Stripes In The Devil

Chaptah Three: "Your Smile Reminds Me...."

The guy looked about my age, maybe older maybe younger, I'm not good at guessing age. He had pleasant hazel eyes like my own. Mssy black hair was held flat by a funny purple sweat band which at the same time exposed simple black plugs in his ears. And I was right about him being taller than me. He was very tall and very slender (I was surprised he could carry my fat ass). I estimated that he was just over 6 feet tall.

Enough of his appearance. When I turned and saw his face I was startled even though I knew someone must be holding me. The first words that left my mouth were "Who are you?". The second I said it I knew how rude it must have sounded. Quickly trying to recover from that smooth move I stuttered out "I-I mean- uhh- umm- what I meant was-" only to be cut off by his surprisingly soft voice. "I understand. You must be pretty confused, you've been out for almost half and hour... I'm Ryan" he said to me kindly. Surprisingly he sounded more nervous than me!

After a moment of akward silence I realized what he - I mean Ryan was waiting for. "I'm sorry I'm Rae, but you can call me Janet for short." Ryan just about died laughing at that one. As his laughter subsided I thought to myself "God, what's with me today? You'd think my mom took my manners with her!" It wasn't till I saw the sympathetic look on Ryan's face that I realized I had actually said that aloud. I'm telling you what, I blushed redder than a cherry tomato.

Quickly changing the subject (I was grateful) he mention "This must be really akward for you. I'm so sorry, waking up with some random guy carrying you down the strip. If I were you I would have freaked out!" I smiled and told him that maybe it would be best if I walked for myself. He sat me down gently on my feet.

I went to look at the time but unfortunately my phone was dead. Ryan gave me the time. Shit, it was 1:15 a.m.. Now Aaron was used to me being out at concerts late but we had a policy that after midnight I was supposed to call. It could get annoying at times but I was only 17 years old. Ryan offered his phane to me and I took it with many thanks.

After the customary 'where the hell are you', 'get your ass home', and of course 'you had me worried sick' I convinced Aaron that I was just fine and to give me the rest of the night out on my own. Ryan and I talked for about 20 minutes before deciding our discussion would be made much better by Starbucks.

Once we reached Starbucks we realized that the place wasn't going to open till 5 in the morning. We sat in that parking lot talking for over three hours. I got the full story of how right as I was knocked out the lead singer of Midnight Chaos went for a stage dive. Apparently I was almost trampled to death the crowd surged forward. Ryan picked me up and carried me out. Pretty heroic if you ask me.

It's amazing the amount of things we talked about in those three hours and then in the hour we spent drinking our coffee. He told me about the band that he was in with hes three best friends called The Summer league and about his guitar playing. In turn I told him aobut my old band Symptoms Of The Heart and about my bass playing and singing. The funniest thing, we both wrote all the lyrics.