Stripes In The Devil

Chaptah Seven: "Take Me Home Tonight..."

“NICKEY!!!” I screamed as I sprinted and jumped into his awaiting arms. He caught me by the lower back and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing him all over. Within seconds half his face was covered in my cherry red lipstick. Then I went in for one long, deep kiss, before Nick sat me back down.

For almost five minutes Nick and I stood there completely wrapped up in each other, his arms around me and mine around him, my head against his chest inhaling his sweet familiar scent. In my mind we weren’t in a room with two other people – we were far away. We were lying on Nick’s couch on May 29th, 2004 – the night before I moved. I felt the hot tears of joy run down my face bringing traces of eyeliner with them.

“Baby… I missed you so much!” I choked out. “I can see that” he said laughing. “Chicago was missing their most beautiful badass” he said with a smile “and so was I” he added in the sweetest and most sincere voice I had ever heard. I gave him another fierce hug that he returned hesitantly. “Who are your friends babe?” he asked me.

“Wh-oh! I am so sorry guys I completely forgot you were even here” I gasped. I felt so bad for putting them into that awkward situation. “I noticed” Brendon replied blushing slightly. After a short awkward silence I turned back to Nick and explained “These are my friends Ryan and Brendon. I actually just met Ryan yesterday and Brendon today. They have a band and I thought that they might like to meet Aaron. So uhh- is he here?”
He looked down at me with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

I knew that look. I had seen it once before. Nick thought I was cheating on him. How could he think I would do a thing like that?! I had been with him since my freshman year of high school – four years! I quickly calmed myself as the look flickered out of his eyes and turned back into love. Love was, at the time, something I missing so much. I was so happy to have it back.

Well turns out Aaron wasn’t home like I had expected him to be. Shortly after Nick arrived he left to go get some groceries – we were out of coke, cereal, and ramen noodles. Once he got back we all went to the center of the main room that served as our living room. I sat on the floor on Nick’s lap, and Brendon sat on a black one of those butterfly chairs, while Ryan and Aaron sat on the love seat.

After a bit the conversation turned to things that I already knew well. Ryan and Brendon were hanging on my cousin’s every word as he told them things about the music industry. Seeing that they wouldn’t notice, I slid off of Nick’s lap and summoned him into my room.

I bit him lightly on the shoulder and fell back on my tiny bed. Nick sat down next to me and placed his arms around my waist. I placed my hands on the back of his neck and pulled myself up on his lap. I pulled him closer to me and whispered “I think we have some catching up to do” in his ear…