Stripes In The Devil

Chaptah One: "Flashbacks are seizures less noticed

(A/N: Pete Wentz kind of becomes my cousin Aaron Bennett in this story. Here he is just a rep for FBR and although Fall Out Boy still exists Pete Wentz did not found DecayDance Records or find Panic! at the Disco. Now as I noted in the summary, don't get mad at me for background changes.
ps: if you are a new reader feel free to drop in at the comments and say hi!)

My clothes stuck to my skin in the excited sweat of a recent adrenaline rush. Running my hands through my hair I removed enough confetti to supply a small surprise party. This was - I guess is - my life. But, this isn't where my story starts. Oh no, it took me a very long time to get to this point. So let's take a little rewind here so you can get my full story. Hold on tight…


God, I was used to not-so-fresh air and busy streets (basically the ins and out's of a big city), but this place was crazy. Now I'm getting a little ahead of myself like I tend to do from to time. You’re going to have to work with me here.

So I was just coming off of high school, not exactly a virgin to the real world but a virgin none the less if you catch my drift. Now moving to Chicago in the fourth grade was the end of my world aka my three best girlfriends back in Kansas. In time I came to like living in the city, made new friends, and my dad's new job paid a whole lot better. I guess the nice new care and the new clothes weren't enough to keep mommy - I mean mom - around. But there I go getting into things that don't need discussing again.

Anyway, back to the story. With mom leaving in my junior year (something dealing with affairs and plane tickets to Tahiti is all I'm saying) nothing was holding me in Chicago except for school and friends. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad to death, but static cling didn't hover around him like it did my mom- he gave me the space I needed. Dad was alright with me moving after high school, just not alone.

I spent most of senior year re-working my post secondary school plans. By the time graduation rolled around the plans were made. My cousin Aaron was moving out to Las Vegas as a rep for this indie label Fueled By Ramen. I always teased him about Ramen paying for his noodles ---- okay you didn't have to laugh.

Hugely into the Chicago music scene by this point, the prospect of hanging with Aaron more appealed to me. He knew that I was leaving behind a somewhat established band of two years (Symptoms Of The Heart), and agreed to help me form a new one at some point. In turn, my job was to help him discover fresh new talent in Vegas. Why not use him to make my band big you may be thinking. I don't cheat.