Stripes In The Devil

Chaptah Fourteen: "I Feel Stupid and Contagious"

“Whoa she smells like teen spirit!” Ryan exclaimed shifting my dead weight in his arms. “How do you even know that? I mean teen spirit… isn’t that chick deodorant or something? Why? “Here” Ryan shifted me again. “I’m not going to smell her.” Spencer said. “Come on” Ryan insisted “she smells good.” Spencer sighed “Fine.” His chin bumped my shoulder and without even thinking I coiled my ‘sleeping’ arm around his neck.

I’m not sure why I did it. I guess my only explanation is that I was determined to win Spencer over. He seemed like the only one of the guys who didn’t like me. Ryan chuckled “Dude I think she wants you.” “Whatever” Spencer replied attempting to pull away from me, but my grip was strong. Finally he gave a resigned sigh and slid his arm behind my knees.

“Ryan!” a shrill voice called from out of the room. “Tara I’m in my room” Ryan responded. I heard footfalls and- wait pause. I was at Ryan’s? How did that happen? Yeah I was confused too. So anyway there was a strange slurping sound that followed the opening and closing of a door. “Oh God!” Spencer cried “why do you two always have to do that in front of me?!” Tara giggled (annoying). “You’re just jealous that you don’t get any action man” Ryan chuckled.

Spencer’s neck got hot against my forehead. Obviously he was embarrassed by his lack of ‘lady friends’. The wonderful part’s still to come. Me in my infinite wisdom let my hand slip off of his shoulder and it landed – you guessed it – right on his package. I felt Spencer’s neck burn hotter than ever. “Umm… little help here” Spencer muttered to Tara and Ryan. His arms were both occupied with holing me so he was struggling in vain to swing my arm away but it was turned at an odd angle and wasn’t budging. “Aww little Spencee Wencee’s getting his first piece of ass!” Tara cackled. God this chick was so annoying.

I went into my actress mode at that point. I made a fake little stretching motion removing my hand. I yawned and snuggled against Spencer’s chest. When I slowly opened my eyes I feigned shock at seeing him holding me. I really did put on a great show. “Good morning sleeping beauty” Ryan chimed in. “Good morning guys and uhh.. um-“ Ryan smiled “I’m sorry Rae you haven’t met my girlfriend Tara” he stated gesturing towards the girl.

“So I finally get to meet this famous Rae! I’m heard so much about you!” Tara bubbled. I plastered a big phony smile on my face and answered her in my sweetest most syrupy voice “Oh I know right? I’ve heard so many great things about you too!” Truth be told, Ryan had never even mentioned having a girlfriend or that he even had a friend name Tara for that matter. Ryan shot me a pleading glance that shouted ‘I know you’re making fun of her even if she doesn’t.’

I looked to my watch (aka cell phone) to see that it was 11:36 AM on Sunday July 18th, 2004. I always loved how exact the clock was. I planted my arm back on Spencer’s shoulder and said “Thank you for being my own walking taxi but I must goodbye.” He set me down and then I jumped up a couple of inches in the air to give him a peck on the cheek and a quick hug. His face shone scarlet as I skipped across the room to Ryan and Tara. I hopped up and gave Ryan and hug and kiss on the check before moving on to a clearly shocked Tara and giving her girlie little air kisses.


Ryan offered me a ride home which I thanked him for but rejected and Spencer offered to escort me out to Ryan’s car (such a giving person). In the end I took my usual big crowded limo – the bus. As I was their best sales person Musician’s Friend always gave me the weekends off and made about four other people work in my place. That was good because I had slept really late that morning and Sara was coming later in the evening.

As soon as I got home I rushed up my apartment and set down my things and started cleaning. Things were still kind of messed from the night before and … well two guys had been living there. No more need be said. I went into the kitchen and tossed out three cans of Aaron’s beer and a bottle of Nick’s vodka. There was also a bottle of gin…

You know Sara and I met for the first time in the fifth grade when my mom and her dad dragged us both to their AA meeting. Great place to meet people, waiting for your mommy outside of a room full of alcoholics. We never once judged each other because it would have been like judging one’s reflection in a mirror. But enough trips down memory lane.

I debated on the sleeping arrangement but decided to let Sara stay in Aaron’s room. I went to go put some clean sheets on his bed and in the process almost broke a five thousand dollar guitar and almost fell out a window. I considered cleaning up in his room but I knew he would be kill me and Sara preferred messes. By the time I was ready to go and get her I was sweating and a third of our apartment was in a garbage bag.

Sara called me to tell me her plane had landed but that she was still on board. “You sound out of breath” she bubbled over the phone. “Oh I was just cleaning” I replied. Sara knew me well enough so that was a good enough explanation for her. “Rachel?” Sara asked “You don’t mind that I brought a friend out with me do you?” “No way. I’m so alone right now I can’t wait for company” I replied. I told her I would be there in twenty minutes. As I went to get another set of clean sheets for the pull out bed on our couch I pondered the idea of Sara having a friend that I didn’t know. I know it may sound ridiculous but ever since we met Sara and I had always known the same people.


My sweet ride pulled up to the airport and I hopped out onto the curb (I got a taxi for this kind of special occasion). I anticipated seeing my long missed friend. As soon as I saw her shocking blonde hair I squealed and wrapped my arms tightly around her familiar form. I pulled a piece of Wonder Bread out of my bag and stuck it in her mouth. “What the hell?” she questioned through bouts of laughter. “You’re smaller than I remember” I replied matter-of-factly. “Actually I was addressing the fact that you carry sandwich making materials in your bag” she returned with a smirk. “Ha ha that’s a long story” I laughed.

It wasn’t till then that noticed another girl standing shyly behind Sara. She looked extremely nervous twirling her shoulder length blonde hair around one finger. Now mind you it wasn’t at blonde as Sara’s but it was dyed a flashy red underneath. I admired her milky porcelain skin that I had never been able to achieve myself. “So who’s your friend?” I asked. “This is Kirsten” Sara replied “I kinda thought that you might like to meet your… well replacement.” I’m sure that shock was stamped on my face but I quickly flashed a smile and hugged this new addition, welcoming her to the family. And it really was a family.

Like I said before, Sara had shocking blonde hair that was different just about every time I saw her. She had the most gorgeous blue eyes that could sparkle like ice on a good day or consume her persona in grey on a bad on. One of her arms was a work in progress filled with tattoos of cartoons she had watched as a child. Since I had seen her last she had gotten the second half of her snake bites done. When it cam to build we were like the same person except that she was about 4 inches taller than me. We were both overweight in middle school but the high school years weren’t kind to us and by senior year we were both just about skeletal.

Enough boring descriptions. On the ride back in the cab Sara and Kirsten filled me in on everyone back at home. I was pleased to here how well our old friends Fall Out Boy (by that point I had purchased the their second album ‘Take This To Your Grave’), The Academy, and various other friends of ours in the music world. They told me of their ventures with Candi and Ellen (my old band mates) and about all their fanciful adventures. By the time we pulled up to my apartment the months apart felt like mere days. This week was bound ot have a lot of good things in store.