Punk Rock Princess

Chapter 10 - The End of One and the Start of Anoth

Your POV

You had been able to leave the hospital yesterday afternoon only a few hours after you had woken up. Hiei had given you a small box before you left. It was filled with all the tears that you had cried. You told Hiei and Kurama to NEVER and you repeated NEVER speak of the incident again. They were to act like they hadn't seen a thing. Kurama had agreed and Hiei just went 'hn'.

You were on your way to the building that you had seen on the news. You had a pretty good idea about what or who had caused it but you needed to see it for real to be able to know for sure. When you arrived at the building you saw Keiko and Yusuke standing there looking at it. You heard a vehicle motor come to a stop behind you. You knew who it was and though terrified you turned around anyways. You looked at the person on the motorcycle. It was him; it was Taguro; the one who took it all from you. You hid your fear underneath your anger and hate for him as you glared.

"Unless you want your friends to get hurt I suggest you follow me." He said with a smirk. Your eyes went wide for a minute before going back to a glare deeper then the last. Taguro got off his bike and began walking, with you fallowing behind. You felt yourself being fallowed and were pretty sure you knew by whom.

'Yusuke and Kuwabara; I guess Taguro doesn't mind, or just doesn't care. I don't know. I'm not an evil family killing freak like he is.' You thought angrily.

The 2 of you finally stopped at a construction site. You went inside the building that was being built. Toguro demonstrated his power by collapsing a building with his bare hands. You stood there in front of Toguro shaking.

"Understand, this is the last time I will save your life." Toguro said before he disappeared. He reappeared behind you. "In two months from now a martial arts competition will be taking place." Toguro began.

"What about it?" You asked trying and failing to hide your fear.

"It's a dark tournament organized by greedy human crime lords and drawing on the most vial demon of spirit world. Each criminal gathers a team of 5 fighters and the teams' battle to the death. Humans enter for gambling and entertainment. Demons fight for blood and the chance to win the prize. You and Kuwabara are guests in this completion. If you refuse I will immediately kill you and everyone you know. If you want to survive these fights I suggest you get stronger." Toguro said then left you alone. Once you knew that Toguro could no longer see you and hear you, you fell to the ground shaking.

"Damn it! I’m so dead! I can’t win like this!" You practically yelled.

Toguro continued walking until he walked past the building that Kurama and Hiei were standing on. He stopped below them and looked up.

"I assume by your dismal faces that you've been invited to the competition as well; on Urameshi's team no doubt. Demons who side with humans will get no sympathy." Toguro said. The two demons watched him carefully.

"Sympathy has never been apart of those fights." Kurama stated. Toguro smirked and left.

"What is our chance?" Kurama asked. Hiei turned around leaving.

"Don't ask." Hiei replied.
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Sorry it's such a short chapter, but I wanted to get something out. I'm very very sorry that I haven't updated this or any other story in like forever. I'm going to try and get another chapter out asap (as soon as possible). Again, I'm so very sorry.