Status: completed; sequel 'Battling the Loss You Live For' is now running.

Smiles Echo In My Memory


About an hour and a half into the lesson, I checked my phone. “10 minutes!” I groaned, plopping my head onto Frank’s shoulder.
“Hang on…” he said. He had been going through all of the lessons in his timetable for the past half an hour and I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew our lessons off by heart.
“What? No…” he mumbled a few seconds after, his eyes widening.
“Hmm?” I muttered, yawning and sitting up properly.
“We… Have Technology next,” he whispered, his eyes still fixed on the last lessons’ block.
“Huh? Oh yeah. What did you pick?”
“I didn’t.”
“What do you mean? You have to!”
“I know,” he said, rolling his eyes and looking at me. “There was only one type of Tech that had spaces left,”
“Really…? My Textiles have about 6 spa… Oh my god!” I squealed, and then bursting into laughter. “You- You’re the only g-guy in Textiles!” I gasped, clutching my side which a stitch had formed in.
“Oh, I feel privileged,” he said sarcastically, but grinning nonetheless.
“You should,” I replied, giggling. “Hahaha! I’ll be called a pansy!” he said, giggling again.
“You’re a pansy, Textiles or not,” I stated, grinning at him.

When lunch came, I showed Frank the wonders of Five-Ways. It was this place that was near school and it had all these shops there, and a couple of café’s and a co-op. There was also the best bakery in the whole of England there: Raven’s.
When we got outside, it was only spitting slightly but Frank insisted I wear his jacket again. Rhea Sal and Cally didn’t want to come out to Five-Ways because of the weather, so they were gonna stick with the shitty canteen food. After about 5 minutes of walking, we got to Raven’s. As I said, it was like the best bakery in England in my eyes, and just about everyone who went to Varndean eyes, too.
“Frank, wait until you try these brownies, they’re like the best mother fu-”
“Fuck! You’re right! These are so... Lush!” he gushed, after taking his first bite of brownie. I grinned at him, starting to eat my own brownie.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry I took ages to post and it's short... And that I didn't post this half when I said I would!
*Hands out skittles/cookies/chocolates/others as apology*
But if SOMEONE*cough* IAteMikeyWay *cough* would let me on the computer later I could post up the other chapter...