Stripes In The Devil

Chaptah Five: "Drive Faster Boy"

When I got to work Ryan’s lost phone numbers was still on my mind. As I played a quick ACDC riff for a customer (he wanted to know how the guitar sounded), I decided that I would just wait for him to call me… yeah right. I went to go look up the price on the guitar for the man. I was a nice one that I wouldn’t mind having myself (yeah I play guitar too). It was a cool $600. The customer wanted to try it out for himself so I lead him back to one of our practice rooms.

Back at the desk I went to go write down that man had taken out a Stratocaster at 3:20, and various other information in my log. As I wrote down the info some kid came up to the desk. I noticed them but decided to give them the I’m-ignoring-you-right-now-because-I’m-busy cold shoulder. They stood there for a few seconds before saying “You sure played that ACDC song well for a bassist” in an amused voice. I quickly replied “Oh thanks, I pick up the guitar every once in a while, and-” wait how did this kid know I played bass?

I glanced up at the person across the counter. “Ryan!” I squealed hopping up so that I was sitting on the counter (quite a feat for me I must say). I gave him a hug which he returned warmly. “I didn’t know you worked here. I come here all the time, how come I never noticed you?” Ryan asked. “Because I’ve only worked here for a week and a half” I replied giggling.

Remembering I asked him “Hey can I see your phone?” “Why, is your still dead?” he replied questioningly. “No you’ll see” I told him impatiently. After he handed me his phone, I dialed my own which was silenced in my pocket (the tightness of my jeans over the phone in my pocket made me look like I was packin’). I took out my own cell and saved his number. When I gave him his phone back Ryan gave me an inquisitive look.

I showed him the faded ink on my arm and explained to him what had happened. “Oh, I see where I stand” he said to me in a faux ‘that hurt’ voice. I flashed him a smile and returned “There are people I’ve known a lot longer than the whole two days I’ve known you.” “Like…?” he replied jokingly. “Half of Chicago” I retorted with a laugh.

“Chicago eh? So how long did you live in there?” Ryan asked me with genuine interest. I thought for a moment and told him “Since the fourth grade so… eight years. And before that I lived in Kansas.” That last bit held no excitement as I said it. “but why leave some where as exciting as Chicago?” he asked curiously. “Chi-town held nothing for me” I replied, a bit of bitterness in my voice.

After a moment Ryan inquired “I thought you said you had a band that was fairly well known. Why leave that?” With the bitterness in my voice rising, I answered “We were well known among the Chicago music scene. We had no real chance of ‘making it big’. I figured if I came out here to help my cousin at least I could help other people do what I couldn’t.” I knew what I had just said was a lie and that we had had plenty of chances, but I was ready for the subject of why I left to be over.

I realized that the man I had let try one of our guitars had been in the practice room for twenty minutes now. “Hang on Ryan, I’m going to go check on that customer” I told him hurriedly as I came out form behind the counter. I softly knocked on the practice room door and entered. The man, who I realized couldn’t be older than me now that I wasn’t wrapped up in my own thoughts, was playing an old Queen song.

He was really good actually. When the guy was done I clapped quietly. Startled, he spun around to where he was facing me. At first he looked embarrassed but then he relaxed and smiled. “Way to impress the ladies” Ryan said scaring the shit out of me. I didn’t realize he had followed me back.

“Rae this is my friend Brendon, our lead guitarist” Ryan said. Brendon went to shake my hand but I dodged that and gave him a big hug. When I let go he looked shocked and said “Nice to meet you too.” “What” I asked laughing “I love hugging people.” They smiled at me warmly. It seemed I was just stumbling over friends left and right in this place.