I Don't Know, You're The Criminal Mastermind!

Once Upon a Slurpee and a Gun


I stared happily at the TV screen, singing along with David Bowie as he stalked Sarah in at the ending of the labyrinth. I’d always been quite obsessed with that movie and even though I would never admit it, I found David Bowie quite attractive as a goblin king.

My friend who over heard me say that once said, “It’s because of his tight pants isn’t it Lienna?” I almost decapitated her with a dictionary that had been sitting on the couch next to me.

I rewound the tape back to the ballroom scene where Jereth is singing, As the World Falls Down, to Sarah as they dance around the room. After the song finished I sighed and turned the tape player off and sunk to the floor depressed.

The whole point of the movie watching was to make me forget about ‘falling in love’ but instead it brought the memories from last night all back in a flood of pain that made me clutch my chest to keep me from falling apart.

When I had read the second volume, New Moon, in the Twilight series I personally had thought that Bella was being to dramatic when she said that she clutched her chest to hold herself together.

But when my boyfriend had broken up with me by a note stuck to the door of his now empty apartment the truth of her words struck me like lightning. It felt like I was being torn apart by a pack of wild dogs and the only way to stay alive was to hold my body together.

“Screw this!” I hissed, jumping to my feet and slipping my Van flats on my bare feet and yanking a black hoodie over my head. My purse hung on the coat rack next to the door, and I snatched it off as I stomped out the front door and down the dimly lit pathway to the sidewalk.

It was 11pm and I knew that it wasn’t the smartest idea to be out at this time alone. But I didn’t care because there was no way I could stay in that stupid house full of my memories of him and the happy times we had in it.

“Why did he just leave?” I whispered, the cool air calming my anger down just enough to let me dwell on what hurt me most, he, Jake, had just packed up and moved away without ever telling me until he was gone.

A car zoomed past me, making me jump in surprise. Looking around confused I realized I had gone the wrong way when I left my house and I was coming up to the only 7 eleven in my small town.

“Slurpees always help!” My mood brightened when I thought off the sweet goodness that would maybe numb me up with it’s cold. Thankfully I always had a few bucks stuck in my back pocket for just such an emergency.

I walked quickly up the uneven, blacktop, parking lot in front of the brightly lit store. I could see the cashier, Fred, look up in surprise when I walked into the store in my pajamas with tears on my face.

Fred had run the store for as long as I could remember, and he knew me well enough not to pry. He just waved and went back to counting the money out of the cash register. We never worried about crime in this town, heck the police didn’t even wear guns because in the 100 years that this town had been in existence there had been 2 murders and less than a dozen robberies.

“Just getting the normal?” He called over to me while I headed for the slurpee machine, and I could hear him ring it up before I even answered.

“Do I ever change?” I joked, grabbing the biggest cup and filling it up with the 4 different flavors.

I heard the door jingle; alerting us that someone had come in. To my surprise I didn’t hear Fred shout out his normal greeting.

Curious, I turned around to see why and came face to face with a masked man with a gun pointing at Fred. My Slurpee slipped out of my grasp and splattered all over the floor.
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I had a dream about this story and I like it quite a lot so I hope you do too.