Past Secrets Consume Us

Heh, I Didn't See That One Coming...Did She?

"Frank, you understand that we really can't tell anyone else about this, right? Not even Mikey," I said looking straight into his eyes, which was hard to do considering a thick layer of black hair was constantly in front of them when he wasn't jerking his head to the side so it wouldn't be. "I know, Gee. I just don't know how saying nothing will help her." I looked away from him and scanned the hallway to see her heading for her next class. I notice that tears were still rolling down her cheeks and nudged Frank, "That's why. We will let her tell them if and when she chooses and that's final." Frank made a face like he was ready to protest but he glanced at Helena and just silently nodded.
I walked into my next class, not really in a great mood. Finding out that the girl of your dreams had inner turmoil to the point of taking it out on her poor, perfect body could kill anyone's mood. I slumped into my seat and stared straight ahead, vision blurring with tears. As I was tapped on the shoulder from behind I felt one of them roll slowly down my cheek. I turned to see who tapped me and saw Helena. "Hi! We seem to have a lot of classes together," I said becoming instantly cheerier. "Hey," she drawled out(she had a southern accent that could make even the hardest heart melt) "oh my goodness, you're crying. What happened?" She started to reach for me but quickly put her hands on her desk. "I-um-I," I stammered, "I just ran into a locker and it hurt like shit." She looked at me in a concerned manner, "Are you okay? I hope you didn't get hurt too badly. I did the same thing this morning but, luckily, I had you to help me recollect myself." As she said the final sentence I noticed her eyes light up, "Maybe Mikey is right, this time," I thought to myself.
We sat through another class not doing school-work just quietly getting to know each other better. I couldn't force myself to look anywhere but into her deep, hypnotic eyes. That is, until she was called out of the classroom.
When she returned she was crying yet again. She grabbed her purse and backpack and headed out the door, giving me a helpless look as she passed. I noticed that she had left her jacket so I quickly hopped out of my seat and begged the teacher to allow me to bring it to the office for her. The teacher, not caring what I did(like every other teacher at this school) allowed me to leave the class. I rushed out of the room and ran down the hall, hoping to catch up with her and find out what was wrong.
When I finally saw her she was crying even harder than before. I slid in beside her on one of the office chairs and gently took her hand. I wanted so badly to ask what was wrong but I figured she would tell me if she really wanted me, a guy she just me today, to know. "Thanks Gerard," she said squeezing my hand a little. I looked at the jacket and said, "No problem, it's just a jacket it's not like I rescued you from a dungeon." She looked straight into my eyes and said, "I meant for being here. I bet you are wondering what is wrong." Inside I was screaming tell me but on the outside I half-whispered, "Kinda." She wiped her eyes with her free hand and mumbled a sentence I could barely hear. "Ryan killed himself last night. I have to fly to Montana next week for the funeral." I didn't know what to say or do so I just sat there. I finally decided to do something and put my arm around her pulling her toward me so she could cry on my chest. I said, "Would you like a friend to be there?" She said nothing but I felt her head nod yes so I began to work out my speech. I wasn't sure how I was going to do it but, somehow, I had to convince my parents to let me fly to Helena. I wasn't letting her go alone. I would do anything for her.
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