Stripes In The Devil

Chaptah Eleven: "Come and Rescue Me"

I don’t know how long I waited there seeing if he would come back. Finally I got up and pulled my shoes on. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and noticed that it was still silenced from work. I had two missed calls and a voicemail. The voicemail was from Aaron as were both calls. The message simply stated that he was flying out to Denver, CO for some FBR business thing. Great… I was there to deal with it alone.

I really wished that I had been able to talk to Aaron when he called me at 2 pm. I peered out to the living room where Nick was sleeping on the couch. His glasses were askew and he looked like he had practically collapsed there. I doubted that he would remember this by morning… but just in case he did I didn’t want to be there.

I went into my room and quickly got together enough clothes for about three days - better safe than sorry. I tossed them, my flat iron, my toothbrush, my hairbrush, and a few other things into my old Greed Day messenger. Thinking again I went over to the shelf and grabbed a couple picks and my bass off its stand. I put Chip (my bass) in its soft case and over my shoulder. Looking around the room I took my teddy off of my bed – don’t laugh it’s been my comfort object since I was two.


Thirty minutes later I was almost to my work. I had decided to walk the normally ten minute drive there.. being around people on the bus just didn’t sound appealing. I was still about five minutes away from Musicians Friend when I called Ryan. He was really the only person I knew who lived within a 100 mile radius… sad I know. He was kind of like my newest best friend.

The phone rang four times and then went to his voicemail were he babbled about Wonder Bread. I slammed the phone shut and collapsed sobbing on the pavement. I was just so tired and I didn’t know what to do and – the phone began reading. “H-hello?” I spluttered into the phone. “Hey Rae I’m sorry I missed your call I – sweetie what’s wrong?” Ryan questioned. “Ry… can you please come and get me please?” I begged. Ryan quickly replied “Of course – but what – where are you?” I told him and laid there in wait.

When I heard Ryan pull up I was laying in a fetal position hugging my teddy. He came over and without a word, scooped me up in his arms and placed me gently in the passenger seat of his car.