Everything Is Alright

The End

Liz's POV

I separated my stuff on one side of the room. I had decided to move out. Maybe that wouldn’t solve everything, but it was my best option. Tony and Nicole were letting me stay with them for a while. I just had to apologize to Justin before I did anything else.

That familiar empty feeling inside me had come back again. I had come to the conclusion that there was something wrong with me and nothing was enough anymore. Like maybe I was diseased and everyone should avoid me. Like I could spread my feelings of emptiness to the happy people. Maybe I should lock myself in a closet forever.

But the one thing I knew for sure was that the empty space couldn’t be filled with alcohol much longer.

I heard the front door open. I glanced towards the hall, where whoever it was would appear. It was Justin.

“Hi,” I said, barely above a whisper. He tilted his head slightly to show he heard.

“What’s going on?” he asked quietly.

“I think it would be better…if I left,” I explained. He nodded, but not in a way that showed agreement. I stopped arranging my stuff. “I’m sorry.” He stared at me for what seemed like an eternity.

“It’s okay,” he said finally. “I’m sorry, too.”
Justin’s POV

She walked closer to me. She put her hands on my face and kissed me on the cheek. My skin burned where her lips had touched me.

“Justin,” she said, still talking softly for some reason. “I love you. Just not in the way you want.” I nodded slowly. She was holding my hands. “I can’t be with you. But I’ll always be there for you.” More nodding. “Because I’ll always want you to be my best friend, no matter what. Because you’re the best one I’ve ever had. And I hope you’ll still want to be my friend, even after everything that’s happened.” She looked up at me. I looked back. “Justin?” I didn’t answer and pulled her into a hug.

“Of course you’re still my best friend,” I murmured. I held onto her tightly for a while longer.

“Are you okay? Tell me that you’re alright,” she said.

“Everything is alright,” I answered. She pulled away a little.

Why do we do these things to each other? We mess up, get mad, and then forgive each other like nothing happened. It’s just the way we are. I guess I would have to learn to live with it. Maybe not loving Betty like that would be better. It would be easier on us, for sure. And maybe I would never learn how to have a decent relationship. But maybe it wouldn’t matter as long as we were there for each other. We’d never be alone. Maybe we were too similar to work out together, like everyone else says. But I didn’t mind. I liked having someone like me around.

All these ‘maybes.’

But what do I know?

I looked down at her and smiled. She smiled back, looking up at me with her bright blue eyes. And then I knew.

Everything was alright.

Yeah, everything is alright.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you all again for reading and commenting, all you few but awesome Motion City fans.

If you want more Justin, I have another story out called Even If It Kills Me.