Stripes In The Devil

Chaptah Four: "... Of Switchblades and Infidelity"

At one o’clock the next day I woke up in my Midnight Chaos shirt that I bought to add to my concert T collection and my sweaty jeans from the night before. In addition I had Ryan’s phone number on the side of my face. You would think that by now I would have learned not to fall asleep with sharpie, or pen for that matter, on my arms.

When I rolled out of bed I stuck my iPod on its home which started blasting music, grabbed a handful of Advil for my major headache, and went to make some coffee. Changing my mind I turned off the coffee mind grabbed a towel, and headed for the bathroom.After taking a shower, throwing on a new pair of jeans (one that I must say I could hardly breathe or move my legs in), a Disturbed shirt, and my favorite pair of flats I was ready for my shift at my newly acquired job. Yeah that’s right I dressed like this for work. I worked at a small guitar shop just outside the city, called Musician’s Friend.

As I sat at a bus stop waiting for my sweet rice to work, I went to go put Ryan’s number in my now charged phone. I went to put his name in when I realized I didn’t know his last name. In its place I put the initials MC since I met him at Midnight Chaos (I didn’t want to get him confused with the other three Ryan’s who were already in my phone). I then looked down at my arm so that I could enter his number. I could have slapped myself for taking a shower before doing this. In fact I did. The not-so-permanent ink was still present but was so faded into my olive skin that no matter how hard I tried to read it, it was hopeless.
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sorry this is short. i just wanted to get something new up for you all to read. i'm typing my next chapter now