Stripes In The Devil

Chaptah Nine: "Remember When I Made You Smile"

We got home and Aaron went straight to bed. It was only 10pm but I guess age will do that to you. Okay scratch that- he’s only 22. I suppose he is just weird. Before I went to bed I went and did my usual getting ready. I wiped off my lipstick and some of my eye shadow- I only clean eyeliner off in the shower and I don’t wear foundation.

I looked in the mirror and decided that my hair could wait another day for a shower- yeah I’m disgusting I know. I grabbed my toothbrush, and after I applied liberal amounts of toothpaste, I began brushing my teeth. Once I was almost done brushing my teeth I noticed Nick’s reflection over my shoulder. I quickly rinsed my mouth out.

I turned and Nick’s boxer clad body pushed my own body (which happened to only be wearing panties and a sports bra – awkward) against the wall. His hands massaged my back. He picked me up and carried me into my – our – bedroom. It was really dark in the room with the lights turned off not to mention that two of my walls were black and the other two a deep red.

He laid me on the bed and turned off the light in the living room putting us in complete darkness. He came over to the bed and climbed on top of my kissing my neck. I could smell a mixture of the tequila from dinner and also vodka on his breath. The situation horrified me especially when I felt Nick begin to take his pants off. “No Nick I don’t - you know how I fell about this-” I tried to say as he moved his kisses up to my mouth and tried to take off my underwear.

Finally I was able to push Nick’s body off my own. “God, what is your problem” he slurred out exasperated. Shocked I replied “You know how I feel about the Nickey. I don’t want to have sex till I get married.” The whole time I couldn’t stop thinking about the bottle of ‘water’ he had been drinking on our way home. I mean I would have paid more attention to it at the time but drinking was so out of character for Nick.

He laid there next to me breathing shortly for a few moments. “Rae” he said trying to sound reasonable “we’ve been going out for over four years. I think it is time now.” His drunkenness ruined to effect completely. I sighed “Not till I have a ring on my finger and a marriage announcement in the paper will it be time” I said softly before turning over and going to sleep. As I slid in and out of the dream world I felt Nick get out of bed next to me and leave the room.