Punk Rock Princess

Chapter 4 - Ree's Hidden Emotions

Kurama's POV

"Please move your arm, Kurama." Ree said so quietly that only Hiei and I could hear. The way she said it was without her normal attitude. Her voice was sweet, and caring, like mother with a young child. I moved my arm and put my knee down.

"I'm ok really." I said trying to reassure her.

"If you were ok, then I wouldn't be doing this." She said still without her normal attitude. She looked up at me, the look in her eyes told me that she care and weather I liked it or not she was going to help.

'Her eyes, they are nothing like they normally are. Normally Ree's eyes are cold and distant without care or remorse for anything. But now...Her eyes are filled with care and worry. Her voice is different as well. It is calm and soothing. Like an angels.' I thought watching as she healed my wound.

When she was finished healing my wound she stood up and her eyes quickly went back to normal. Back to cold and distant, eyes that pushed so many people away. It was like she didn't want people to get to close to her. It was as if she was trying to push people away. If only I knew why. I fallowed Yusuke, Kuwabara, Ree, and Hiei up the stairs.

Your POV

You all had been walking down a hall but stopped at a window for a slight rest. You were currently sitting on the window sill. No one had noticed your slightly black and blue wrist. Unknown to then you had hurt it pretty bad during the gate of betrayal and couldn't use it in a fight any time soon. Hiei was saying that even though Kurama's wounds were healed that he still shouldn't fight anymore during this mission.

"We only have four fighters left and one of them is worthless." Hiei was saying.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself short stuff." Kuwabara said.

"Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but I think he meant you." Yusuke said.

"Is that so? Then maybe I should show you something." Kuwabara said turning around to face us all again. "What do you think I was doing over the last six months while you were off training with Genkai, letting you get better then me? No way!" Kuwabara stated putting his hand in front of him. His hand started to glow a whitish yellow. "Spirit sword!" Kuwabara yelled the light around his hand turning into a sword. Then he started to show off with his sword.

"Hey, watch it!" Yusuke yelled backing up when Kuwabara pointed his spirit sword at him. Kuwabara pulled it back and held it up in front of him.

"You see what I've learned Urameshi. I don't have to use the tip of that wooden sword to make it work anymore. It's just my pure energy and I bet it can kick the crap out of your spirit gun." Kuwabara said happily.

"That depends on what finger I use." Yusuke said putting up his middle finger.

"Well, as it turns out he's only partially worthless." Hiei corrected.

"Ok, wanna die?" asked Kuwabara angrily. Hiei smirked.

"I dare you." Said Hiei.

"Hey!" Yusuke said putting a hand in front of Kuwabara.

"Yeah, yeah, let him live. I'm sure he'll be saying sorry after he sees what else I can do." Kuwabara said annoyed while pointing his sword at Hiei. "Sword get long!" Kuwabara called as his sword suddenly got longer.

"Wow, it even comes with a spear attachment." Said Yusuke sarcastically, Kuwabara laughed.

"I can make it any size I want it to be." Kuwabara stated happily while making his sword disappear again. "I know when Genbu showed up I got a little - what's the word – freaked, but that's not gonna happen from now on my friends because Kuwabara's got the good stuff." Kuwabara explained highly. Suddenly Kuwabara fell backwards and onto the floor. Yusuke ran up and looked at him. "Don't worry guys; it's just sometimes the sword makes me a little dizzy."

"Your not making us look good." Yusuke told Kuwabara angrily. Just then Yusuke communication mirror began to ring. Yusuke stood up and reached into his pocket and took it out. He opened the compact to see a very stressed looking Boton.

"Yusuke, you've got to hurry." She started but stopped and turned around.

"What's the matter, Boton?" Yusuke asked worriedly as he watched her kill three more Makai insects.

"Listen Yusuke, I think the saint beasts have launched another wave of insects. I found a whole batch by an elementary school." She explained nervously.

"They're taking over kids now?" Yusuke asked.

"That's right."

"I thought you said that these insects only liked to take over the minds of depressed people."

"That's because depressed people are more easily influenced. The same is also true for children. But if the bugs get into them, I'm afraid -" she stopped and looked up. She fell back screaming as another Makai controlled person came up to her.

"Ok, you're afraid, I get it, now finish your sentence." Yusuke said to her.

"I'm sorry Yusuke, but I'm being chased now." She said back.

"You're being chased? By whom?" he asked as Kuwabara went up to stand by Yusuke.

"By another guy under the control of the Makai insects, and this one looks especially unfriendly." She said as she ran.

"Just keep running!" Yusuke yelled.

"I've knocked out all the other victims by sneaking up on them." She said leaning against a door. Suddenly someone punched a hole through the door and Boton dropped the compact.

"Well, can't you call for help or something?"

"Or run away!" Kuwabara butted in. By this time Kurama was watching Boton on the compact too.

"Hey Boton? Boton!" you stated after she dropped the compact and they couldn't see what was happening. Boton sighed as she picked up the compact. "Oh, wow, you got him."

"Well, I'm not making a career out of this. You go and find that whistle before I have to fight this entire city." She answered.

"Right." Yusuke answered back. There was suddenly a giant roar that shook the entire floor and walls. You screamed as you began to fall out the window.

Hiei's POV

We all heard Ree scream and quickly turned to her to see her start to fall out the window.

"Ree!" Yusuke yelled. I quickly ran over to her and grabbed onto her waist before she could fall complete out the window. There was the roar again and the ceiling began to break. I pulled Ree up and against my chest so that she could fall again. She held onto my cloak tightly. The roaring continued and pieces of the ceiling began to fall.

"Come on!" Yusuke said running the rest of the way down the hall with Kuwabara, and Kurama fallowing. I picked Ree up bridal style and ran the rest of the way down the hall as well. The end of the hall led to a flight of stairs which we all took. Ree was still holding onto me as I carried her. When we reached the top of the stair case we were outside. Byakko was standing on a pillar in front of the next flight of stairs that we had to take. I heard Ree whisper 'thank you' in my ear as I gently put her down. I didn't say anything back, but I noticed the look in her eyes, and the way she spoke. I was so lost in thought that I hadn't heard anything that Byakko had said or done.

'Her eyes, they weren't cold or distant like they normally are. Why? Those eyes looked like they could belong to a completely different person. Her voice it was hers, I think. But it was different. It was sweet, and caring. It sounded like those things humans call Angels.' I thought carefully looking at Ree. She had gone back to her normal self only seconds after I had put her down. When I finally started to pay attention again, I noticed that now there was a small walk way where the large floor had been. The small walk way led up to a bigger area and to Byakko. Kuwabara was saying how he was going to fight the white tiger.

"Monster thinks he's so tough." Kuwabara stated.

"Kuwabara –" Yusuke began but was cut off by Kuwabara pushing him.

"Step off." He said.

"Damn it." Yusuke mumbled mostly to himself.

"You really think you can beat him?" I asked.

"Well, of course, half pint. In fact I'm not scared at all." Kuwabara answered.

"So, I guess your legs are shaking out of eagerness." Yusuke pointed out.

"Leave me alone, Urameshi. I'm just scared of heights." Kuwabara lied.

"This isn't the time to pretend you're tough." Yusuke informed him.

"Come on, Kuwabara. Just let me fight." Ree said.

"No way!" he answered.

"Fine, if you loose I'm taking over. You got that?" she stated angrily.

"Sure! But just so you know, I'm not gonna loose!" he said back to her over confidently then began walked towards Byakko.

"You, you don't believe you can over power me with just one human do you?" Byakko asked angrily.

"Let's fight Byakko monster!" Kuwabara called. Byakko growled but after a few seconds busted out laughing.

"Oh, please, I can't stay angry if you make me laugh." Byakko exclaimed between laughs.

"I'm serious! Come down here so I can knock your lights out." Kuwabara said punching his hand.

"Stop it. I can beat you with nothing but the little hairs on my main." Byakko stated.

"Oh, really?" Kuwabara said as Byakko yanked out four pieces of hair from his main and blew on them while letting them go. There was a bright light and four green monsters fell from where the light slowly disappeared. All four of the monsters landed in front of Kuwabara.

"These beasts are a small part of myself. Like me they are hungry. And you are the perfect meat. They don't like sharing either so you may be in the middle of a little tug-of-war." Byakko explained as the four beasts attacked Kuwabara. Kuwabara got four large deep gashes on his chest by one of the four beasts. He fell to the ground.

"Kuwabara!" Yusuke yelled as Kuwabara stood up.

"That was a freebie." Kuwabara said making his spirit sword. "Spirit sword!"

"Ahh, so you can use your spirit energy as a weapon." Byakko said mostly to himself. "Very impressive, but I'm afraid it won't aid in your survival for very long!" Byakko yelled as his monsters came at Kuwabara again.

Your POV

You watched as Kuwabara blocked the monsters attacks with his sword. It was almost like the same seen was playing over and over again as you watched. Kuwabara kept blocking and trying to cut the monsters with his spirit sword, the monsters would keep attacking him and keep dodging all of his attacks, etc. Kuwabara would once in a while try to face them head on and would end up getting hurt.

"He has no strategy; he swings his sword with the grace of a fly swatter. That's no way to survive." Hiei complemented as we all watched Kuwabara fighting for his life.

"Kuwabara! Let me take them instead! I know you want to fight this one, but there's way too many to swing a sword at! My shot-gun blast just makes more sense ok? Come on, Kuwabara! Please!" Yusuke yelled beggingly as we watched Kuwabara get cuts and gashes all over his body from the way those monsters kept coming at him. Those monsters were relentless. It's as if they never tire out.

'Yusuke. Kuwabara. I never realized until now how much Yusuke cares about Kuwabara. No matter how much Yusuke hates to admit it it's so obvious.' You thought.

"If you're going to take the time to switch you all might as well fight me at once. After all, nothing gives me more pleasure then a big group kill." Byakko laughed.

"Ok, Kuwabara, I don't care if you retreat or not, I'm coming in to help!" Yusuke yelled and started towards Kuwabara. You grabbed yusuke arm. He quickly turned around and looked at you angrily. "What, Ree?"

Yusuke's POV

"You must let Kuwabara do this alone." Ree told me. Her voice was different and the look in her eyes was caring. Her eyes showed worry and caring, unlike they normally do. Her voice sounded sweet and demanding completely different then usual.

'What's going on? Am I imagining things? This can't really be Ree can it? Her voice sounds exactly like it did that night when Boton said that we had to go and find her. When she was singing at that club and I couldn't believe it was her. Kuwabara had said she had the voice of an angel. I'm starting to think he's right. But this can't be Ree. Can it? Ree's cold and distant. She's...Not...Like this...Is she?' I questioned myself. I was lost and confused. This wasn't anything like the Ree I knew. But then again, I didn't really know much about Ree either way.

I nodded unable to tell her no and she let go of my arm. Her eyes quickly went back to there cold, distant look, and she continued to watch Kuwabara as if nothing had happened.

'Could she have a split personality? Or did I just imagine that?' I asked myself turning back towards Kuwabara's battle.

Your POV

"He's right!" Kuwabara suddenly yelled and started running towards you all.

"There, you see, in the end the fool runs away." Hiei said.

"He won't make it." Kurama said sadly.

"Don't worry; I'll go as soon as he screams for help." Yusuke said. Byakko laughed as he watched Kuwabara flee.

"You know you can't escape." He said. Kuwabara suddenly stopped in his steps and turned around.

"Who in the world said anything about escaping?" Kuwabara asked. The monsters that were fallowing Kuwabara stopped also. "Sword get longer!" he screamed as his sword got longer. The sword went through all the monsters linking them all together. "It's true, I couldn't win by swinging my sword, but I could win by stabbing it once I got all four of these suckers lined up." He laughed.

"Nice one, Kuwabara." Yusuke complemented.

"Yes, he actually did something clever." Hiei agreed.

"Watch it Hiei." Kuwabara said darkly. "No use getting jealous just cause I'm good." he finished smiling.

"But what are you gonna do no?" Yusuke asked pointing to the monsters that were stuck on Kuwabara's sword.

"Um, I don't know." Kuwabara answered. Byakko laughed.

"Those monsters are still a part of me and even though they're chained up doesn't mean they can't chase you down. They just need more energy!" Byakko yelled as the beasts became stronger. Kuwabara started running towards you all while still holding his swords so the monsters were coming with him. Kuwabara started running around the staircase door that you had come out of.

"Do you think he knows it's a circle?" Hiei asked as you watched Kuwabara run around the pillar. When Kuwabara reached a point sometime around he linked the two ends of his sword together so that the monsters couldn't go anywhere.

"You just twist and seal." Kuwabara said smiling.

"I don't believe this." Byakko mumbled.

"That's a little move I like to call the spirit sword monster beast doughnut." Kuwabara stated as we stared at the monsters. Hiei sighed.

"Idiot." Said Hiei.

"Agreed." You said.

"I think monster beast doughnut is a perfect name." Kurama said.

"Excuse me sir, I don't like this one, you got chocolate with sprinkles?" Yusuke said to Byakko. Byakko growled angrily.

"My own pray mocks me, I will not tolerate that." Byakko growled.

"You best get ready to tolerate a lot more, you poor excuse for a cat." Kuwabara insulted.

"My own pray, I can not allow this disgrace to continue." Byakko growled out then yelled. A bolt of lightning hit the pillar where Kuwabara had chained together the four monsters. The five of you watched at the pillar was reduced to just about nothing.

"Tare up the castle as much as you want that doesn't change the fact that you monsters are beat and you're about to be next." Kuwabara said confidently as he walked up to where Byakko was.

"Stupid human, I'm the white tiger Byakko, one of the four saint beasts, and the greatest predator who ever lived." Byakko informed us.

"Yeah, yeah, I think you said that already, and I'm Kuwabara, so let's go!" Kuwabara called. Byakko jumped down from the pillar he was on and landed in front of Kuwabara. Byakko was growling none stop now.

"What are the odds Kuwabara starts calling for him mommy?" Yusuke asked.

"Ha! I can smell your fear. Clearly your body knows something your brain does not." Byakko said.

"What's that?" Kuwabara asked

"If your swords your most powerful weapon then you can not hurt me. To tell you the trueth you'd be better off attacking me with your little finger nails." Byakko answered.

"Well, I'm sorry if I don't believe you!" Kuwabara said as he charged at Byakko with his sword in front of him. Kuwabara cut right through Byakko. He didn't even try to dodge. You all looked at where Byakko had been cut, there was no mark. "How's that?" he asked. Byakko pulled back his fist and tried to throw a punch at Kuwabara, but he dodged by jumping backwards. Kuwabara tried to cut Byakko again but it still didn't do anything.

"Ok, maybe the tiger will be calling home." Yusuke said.

"Something's wrong." Kurama pointed out.

"Yes." Hiei said back agreeing.

"What do they mean?" Yusuke asked you.

"Try looking closely at the two fighters." You started. Yusuke did. "Judging from the attacks Kuwabara's obviously had the upper hand but by the looks of them it's as if Kuwabara's taking all the blows." You explained never taking your eyes off of the fight. Kuwabara look extremely tired while Byakko looked fine. Kuwabara was panting heavily.

"Could it be?" Hiei started. Yusuke gasped.

"Byakko's size, it's increasing." Kurama said. "Now I see, look own at Kuwabara's spirit sword." Kurama told us.

"What the?" Kuwabara asked looking at his own sword. It was small. It was even too small to be a dagger.

"It's getting smaller." Yusuke said.

"Exactly." You said.

"He's stealing Kuwabara's energy." Kurama said. Kuwabara gasped while Byakko began to laugh.

"You finally caught me." He said. "I've been feeding off of every slash of your sword." He continued as Kuwabara took a few steps back then made his spirit sword bigger again but then falling to his knees. After a minute Kuwabara stood back up.

"Kuwabara! Are you crazy? Hit him again and he'll just get bigger! Kuwabara! Don't be stupid!" Yusuke yelled but Kuwabara ignored him.

'Stubborn as always.' You thought with a sigh.

"Leave me alone Urameshi nothings going to make me stop fighting now!" Kuwabara said charging at Byakko with his spirit sword yet again.

'He's either a complete fool, or he knows something that we do not.' You thought watching as Kuwabara was literally giving his energy to Byakko.