Stripes In The Devil

Chaptah Twenty: "Happy Birthday Us"

Aaron and I pulled into the empty driveway of Spencer’s darkened house. I grabbed my bag full of CD’s and he gave me a piggy back ride up to the door (gotta love cousins). I went to ring the bell but there was a note covering the button. It read ‘Hey Rae, come on in and go down to the basement’. I gave Aaron a curious look and he returned and ornery grin. He dropped me and sprinted in the door into the darkness.

“Aaron! Wait up!” I called after him. I walked in and shut the door concealing me in darkness. I crossed the familiar living room and made my way down the stairs to the basement. As soon as my fingers flipped the light switch on I was just about blown away by an overwhelming shout of “SURPRISE!!!!!” All kinds of arms wrapped around me pulling me into a huge hug. I even had to listen to the song twice before I realized that it was my eighteenth birthday.

Everyone was at the surprise party. Sara, Ellen, Kirsten, and Candi from the band of course were there. All the guys were there with Tara (Hayley was conspicuously absent). Aaron had sent his girlfriend, Celeste, ahead of time. The most surprising of the guests were some old friends of mine from a band called Fall Out Boy. I was thoroughly overwhelmed.

Around nine PM we were opening presents. “Guys” I said looking around the room “you are all so amazing. How did you manage this?” Aaron grinned and said “well this is a big deals o I called Ryan and Sara and well… you’re kind of popular.” Sara chimed in next with “As soon as Aaron called me with his plans for a party I told the girls and word spread. We actually had to tell people they couldn’t come.” My old buddy Joe joined in saying “We only got to come because we promised great present!” Everyone had a good laugh at that.

The presents were absolutely amazing actually. Andy handed me a black canvas carry on bag, the tag said his name on it. My friend are so lazy that their version of wrapping a present is sticking it in a carry on but that’s why I love them. As soon as I forced the zipper open I was drowned with little bags of fruit snacks, candy, legos, and a plethora of guitar picks. Waiting underneath the small stuff was a red and black beanie with my name stitched in the side. There were also cut off gloves to match it and both of them were from Patrick. Joe gave me a ‘The Cure’ shirt signed by Robert Smith (the guy’s my hero when it comes to eBay). Peter gave me a hoodie that said ‘Second star to the right’ on the back and a picture of a star on the front. Screen printed inside of the hood was a picture of him riding a tricycle while I sat on the handle bars. Finally there was Andy’s present. According to him the DVD was of a bunch of our shenanigans that Pete had recorded. He joked that their might be a little PETA subliminal messaging involved too.

I gave them all hugs and kisses on the cheeks thanking them all profusely for their special gifts. Brent presented a large bag t me next. “Don’t be expecting us to get all sentimental okay?” I laughed and nodded. “Shallow presents are the best!” I joked. The presents from the guys were all mixed together and there was no way to tell what was from who. There were three pairs of skinny jeans and since they were the correct size I guessed Brendon picked them out. There were also scarves, strings of beads, knee high socks, liprings, and basically everything else I could want clothing-wise. Oh yeah and then there was the six different shades of lip gloss Tara picked out (“Oh I picked that out!!!”). My lips brushed all five sets of cheeks in thanks.

Aaron gave me a whole bunch of shirts, hoodies, and other merch that was signed by various artists (by various I mean some of my very favorites). Finally Sara handed me a beautiful object wrapped in colorful foil. I pulled it back to reveal a very vibrant book covered in swirls and rainbows. As soon as I opened the book I felt tears well up in the corners of my eyes. It was a amazing scrapbook full of pictures of me and the girls dating back to the sixth grade. I thought that was unbelievable until Kirsten showed me a bag full of letters and cards. They were all from people back home telling me happy birthday along with other messages. By the time I was done reading them I was crying and making a mess of myself.