Punk Rock Princess

Chapter 1 - Suprises

Name: Ree Lynne

Age: 15

Height: 4’11”

Weight: 87 lbs

Race: unknown

Race Specifics: Unknown

Label: Punk/Rock/Goth/Loner

Hair Color: Light Blue

Hair Length: Middle Back

Eye Color: Light Blue

Body Type: Skinny/Athletic

Blood Type: O

Other Information: Has no family. Lead singer at the Punk Rock Hall for Teens. The Punk Rock Hall for teens is a place for teens (13 – 19) who want to sing and enjoy listening to other teens sing. It’s a club basically. Ree spends most of her time there. She sings there every day. Anyone who goes there a lot knows her name. She has many teen fans.

Personality: She prefers to be alone. Doesn’t talk much except for when she’s singing. She’s quiet. But if you piss her off she won’t hesitate to hurt you.


Yusuke’s POV

I saw Ree in school today, which was unusual. She normally ditched. You almost felt bad for her, she was getting yelled at by Mr.Ewamoto. He was mostly yelling at her about how she ditched all the time. But he was also yelling at her about her outfit. She didn’t wear the school uniform. Even I wore something similar. Mine was just a different color. But her’s was completely different. For that matter, it wasn’t even a uniform. She wore a black mini skirt with shorts underneath – you may not want to know how I know that – and a black bellybutton top that stopped an the middle of her stomach with a pair of black wooden 4 in high heals. On her left wrist was a black necklace that she had wrapped around her wrist 3 times so that it wouldn’t fall off. On her left ankle was another necklace. This one was gold & was wrapped around her ankle 6 times. On her right ankle where two bracelets, both silver. She also had 3 necklaces around her neck. She was also wearing her usual black make-up, not much, but enough to scare the hell out of someone who wasn't expecting her to look like that and as usual she had her slightly long nails painted black. I was suddenly yanked out of my thoughts by someone calling your name. I turned around and saw that it was Keiko. She was running up to me. I lazily started to walk up to her glancing out of the corner of my eyes back at Ree. The two of us made eye contact. The look in her eyes made me feel like she could look into my soul, and see all of the secrets that I held inside. It felt like she could read my mind. I quickly looked away.

Your POV

As usual you were being yelled at. The one day you decide to come to school and everyone is bitching and complaining. You suddenly heard someone call Yusuke’s name. Or of the corner of your eyes you looked to see who had called Yusuke. It was Keiko. Yusuke was lazily walking towards her. Out of the corner he looked back at you. You glared realizing that he had been listening to Mr.Ewamoto yell at you. Sure, you didn’t like to be yelled at but you didn’t want someone listening in. It’s not like it was anyone else’s business about what you were being yelled at about.

Finally sick of hearing Mr.Ewamoto’s voice you started to walk away. He started yelling at you telling you to listen to him when he was talking to you. You stopped midway down the hall and opened the window, then jumped out. You were only on the first floor, so it wasn’t a big deal. After jumping out the window you started towards the school gate still hearing Mr.Ewamoto’s voice yelling at you to come back.

After leaving the school you headed to the club you liked to sing at. It was a teen club for kids 13 – 19. Like I said, TEEN club. Lots of teens like you were there. The club was known as Punk Rock Hall for Teens. As you walked into the club you headed towards the black stage in the front of the club. There was currently someone up there singing, so you went around the back to see if anyone was singing next. There wasn’t so you took that place. When the girl who was currently singing was done, you went up. You gave the musicians there music paper that told them the notes to play. You were going to sing your version of Punk Rock Princess by. Something Corporate.

You finished the song and everyone clapped and whistled. You walked off the stage and then left the club. You were walking past the school teens walking out the gates more happily then usual. You saw Keiko crying with two of her friends trying to comfort her. Then you saw Kuwabara. He was yelling. He seemed upset yet angry in the same way. You angrily walked up to Kuwabara and his two friends and grabbed the front of Kuwabara’s shirt.

“What the hell happened? What the hell is going on?” you yelled angrily. He started yelling words that you found inaudible. “Quit crying, god damn it! Just answer the fuck’n question!” you yelled glaring at Kuwabara.

“Urameshi was killed in a car accident.” One of Kuwabara’s friends spoke up. You push Kuwabara away and walk up to Kuwabara’s friend who had spoken up. He could obviously tell that you wanted to know more so he continued. “Well, Urameshi ran out in front of a car and saved some little kid. If you go to the waking you’ll get extra credit.” He explained.

“And when is the wake exactly?” you asked.

“Tonight.” The boy answered. You nodded, turned around, and started to walk away giving the guys a two finger solute.

“Thanks.” You called leaving.

Later that night you went to Yusuke’s wake. Keiko was crying. She was a mess. She’s known Yusuke since she was 4. Suddenly Kuwabara showed up yelling that Yusuke was just scared to fight him. Kuwabara’s two friends were trying to hold him back. After a while they were able to take him away. You decided that it was your turn to go in to the wake.

You waked up the picture of Yusuke and began to speak.

“Yusuke, I’m not about to bow down before you and hope you good passing. So listen up, because I’m only going to say this once. I know you’re here, so I know that you can hear me. I know that you’re coming back, so I’m letting you know this now, if you need any help with anything, let me know. The grim reaper will tell you how to talk to people here in the living. Also, I have an unusual feeling that the grim reaper is a girl. So let me know when you get beck if that’s true or not, I’d like to know. But anyways, hurry back, Kuwabara and Keiko are going to go crazy without you here. Kuwabara won’t be able to fight you which will make him go crazy and as for Keiko. I’d rather not try to imagine what might happen to her if your not here. So like I said, don’t even think of trying to take your good old time coming back.” You said leaving.

A week or so past and you went to school every day but Monday. You hated Mondays. It was Thursday now and you were headed to your next class.

Yusuke’s POV

I was floating with Boton outside the window of the school hallway when I saw Ree walking down the hall, to her next class from the looks of it.

“Ree went to school. She’s been going a lot lately.” I said watching her. She suddenly stopped in front of the open window in front of me. She never looked in my direction only straight ahead.

Your POV

“Ree went to school. She’s been going a lot lately.” You headed Yusuke’s voice say from outside the open window ahead. When you got to the window you stopped suddenly. You knew exactly where he was outside, as well as the girl he was with. Who she was you could only guess. You kept looking straight ahead as you spoke.

“Yeah, I came to school. Got a problem with it, Yusuke? But don’t get used to it. I’m doing this as a favor to you, you jack-ass. I’m making sure Kuwabara and Keiko don’t do anything stupid while you’re gone.” You explained calmly.

Yusuke’s POV

I was shocked to say the least. Ree had just talked to me. She knew I was there.

“Wha-What? Can she...Hear us?” I asked Boton.

“No. It’s im-impossible.” She stuttered.

Your POV

“Of course I can hear you. So don’t act like I can’t. Although, I have come to believe that nobody else can. Oh, well. Like I said, if you need anything, just start talking.” You said then walked away to your next class.

After helping Yusuke get back to his body, you stopped going to school all the time again and things were slowly going back to normal. Until today, you were fallowing what you thought was a soul. It felt like the same feeling you got whenever Yusuke was around. You had felt these souls around a lot lately, and sometimes there was more then one at a time. They were all pretty much going in the same direction. You had been trying to fallow them for a few days now, but kept loosing them. As you fallowed the soul you finally found out where they were all going. There was this guy with a green orb thing. It was glowing and the soul suddenly went inside it. After the soul went inside of the orb you couldn’t sense it anymore. It was as if the soul itself had disappeared. The guy suddenly noticed you.

“Oh? What do we have here?” he asked with a smirk.

‘Hey, I can’t run away now. I might as well just find out why he’s stealing those souls as well as what he plans to do with them.’ You thought stepping out of the forest and into the small open area.

“Well, you caught me. Now how about you tell me what you plan to do with those souls.” You asked.

“I plan to eat them.” He answered transforming into this thing with like five horns maybe more. You didn’t really have time to count seeing as how he tried to punch you. You jumped to the side barely dodging the attack.

“So, you want to fight? Ok.” You said punching him repeatedly. After a few moments you realized that you weren’t hurting him at all.

‘What the hell? Who or what is this thing? Ok, stay calm. Think. If you can’t hurt his outsides then maybe his insides. But how the hell am I suppose to hurt him on the inside?’ you asked yourself angrily while dodging punches. You were suddenly hit in the stomach. The force of the punk made you go flying back into a tree. By the time you had gotten up it was too late. The guy thing was directly in front of you and you had no place to go. You were kinda scared on the inside but you didn’t show it. The guy pulled out that glowing green orb again and put it in front of you. You felt as if your soul was being ripped from your body. You put your hands out in front of you as if to push the guy away.

“Keep that thing away from me you creep!” you yelled. Suddenly a black and white light came from your hands. The guy screamed and the light that was coming off of your hands hit the guy in the mouth. Within minute the guy was dead on the ground. You walked over to him. You looked at him and then at your hands then back at him as if comparing the two.

‘Damn...That was cool. Wish I knew how to do that sooner.’ You thought. ‘This little trick could come in very handy.’ you thought with a smirk