Stripes In The Devil

Chaptah Two: "Three Drug Free X's"

So moving to Vegas is where life starts to get pretty exciting. I couldn't sleep the first week in Vegas, my new home. I spent my nights texting my friends back in Chicago (I was already 100 over that month), checking out the sights, sounds and lights, and of course scouting for a nearby Starbucks.

Aaron woke up on our sixth night in Vegas to notice that I wasn't in my bed or for that matter, our apartment. Now let me tell you he freaked. I mean he completely wigged out. Well he found, but he almost hit me with his car in has half asleep craze. I was crossing the street as he came screeching down it looking for me (why he didn't just call, I have no idea). Needless to say I wasn't walking my seventeen year old ass around the streets at night after that.

Yeah so we're goanna jump ahead here a little bit. Picture early July on the strip, and me moshing in a bar. Just remember,
I'm straight edge all the way (sXe). Well anyway, I was at this concert in the club/bar. I had to scout for new talent ya know, and at the same time I watching a favorite band of my friend Sara back home called "Midnight Chaos".
At the center of the mosh pit - I've been known to start them - I was getting my ass kicked. Right as I cleared myself a six inch area to breathe in was when it happened... IT. As the crowd surfer passed over me, both his legs dropped on my head at the same time - hard. I've taken some pretty bad hits, but this one made everything go dark.


The first thing I noticed when I cam around was that the air didn't feel sweaty, and it was quiet. In my great wisdom I stuck my hand in front of me. I made contact with skin which was closely followed by a soft "Ow", and a hand gently pushing the hair back off of my face.

By this point I realized that I wasn't lying down as I originally thought, but being held the way you hold a baby. Oddly the thought didn't occur to me till now to open my eyes. When I opened my eyes I immediately felt tall, crazy I know. The person holding me had to be at least seven or eight inches taller than me, being only about 5'4" or 5'5" tall. I turned my head to the left and found myself looking the man carrying me right in the face.