuck could Frank be?
Not only that, but Jake is still here somewhere.
That angered me to the core. That fucker was still here, in Frank’s house! After he drugged him!
Sydney and Katie suddenly became very sympathetic towards me, in their body language to their facial expressions.
“Sazzy…? Um, do you want a beer, hunnie? Vodka?”
“No.” I said through gritted teeth to Sydney’s offer. “I want that fucker out of this fucking house!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. The music that was pumping freely out of the huge speakers was stopped, and all eyes turned to me. I took this as my golden opportunity.
“Where the fuck is Jake Stewart?!”
A few eyes darted about, before someone yelled, jumping about by one of the speakers.
“There!” Katie pointed out, weaving through the crowd, and pulling me along with her, Sydney’s hand glued to mine. We met Charley on the way, a confused look etched onto his face.
“Syd, what the hell is going-”
“I’ll explain everything later. We need to throw Jake out. Now,” I heard Syd mutter to Charley, who had gripped onto her hand. I was brought face to face with a quivering Jake, who was visibly sweating and, no doubt scared. I grabbed onto his collar, pulling him towards me.
“Where is he?! What did you fucking do?!”
“Sazzy, I didn’t… Please… I- I… So-”
“SHUT UP!” I yelled, dragging him out towards the living room door. Charley followed me closely, with a fuming expression on his face. Sydney and Katie probably told him. When I reached the front door, I heard the music start up again.
“Sazzy! Let me deal with it!” I heard Charley cry, and I grinned evilly. I knew what Charley was like when he was angry, and quite frankly, I’d love to see parts of Jake’s body scattered along the road. I swung my arm forward, crashing Jake into Charley, and running back into the living room.
I needed to find Frank, before it was too late.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you so much for all of the comments, I’m so fucking happy because of them. I got six! I love you guys.
Also, I finally got my NVQ level one certificate! I’m now officially a hair stylist! =D

Also, anyone wanna make me a banner? I’m a little bit of a banner junkie =P