Status: completed; sequel 'Battling the Loss You Live For' is now running.

Smiles Echo In My Memory

She Flirts With Anything That Has Legs!

The bell rang, and the rest of our form cluttered in, with the usual babble echoing around the room. Frank looked pretty nervous, and he looked adorably cute!
“It’s okay, not much to worry about in our form,” I stated, trying to put is mind at ease. But like I said, I’m shit at that stuff. He kinda seemed to relax a little when he realized that one-one had taken any notice of him. Suddenly, a small figure ran incredibly fast towards me, grabbing me into a tight hug. “SAZZY!” she yelped, tightening her grip on me even more.
“Sa-Sally- Can’t- GET OFF ME!” I gasped, choking for air. “Oh, god, sorry!” she said hurriedly, letting go of me. “Anyways,” I started, fixing my hair and top which she had ruined. “You missed me that much?”
“Are you joking? It was like HELL without you!” she declared, giggling. Sally was another one of my close friends. She had the most amazingly dark brown eyes and matching hair. She wasn’t that much taller than me, but I still get the ‘shrimp’ jokes thrown at me from her. I loved her to bits.
She and Rhea have a lot in common, so they can be like each other sometimes. I had this theory that they were long-lost sisters or something. They have the same taste in music and the same sense of humor. Other than that, Sal’s very individual most of the time. And that’s what me and Rhee love about her.
“Oh, Sal, this is Frank. He moved here from America,” I said, gesturing towards him. “And Frank, this is Sally, one of my really close friends.”
“Hi,” Sally said to him, waving. Frank smiled at her, muttering a ‘hello’ back. Sally walked in front of us and sat with Rhea, taking a head phone off her.
“Hey, how come you don’t have an accent?” I asked Frank, turning to face him. I’m always asking random stuff like that. “I come from Belleville, and it’s quite a trampy area, so no-one really has accents there…” he said, shrugging.

Coultas started taking the register, and about half way through, Frank’s name got called.
“Frank Eye-row?” everyone started to look around the room, looking for the unfamiliar face.
“Eye-year-oh,” Frank called out, sucking on something on his lip. Everyone just kinda carried on with their shit.
Afterwards, Coultas stood up and started on the updates of our GCSE’s, and other stuff we really didn’t need to know.
“Oh, and err- we got a new member to our form, Frank,” he announced, nodding towards him. “-so be nice.” Everyone just mumbled something.
After Coultas stopped his rambling, Yasmin came over. Yasmin was this girl that I utterly despised, but she thinks that I don’t. She doesn’t really have any common sense. She also claims that we’re ‘best friends for live, blad’ whatever that’s meant to mean. She probably thinks that I like her because I feel sorry for her because she doesn’t really have any friends, so I talk to her once in a while.
“Sazzy! Hey! Summer all good? Haven’t seen you in ages!” she chattered, sounding like an annoying female version of Mr. Lamb. I just nodded at her. She kinda looked put out, but turned to Frank. “Hi! Frank was it?” she asked stupidly, holding out her hand. He looked quite surprised at her action, but shook her hand anyways. He quickly went back to flicking through his planner, clearly to avoid talking to her.
“He’s a little moody, ain’t he?” Yasmin whispered to me. I threw her a dirty look. “Fuck off, Yasmin. Don’t be such a bitch,” I hated it when she thought she could talk about people like that. There’s no other person I’d rather kill. With joy. She finally caught my drift and sulked off to the other side of the room.
“What’s the deal with her?” Frank asked, looking up from his planner. I sighed heavily. “Okay. Basically, I’ve known her since I was around six, but she’s always been a argumentative bitch, and stuck-up. Now, she thinks I’m her ‘best friend’, thinks she’s cool, and flirts with anything that has legs, and… Well, do you get my point?” I asked, realizing that I was babbling. He smiled again. “But, of course,” I placed my hand on his arm. “Welcome to the crew,”
He had confusion etched on his face. “Sal! Rhee!” I whispered to them, and they turned around, facing us. “Yup?” Rhea questioned, a head phone hanging out of one of her ears.
“He’s one of us!” I stated, sounding excited. “Really?!” Sal said, matching my tone. “He gets the Yasmin thing!" Rhea whispered, or shouted, just loud enough for us to hear.
Frank’s face changed into a gorgeous smile as the bell went for first lesson.
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I'm ill.
I hate being ill.

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