Stripes In The Devil

Chaptah Ten: "As Days Go By The Memories Remain"

For about a week things ran on smoothly. I went to work and came home. Aaron had started to avoid me when we were home, he could feel the tension that Nick was creating with the alcohol on his breath. Nick still hadn’t tried anything like that again. I loved him… sometimes love is hard.

July 16th was a day that changed my life. It was the day that set my future career. The day that I met two of my best friends. The day that my place in the world as a woman changed. The day it happened.

Friday the 16th Ryan called me as I was leaving work. I waited for about ten minutes while he came to pick me up. I was finally getting to see the famous Summer League. We pulled up to the house and three kids came out to meet us. I recognized one of them as Brendon. The other two had long hair that covered most of their faces and were slightly heavier set than Ryan and Brendon (of course everyone looks bigger standing next to toothpicks).

They started off a bit shaky – I could tell they didn’t normally play with an audience. They got better though the longer they played. I swear I had my eyes shut for 95% of the music. The melodies were catchy, the lyrics were captivating with a sort of edgy mystery, and Ryan – well his voice was like the smooth feeling of water washing over your body while swimming.

Needles to say, I was impressed. I figured I would work with these guys – help them refine their sound. When they were ready I would present them to Aaron. I could tell that they would be great. First I had to get to know them all better. Of course I already knew Ryan who was the vocalist and played guitar. I also knew their lead guitarist Brendon a bit. Brent, their bassist, and I seemed to have the most in common. Through the years I knew him we would have many long meaningful conversations. Finally there was the drummer, Spencer. He seemed like the kind of guy whose friendship I might have to work for.

After their practice was over I sat talking and messing around with my new friends. About 9pm Ryan gave me a ride home. I was surprised he could get to my apartment on his own, but then I remembered that he was had lived in this area all his life. Once we got there he insisted on walking me up to my door.

When I opened the door I heard something glass clink behind it. It turned out to be an empty bottle… an empty vodka bottle. I headed for the bathrooms I could take a shower. As I pulled my shoes off, I tried to push the bottle from my mind. The door crashed open behind me. Nick stood there glaring at me. His eyes were unfocused and he was swaying a bit. The version of him scared me senseless.

Nick grabbed me by the arm and hissed in my face “Where have you been?!” God, his breath was awful and I could feel a bruise forming where his hand lay. “I w-was j-j-just at my friend’s b-band practice” I stuttered. The fear and pain was showing in my voice. His grip tightened which I hadn’t thought was possible. “Your ‘friend’ huh” he continued accusingly “Oh I’m sure you and that Ryan kid have been getting real friendly.” “N-no” I stammered “he’s just my friend Nick I prom-” SMACK!

I was stunned… he just hit me! I didn’t see him pull his arm back because I was just too busy pleading with him. I felt the heat rushing to the place where the back of his hand had struck my face with all its might. I felt the tears rush to my eyes. Everything was spinning and I was lying limp on the bathroom floor, my glasses laying about two feet away. “Don’t lie to me” Nick spat as he stalked out of the room.