Status: completed; sequel 'Battling the Loss You Live For' is now running.

Smiles Echo In My Memory

I'm Scaring You.

“Frankie? Frank, please wake up, babe,” I whispered to him, stroking his cheek delicately. I felt Charley’s small frame next to me, his hand on my shoulder.
“Frank… Please wake up…” I mumbled, my eyes watering again. Charley squeezed my shoulder, after wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
Frank’s fingers twitched in my hand, his eyes moving beneath his eyelids.
“Frank,” I called out again. This time, his eyes fluttered open, and he groaned out in pain.
“Frank! You’re awake… Oh, thank god,” I mumbled, hot tears rolling down my cheeks yet again. I felt Frank grip at my hand and the feeling of water on my slightly exposed left shoulder. I grabbed Charley’s other hand with my own, squeezing it. I hated it when my friends cried. I let go of him quickly, wiping away my tears.
“Sazzy…” I heard a husky voice whisper, and immediately recognized it as Frank’s. It was the same voice he used on the first day we met.

“I want to,” he cut me off, whispering in a raspy way. It almost broke my heart. I could feel his emotions, like he emitted rays of them all around him, and if you were close enough, you could feel it. To put it simply, it was depressing.

He knew I hated it when he used that tone. It fucking broke my heart.
“Frank…” I whispered, clutching onto his clean shirt. He smirked slightly, his eyes only half open.
“I’m sorry…” he mumbled, removing my right hand from his chest and entwining his fingers with mine. He shook his head a few times, and opened his eyes fully.
“What the fuck happened?” he asked, rubbing his forehead with his free hand. Charley cleared his throat, wiping away at a stray tear.
“Jake spiked your drink. Then tried to get you to make-out with Katie… who was really drunk at the time,”
Frank stayed quiet for a while, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips forming a frown.
“What?” he finally said, looking at me. I nodded, confirming that Charley wasn’t lying.
“Why the fuck did he do that?!” I never saw Frank that upset or angry before. I was honestly actually quite scared. He looked like he was ready to punch someone, and his grip on my hand didn’t say otherwise, either. I pulled away from his grip, and he turned to me with wide eyes. His features softened, and pulled me into him, his arms wrapped securely around me.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled into my ear, before kissing my temple. I nuzzled my face into his neck, kissing it.
“You don’t have to say sorry for anything…”
“I’m scaring you.”
I stayed quiet at his comment, not sure what to say. So instead, I pulled away from him, standing up.
“I think… I’ll go. You two talk. I’ll be downstairs,” I said vaguely, opening the door. I walked out slowly, shutting the white wooden door behind me.

I ran downstairs, bumping into random people on the way down. I weaved my way through, pushing people out of my way towards the drinks. I picked up a half empty bottle of vodka, and poured out three shots. I felt like I had to get hammered, for some reason. I don’t know why, there was this unknown feeling at the pit of my stomach, and I didn’t like it. My brain automatically thought ‘alcohol’ and I craved it.
”SYDNEY! RHEA?!” I yelled out. They were bound to hear me. I waited a while, until I saw a pissed-off looking Sydney emerge from a clump of people grinding beside me.
“Sazzy! Are you okay? How’s Frank?” she ranted, placing a hand on my arm. I smiled at her, passing her a shot.
“Down one with me?” she nodded, grinning and taking the small plastic cup from my hand. I picked up the other one, passing it to Rhea, who had appeared on my left side. We took them together, ginning like idiots.
“So… you didn’t tell me. Is Frank okay?” I nodded at Syd, smiling slightly.
“He’s awake. Charley and he are talking upstairs,”
“I bet they’re fucking,” Rhea giggled, before wondering off to some weirdo’s in the corner. I shrugged, an eyebrow raised.
“She’s totally not drunk,” I commented, turning to Sydney. She giggled, hugging me.
“I’m glad you’re okay… and Frank. You were really upset,”
“Yeah… I dunno what I’d do if something worse happened to him…” I mumbled off, pulling away from her.
She just smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Things are going to get better, then worse.