One Shots

Pass my lips - 1 of 2

I can’t help but worry, standing outside this old door, what my old friend might think of me now. Seven years it had been since we had met face to face, five years since we had even talked but I knew that wouldn’t be a problem somehow even with the memories and the past. We grew up together, me and him, under the trees in New Jersey, chatting and laughing till we eventually parted each day.

Everyday him, his big brother and I would walk to school, it was easy. Easy conversation, easy smiles and easy lives I guess. Not even high school fazed us, we were always together and helping each other with everything life threw at us. Some people began to say we were meant to be together, romantically, but every time, he’d laugh, say something sarcastic that I’d dwell on for hours on end, wishing he’d notice my embarrassed smiles and obvious blushes whenever the subject was brought up. But no, it never happened. I changed, he left, and the rest is history I guess.

I couldn’t help changing when I did, some things, some words, influence people far more than people intend. I was trying with my life, I had plans, I knew what I wanted to do and I had the grades to do it. I just wanted my best friend to be there with me. But as I said, words hurt, no matter how head-strong and opinionated you are. They hurt.

So the day Mikey Way, his brother and the rest of my then, close friends left, I was cut up. I had no-one else; my family was far away, my girl mates in universities. I was shattered. So the shouting started. Let’s just say words flew then that I wish had never even entered my brain let alone pass my lips. And my only worry today is that he actually meant the words that he shouted back.

I knocked once, my hand shaky in quiet anticipation. This was unlike me, it scared me a little. Imagine a girl with short black hair, stormy grey eyes, tall and thin. A black hoodie draped over her wet shoulders and stupidly tight black jeans clinging to her legs. Her usually ‘don’t give a shit’ attitude had been replaced by that of a lost girl, half her age, expectation written into her features. That was me at that moment, especially when Gerard Way answered the door.

“Can I help y...jeez, is that you Jade?” He spluttered, taking in my much changed looks.

I smiled, a little of my usual confidence returning, “Long time no see, Gee”

“Ha, that rhymed!” Frankie said as he barged his friend from the doorway, enveloping me in the biggest hug the little guy could manage.

“Now, can I come in, before I freeze to death?”
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This is the first of two parts so i guess its a double shot!
Hope you like it Jadeypops