Stripes In The Devil

Chaptah Thirteen: "Nobody Likes You"

My face was so cold… why was it so freaking cold? I realized that ice was covering most of the left half of my face. Apparently I freaked the guys out so bad that they just started wiping the blood from my face and searching for ice packs.

“Oh shit’ Ryan muttered after a bit. “What?” I asked. “Brent” he replied “I totally forgot about practice tonight… Rae do you need to come with us?” I knew I couldn’t stay there alone comfortably at that point. I agreed half-heartedly (I was very tired). I went and packed Nick’s things into his bags and took them out to the hall. The guys had sat him out there still unconscious. Maybe I should have been worried about him… but I wasn’t. I noticed that they had written ‘dick’ and ‘weed’ in sharpie across each lens of his now broken glasses. Mature.

We drove over to Spencer’s house or I guess his grandma’s house. I had styled my hair down to cover most of face and had my hood pulled up so that I wouldn’t draw attention to my face. I guess I fell asleep on the twenty minute drive. I’ve always fallen asleep on car rides (my dad used to drive around the lake to me to go to sleep as a baby back in Kansas). Brent pulled me out of the backseat of the car and carried me up and in the door once we reached Spencer’s.

The boys started playing and I stirred awake. They couldn’t see my eyes under my hair so I pretended to still be asleep (they had laid me down on a couch in the room). They were playing so much better now that they didn’t know someone was watching them. After they finished playing ‘It’s Time To Dance’ for the third time a row (they didn’t have very many songs to practice), I sat up and applauded. Although I startled them pretty good they kept playing but it lack its earlier luster.

I went out of the room to answer my phone which was ringing at me. “Hello” I answered. “Hey sweet thing” Aaron responded (everyone had their own little pet name for me). “Ah!” I screeched “when are you coming home bitch?!” Aaron chuckled and I could here lots of people in the background. “I’ll be back on the 26th. Why, you missing me already?” he joked. I told him that I had lots of things to fill him in on once he got back. I hung up the phone and went to dial it again.

The phone rang three times before a familiar and missed voice answered “What’s it hommie?” Sara always brought a smile to my face. “Hey babe. I was wondering if you were busy this week?” “Hmm…” Sara replied “I’m gonna have to check my schedule… hey Chris (obvious name drop) do you think you could fill in for me next week? Yeah? Kay thanks. Umm… no shows till the 29th… I’m wide open!” I suggested that she come out and visit me for a week. She agreed and we planned that she would get to Vegas the next evening.

When I hung up the phone I heard hushed speaking coming from the next room. I crept over and put my ear near the crack in the door. “Don’t you think she’s just looking for attention? I mean she seems like the type” Spencer whispered. I was instantly infuriated. How could say something like that about me, someone he didn’t even know. I heard a swift smacking sound followed by “Hey what was that for?!” Brent quickly retorted “You don’t even know her so how can you say those things? Besides you weren’t even there when it happened.” THANK YOU BRENT! I thought to myself. Spencer replied “Like you know anything more about her than-“ I chose then as a good time to step in before an argument occurred.

I walked into the room and flipped back my hair to reveal my forming black eye. There was still a b it of dried blood and red staining around my nose. It seemed to have the desired effect on Spencer. He cringed at the sight of my swollen and purpling skin and subconsciously placed his hand on the side of his own face. I was satisfied.

The guys were all four sitting on the couch together. I wriggled my butt in between Spencer and Brendon and then stretched out my body over the laps of all four guys making myself comfortable. “God Rae you need a sandwich or something” Brendon exclaimed “your butt is way too bony.” “Yeah yeah” I said snuggled my head into the space between Brent’s hoodie and his stomach. People call me flirtatious or an attention whore. I’m just in love with physical contact. Brent seemed to understand and let me stay there all snuggled and warm. I eventually drifted off to sleep as the conversation continued around me.