One life One way to live Many ways to die

My brother

One life

One way to live

Many ways to die.

The words of a dying mother.

These words always echoed with in my head, even when i was face to face holding a gun at that wanker.

Why did I let him live?


He fucked me over I should of shot him dead

But no I let him live I let that wanker live another day

So what if he was my brother he exploited us and got the rest of the family killed

I'm the last of my kind

One soul with a thousand stories

So now hear i am in my car hiding from the world always moving always searching

trying to find my brother that should be dead

"Attention .... Attention can all police in the shadowen area go to the grave yard on merry lane a killing has been spotted"

Now this is why I love police scanners always the quickest route to any trouble

Ok now time to go and see this death for my self before the cops get their merry lanes not that far past these lights and around the corner

But I got a red light awww fuck it lets floor it

winching as I smashed all the other cars out of the way only aware that if one doesn’t move how will I explain that I’m not dead when the car explodes well you live and hope

And angry shouts and sobs as I exit the lights are loud

theirs already fire burning behind me people scattered across the street limbs and organs lying around I cant help it no time to look back now its in the past I live for this sort of crap yes iv already got a bounty on my head but for now I’m after my brother so I can try to make him see sense and if not well I got my ways I said to myself whilst stroking my twelve bore shotgun. It’s my favorite weapon accept my swords but this is the ruff part of this city I need a gun for hear not a sword.

Ah. Hear we are Merry Lane the most gloomy place I know of every bum and trap live on this road the food is always scarce her so that why most of them have gone had and have converted cannibalism so they can survive that’s the main danger in this neighborhood but when we get to the top of this I will be safe.
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this is one of my dreams

i have weird dreams