This Highway Never Ends

Annnnnnnnnd we have lift off.

Hayley ran over to her band's tour bus, her bright red chucks making the slapping noise that the sole and the pavement seem to make. She was carrying the last suitcase in her hand, as heavy as it was the band were leaving in a few moments and she didn't want to be left behind, being the lead singer and all.

My Chemical Romance seemed to already be packed up in their bus already and the guys of Paramore seemed to be eager to get off before them to make an 'impression on the opposite band's crew' as they said.

Hayley had a feeling this would consist of some sort of competition.

'Here!' she pushed the last bag into 17-year-old Zac's arms, nearly pushing me over.
'Holy crap, Hayley, how could you run with this?' Zac grunted as he lifted it up and put it in the compartment.
'I work out,' Hayley shrugged, sent a sweet smile and climbed into the bus.
'Ready?!' their manager called out.

Usually their manager didn't come on tours with them but as he put it 'I created something, now I want to see it in action - besides the manager is hot'.

'Let's get this show on the road,' Jeremy pushed their manager towards the front of the bus.

... anddddddddd they were off.

With the guys of My Chemical Romance not far behind them
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is a short one!
But I'll try and update before Saturday! To sort of make it up..
Sorry for not updating recently seen as i've been reaaaaaaaaaaal busy with moving and starting a new school (:

umm yeash... enjoy! ;}