A Little Act of Seance


"What happened?" Rex cried as Gerard carried the fragile little girl's unconsious body into the facility. Robert trailed behind him, avoiding eye contact with the enraged nurse.

"She freaked out," replied Gerard emotionlessly, setting Sarah onto the small hospital bed. Rex sighed.

"We have to go pick up another pantient now," said Bob. Rex nodded to Gerard and pulled Robert into a hug. The man smiled faintly and hugged back.

"Bye, guys."

"Take care of her, will you?" said Gerard, glancing at Sarah. Rex nodded, and with that, both men briskly exited the building, leaving Rex with the small girl. She pulled the blankets over Sarah and tucked her in.

"Where is Hayley?" the small girl slurred, nodding in and out of unconsiousness still. Rex gave her a confused look.


"M-my dog..." she muttered, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but animals aren't allowed he-"

"She's not a real dog," Sarah said defensively. Rex's mouth curled into a smile.

"Oh, she's your stuffed dog, then?" The tiny girl nodded, her beautifully long eyelashes seeming to touch her cheeks every time she blinked. "Well, let us see if we can't find her."

Rex began to rumage through Sarah's bags that were yet to be unpacked into the wooden dresser that was located a few feet from her bed until she came across the fluffy, brown stuffed dog. The red collar had the word 'hayley' scribbled on it in black marker. She smiled.

"Would this be your dog, Sarah?" The girl squeeled happily as Rex handed the toy to her. "Ready to sleep now?" Sarah nodded.


"Goodnight," Rex said in a hushed tone, waving her hand before turning off the light. Soon, Sarah's eyes fluttered closed again, fading into a deep sleep.
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My apologies for the shortness, and the extremely long wait. Writers block is a bitch.

I have big plans for this story ;)