Punk Rock Princess

Chapter 2 - Joining Team Urameshi

Koenma's POV

I have been watching this girl for a while. She was defeating demon after demon for no real reason at all. She was just fighting them because they were there. I had learned her name and I surprisingly had no record of her. Not a picture, a name, nothing. There wasn't even a file made up for the girl. I had to watch the girl for quite some time before learning anything about her. I had told Boton to have Yusuke find this girl and bring her to me. I was hoping that this girl would join Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei in the battle with the four saint beasts.

Boton's POV

I had just found Yusuke to tell him about the girl that Koenma wanted him to find. Yusuke was with Kuwabara, I noticed as I ran up to the two of them.

"Yusuke! Kuwabara!" I called. The two boys turned around. Kuwabara waved.

"Hey Boton!" he said as I came up to them.

"Hello Kuwabara." I said. "Yusuke, you have another mission. You need to locate a human girl. Her name is Ree Lynne." I explained. Yusuke and Kuwabara's eyes were wide and their mouths were open.

"Ree? Are you sure that's the right name? I mean, it can't be." Kuwabara said.

"Yes, of course I'm sure." I explained confused. Kuwabara and Yusuke looked at each other.

"Boton, Ree goes to our school. She's just a normal girl. Well, she's a punk and ditches a lot but she wouldn't do anything so bad that Koenma would need to see her." Yusuke explained.

"Your wrong, Yusuke, Miss Ree Lynne has gotten quite a name is spirit world. She has been fighting many of the demons that have been roaming this city. Like the two of you she has spirit energy that she can control. She is amazingly strong." I explained.

"Not the Ree Lynne we know. Ree can't fight." Yusuke explained.

"Here, I have a picture of her." I said pulling out a picture of the girl named Ree Lynne. The girl in the picture had light blue hair and light blue eyes.

"Tha – That's Ree!" Kuwabara said shocked.

"Yes, I know. That's what I've been saying." I stated. "So, do you know where she is? Where we can find her?" I asked. Kuwabara and Yusuke looked at each other with questioning looks, and then shook their heads.

"We don't know much about her. She doesn't talk much." Yusuke explained.

"Well, you need to find her!" I said jumping up and down.

"Ok. Ok, Boton. Chill, we'll find her." Kuwabara said.

Yusuke's POV

Kuwabara and I had looked all over town. There were no traces of her. It was as if she just vanished off the face of the earth. The only places left were the clubs which I really couldn't picture her being in. But the clubs were the only places that we hadn't checked yet.

Kuwabara's POV

I was about to go into the last club in the city. If she wasn't here then I didn't know where else there was to go.

Yusuke and I walked into the Punk Rock Hall for Teens club to hear some one was singing. It was a girl and she had the voice of an angel. She was singing Missing by Evanescence. I finally was able to see who was singing. It was Ree! I quickly grabbed Yusuke's upper left arm.

"What, Kuwabara?" Yusuke asked irritated.

"It's Ree!" I said pointing to the stage. Yusuke's eyes went wide realizing that the girl who was singing was Ree.

The two of us walked towards the side of the stage and waited for her to stop.

The two of us only had to wait a minute or two before she was finished the song and walked of the stage. She walked right past us not even looking at us. She was headed towards the door. Yusuke and I fallowed her. When we got outside I saw that she was leaning against the wall waiting for the two of us.

"What the hell do you two idiots want?" she asked with her normal attitude.

"We need to talk to you." Yusuke said.

"Yeah, no duh, genius. I kinda figured that. I'm not stupid you know." She said with that attitude I hate so much. It's no wonder no one at school likes her. I couldn't believe that this girl. The girl that barely ever talked was the one who was singing. I couldn't believe that this girl had the voice of an angel.

"Well, um...Koenma wants to talk to you." Yusuke said.

"And Koenma is?" she asked in a who cares kinda way.

"The ruler of spirit world." Yusuke answered.

"The ruler of what?" She asked. She had a look on her face that clearly asked us if we were crazy or something.

"Yusuke! Kuwabara! Did you find her?" Boton asked running up to us.

"Yeah. We need you to take her to spirit world now." Yusuke said.

"Ok. Come on Miss Ree Lynne." Boton said creating a portal. Boton walked through the portal. Ree carelessly fallowed Boton into the portal. Ree acted as if this was some every day thing.

Your POV

You had met Koenma and he told you about how he's been watching you fight demons for a while now. You kinda zoned out after the first sentence.

"If you don't need anything, then I would like to go home." You said with an attitude.

"Oh, yes. There is a reason why I called you here. I would like your assistance with an upcoming fight. You will be assisting Yusuke, and Kuwabara as well as two other people who you will meet later on a mission in demon world." Koenma explained. He had already told you about the three worlds, human world or living world, demon world, and spirit world and about how each one works. Koenma continued. "You will be assisting them in the fight against the four saint beasts. The four saint beasts have sent things called the Makai insects –"

"That take over humans. Yeah I already know. I've killed a ton of those things already." You cut in.

"Good. Then I don't need to explain it to you." Koenma said.

"So, basically all you want me to do is help Yusuke, Kuwabara and who ever else fight and defeat the four saint beasts." You asked.

"Yes." Koenma answered.

"What do I get by helping you?" you asked.

"Wha? What you'll get? You'll know that you help people. That you saved the world." Koenma said.

"Yeah, if Yusuke and Kuwabara haven't told you, I'm not into the world. Frankly, I could care less. The world can be destroyed or over run by demons for all I care." You explained. Koenma's mouth dropped. "Although, I can make you a deal." You started.

"What?" Koenma asked.

"A weapon, made exactly to my liking." You said.

"Fine." Koenma said. "Shiya!" Koenma called. A girl with black hair and a purple kimono came into the room through the wall.

"Yes, Koenma, sir?" she asked.

"I want you to find out exactly what Ree here wants as a weapon to the very last detail. And be sure that it's done in 2 days." Koenma explained. The girl bowed.

"Yes, Koenma." She said then walked over to you. "Come with me." She said walking out the door behind you. You lazily fallowed after her.

Yusuke's POV

Kuwabara and I had just beaten a gang of thugs that kept saying 'Must Kill' over and over again. Kuwabara said that he sensed something weird then we saw this guy thing in a cloak and went chasing after him down an alley. When we came to the end of the alley the guy was hit by something and fell to the ground. When we reached the end of the alley we saw what had hit the guy thing. It was Boton. She had a metal baseball bat.

"Now that is team work." She said holding the baseball bat so that it was leaning against her shoulder. She had on a red jacket with red pants and white boots. Her blue hair was up in a pony tail like it normally was.

"Boton?" I asked surprised.

"Hey, it's the pretty girl. Well, have you thought about me?" Kuwabara asked.

"I've been shadowing that one since he slipped through the barrier two days ago." Boton explained. Kuwabara and I looked at the green demon.

"So, what is it?" Kuwabara asked

"He looks like he grew up to close to a nuclear plant." Yusuke stated.

"I'm quite sure he's a spy from the place you'll be going for your next mission." Boton explained looking at the unconscious demon.

"Ok, Boton, you can stop right there! I got back from grandma's evil boot camp today, and I deserve a vacation. Why don't you call back in two years." I explained walking away.

"Then I guess you don't mind everyone in the city being turned into a zombie." Boton called. You stopped in your tracks.

"Does that question have a point?" I asked looking back at Boton.

"Koenma was given a message a few days ago. It was sent by an agent, much like the one that we just walloped." Boton started.

Flash Back

"Koenma! Koenma, you have a message!" George the blue ogre said running into the room. Koenma was stamping papers at his desk. "It's from the city of ghosts and apparitions." He continued handing the letter to Koenma.

"What?" Koenma asked snatching the letter from George and began to read it.

"It came from the four saint beasts didn't it sir? What do they want?" George asked seriously.

"Immediate immigration into the living world." Koenma answered.

"That's ridiculous!" George exclaimed.

"Tell Boton to capture the spy she's fallowing and to get Yusuke on this at once!" Koenma said.

End Flashback

"I don't see what all the fuss is about. If Koenma is in charge then why can't he just turn down the request? And who are these stupid saint beasts?" I asked irritated.

"They are four of the most notorious criminals in all of spirit world. The title saint was given to them by their followers. Years ago they were chased by a coalition of pursuers and invaded capture by locking themselves into a booby trapped fortress. Since then a whole city has formed at its base filled with cruel species who view these creatures like gods. The city of ghosts and apparitions." Boton explained walking over to where the gang of thugs lay on the ground.

"Hey! Aren't you going to finish your story?" I asked following after her.

"Why don't you take a look at these boys you knocked out?" Boton suggested. Kuwabara and I looked at the boys, a bug suddenly crawled out of one of the boys mouths.

"Ew. Tell me I didn't just see a bug crawl from his throat." I asked a little grossed out.

"They are called Makai insects a parasite from the darker parts of spirit world, they burry themselves beneath the skin and nurture a persons primal desire. Mind occupied by this parasite develop a desire for destruction, physical power, and murder. It will be a disaster." Boton explained.

"Well, can't we tell people? I mean there has got to be a cure." I stated.

"There is. But ordinary people can't see the insects. The inflicted will be seen as simply sciatic. And I'm afraid but a cure will not be first on the humans mind." Boton explained.

"Then what the hell are we suppose to do?" I asked.

"The only way to rescue the city, it to kill the Makai insects, and the only way to do that it to destroy the whistle, which the enemies possess." Boton explained.

"A whistle?" I asked.

"Yes. Without the whistle retaining frequency the Makai can't live outside of spirit world." Boton stated.

"So...How long do we have before these beasts leave their castle and come to earth themselves?" I asked.

"At this point they can't. For years we have had them trapped inside the city with a barrier wall. Now with this threat of insect invasion they hope to force us to open the barrier." Boton explained.

"I see so they give you the whistle if you open up the wall." I said.

"Instead we'll make a small breach in the wall to let you in. Eventually they'll find this whole themselves." Boton stated.

"And what if I'm not able to beat them?" I questioned.

"I don't think I have to tell you what would happen if all the demons from that city were unleashed on earth." She said.

"I have to be honest Boton, this takes the record for confusing." I stated.

"Yes, just try to remember the basics. Your good and the entire city is bad. Destroy the whistle, defeat the beasts, and the case will be closed." Boton went over.

"Ok, I just can't believe that Koenma expects me to take on a whole freakn' city alone. Don't they send teams out for this kinda thing?" I complained.

"What about me Urameshi?" Kuwabara cut in.

"Uhh. Oh, Kuwabara, there's no such thing as demons. Yusuke and I were just joking." Boton said.

"Look, I'm not dumb or blind. We all know that I can see supernatural stuff a whole lot better then Yusuke. And I'm not going to sit around my house while Yusuke doesn't see things and lets big monsters and insects take over my city. Cause I'm Kuwabara and incase you forgot I've got a sword!" Kuwabara explained.

"Well, Yusuke, I guess there's no point in arguing with the egger." Boton said with a sweat drop.

Boton opened a door that she said led to the portal. She opened the door and a bunch of smoke came out making you and Kuwabara cough.

"Watch for dust." She says walking down the stair case.

"Gee, thanks for the warning." I said following behind her. Kuwabara followed after me a moment later and closing the door as we went down the stairs.

"Banging on the floors of random wear houses seems like fun to me." I said after arriving at the bottom of the stair case.

"This is where they were supposed to put the breach in the barrier." Boton said hitting the floor with her fist. She suddenly hit a place in the floor and part of the floor popped up. "Bingo." She said lifting up on the part of the floor that came up. Kuwabara and I looked into the hole. There was a green mist in it.

"You are going to give us a rope latter or something?" I asked.

"No. Jumping in should land you safely on the outer banks of the city." She said. "You know you don't have to go through with this if you don't want to, no one will hold it against you." She said looking at Kuwabara.

"Oh, ok, goodbye." I said turning around and getting ready to leave but Boton put out her foot and tripped me.

"Not you. Spirit detectives do not have a choice in this. Kuwabara does." She said.

"Don't worry about me lady, I kinda feel like a spirit detective too now. And as for detectives there's no turning back." Kuwabara said jumping into the portal hole in the floor.

"He really jumped." Boton said looking into the portal hole.

"Maybe he'll be ok alone." I said. "Ok, ok." I said after seeing the way Boton looked at me. I was about to jump in when she stopped me.

"Not yet. Here." She said pulling out to compacts. "I'm supposed to give you this communication mirror." She said.

"Geez! You nearly forgot to give me this thing? Let me guess, without it I'd probably be killed." I said grabbing it.

"No. it's not a weapon. It's just a communication mirror so that I can keep in contact with you while you're one the other side." She said.

"Yeah, yeah. Leave me on my own while you go and do other things." I said. I suddenly gasped. "Oh, no!"

"What's the matter now, Yusuke?" Boton asked.

"Keiko, I just dumped her off at the movie theater. Hey Boton, why don't you go take care of things with her and I'll go down here." I said quickly jumping into the portal hole.

"Hey! No wait!" she called. "Yusuke, I don't want to do that!" she called.

Once we arrived in demon world we were attacked by demons with robes on. They came out of the ground from every direction.

"Yes. We found a treat." One of the demons said.

"What are those things?" Kuwabara asked.

"I'm not exactly sure. But they're not friendly." I answered. The things suddenly started jumping on Kuwabara and I. The two of us kept pushing them off. The two of us threw punches and kicks. But no matter how many we knocked off more would come.

"Yusuke, there's to many of them. And I'm not sure but I think they want to eat me!" Kuwabara yelled as a large group of them attacked him all at once.

"I'm coming!" I called back. As I was headed over to where Kuwabara was I got attacked by more of the demons. "That would be pretty lame if we were killed before we got to the castle." I said pushing more of the off. Suddenly there was lightning and a portal appeared in the sky. Out of a portal came three lights, a red one, a blue once, and a blackish purple one. The demons stopped attacking and looked at the lights as they came down. The three lights headed for the tree behind Kuwabara and landed in a branch. The demons suddenly scattered upon seeing the lights.

"That worked. Whatever it was." I said looking to see what the lights were.

Your POV

"It seems you could use some help." Said the tall person to my left.

"If those nothings were too much for you then we're going to have some serious trouble." Said the short one to my right. The lightning struck again and the three of us jumped down out of the tree.

"Well, well, well, the thieves." Yusuke started.

"And Ree!" Kuwabara finished.

"Hello." Kurama said.

"Well, what are you three doing here?" Yusuke asked.

"Even that fool Koenma knew that it was going to take more then human power to defeat the saint beasts." Hiei stated.

"And what about you Ree? Why are you here?" Yusuke asked.

"I was asked by Koenma to help you two idiots out. I wouldn't have even agreed if I didn't get this weapon out of it." You stated with your normal attitude. You held your hand out in front of you as if to hold onto a staff. Suddenly a seethe appeared in your hand.

"By assisting in this mission Koenma has assured us that we can clean our slates in spirit world." Kurama explained. Yusuke laughed.

"I guess Koenma heard me complaining." He said with a laugh. "Hey, Kuwabara let me introduce you to these guys." Yusuke said. "That's Hiei and his name is Kurama." He said pointing to each one.

"Pleasure." Kurama said.

"I don't have a clue what's going on but it sure is nice to have a helping hand." Kuwabara said.

"Helping is not the right word." Hiei said.

"I agree." You said. Kuwabara and Yusuke looked at you questionably.

"Koenma may regard us as equals, but I do not. Once inside the castle, I suggest you let us do the work. As far as I'm concerned, we're babysitting." Hiei explained.

"I may not be of much help with this fight once inside the castle, but still, I agree with Hiei. You two are complete idiots. This I know for a fact." You said with your attitude while turning your seethe back into nothing.

"Listen you puny jerk face I'm gonna have to beat you up if you keep talking down to us that way." Kuwabara said.

"Let's avoided fighting. You're not worth it." You said.

"Oh, that's it!" Kuwabara said getting ready to punch you. You took a step forward to that you were next to Yusuke.

"But you detective are a different story, I intent to take my revenge on you, so consider this fair warning." Hiei said. While Kuwabara kept trying to punch you. You just moved back so that you were next to Hiei again.

"Hiei, you must face this current business before you start your own." Kurama said.

"Don't worry three eyes, if we survive this I'll be glad to take you on." Yusuke said. "Now, is this a perfect team or what?"

"Hn." You and Hiei said at the same time.

"Wow, now this place is homey." Yusuke said as we arrived at the castle.

"Yeah, so, I guess we're just going to walk right in?" Kuwabara asked.

"Any prize that's worth having usually involves taking a risk." Kurama said.

"I say we make them come out here and fight us up front like they're not a bunch of sissies." Kuwabara said.

"You just don't want to go in, because you're afraid. It's so obvious, Kuwabara." You said and started to walk into the castle. Yusuke, Hiei, Kurama, and Kuwabara fallowed you in a second later. You all walked down the hall until you came almost to the end. You saw a giant eyeball with bat wings flying in the air. The thing made you all stop dead in your tracks.

"Welcome to Maze Castle." The thing said.

"Woh. It talked." Kuwabara said shocked.

"Those who enter maze Castle must be tried by the Gate of betrayal." The thing said.

"What do you mean tried?" Yusuke asked. The thing suddenly flew out of the hall and into the opening a little ways in front of us. You were about to walk around Hiei, Kurama, Kuwabara, and Yusuke to go forward when the thing pulled down some lever and the ceiling dropped. The five of you struggled to hold it up. Yusuke and Kuwabara were in the front closest to the end of the hall. Kurama was in between you and Hiei and Yusuke and Kuwabara. You and Hiei were in the back. While everyone else looked like they were struggling you looked like you were having an easy time. But that's just what you wanted people to think. Really you thought the ceiling weighted a ton. But you had gotten used to the rule 'Never show your weaknesses.' You almost lived by that rule.

Hiei's POV

"Heavy isn't it?" the flying eyeball thing asked. "Of course there is a catch. Just enough leeway remains for just one person to escape leaving their friends to be crushed by the weight." The thing explained.

"Damn it." Yusuke said as the ceiling became heavier. I heard one of Ree's bones crack. It sounded like her wrist. I knew that her left wrist was already badly hurt from when she snuck out training last night even though Koenma told her to rest. I looked back at her as I heard it crack yet again. She only let the pain show on her face for but a moment before her face went unreadable again. She is very good at hiding her emotions from her enemies.

"The decisions must be made quickly." The thing said. "Not even the five of you combined can hold the ceiling for long. Work on teamwork and everyone will be crushed. Only by turning against your friends will one of you be able to escape. Only the traitor among you deserves to enter Maze Castle. That's why it's called the gate of betrayal you see."

"Boy I'd like to get my hands on that bat thing." Kuwabara said as I heard another crack from Ree's wrist because the ceiling became heavier.

"Stay focused on the weight or you'll kill us all." I said to Kuwabara.

"Oh, sure. Blame me. I bet I'm holding up a lot more weight then you are." Kuwabara said back.

"Shut the hell up and hold up your own weight!" Ree said angrily through gritted teeth.

'She must really be in pain.' I thought hearing another crack from Ree.