Punk Rock Princess

Chapter 9 - Ree's Fears

Your POV

You had heard an explosion come from outside a few minutes ago then everything suddenly went quiet. You strained to hear what was going on but came up with nothing. Not even a scream of agony. It almost scared you.

'Could they be...Dead? No. Yusuke...Even Kuwabara...They're both stronger then that. They can't be dead. They aren't dead.' You thought with a hint of worry on your face. It wasn't enough for anyone to see but it was enough for you to feel a great pain in your heart. 'Why? How? How the hell can two fuckin idiots make me care? I never cared so much before! Damn you, Yusuke! Ever since you died I've started to care. After I worked so hard to freeze my heart shut you come around with your fucked up friends and melt the ice!' You screamed angrily in your mind. Twelve tears ran down your face unknowingly and hit the floor. Your eyes flew open upon hearing the sound. You looked down. Your eyes went wide at what you saw. You knew what each color of your tears meant and what colors there were so this didn't make any sense. The twelve tears weren't clear, or red, or even black. They were a pale pink. You bent down picking them up. You looked at the jewels in your hand before putting all but one of them into your pocket. 'It's almost like the clear is turning red. But...That doesn't make any sense. I don't like anyone and I'm not afraid. The only feelings I'm feeling are confusion. Is that what this color tear means?' you asked yourself gazing into the pale pink tear.

Yusuke's POV

I had finally defeated the demon named Miugi by bashing her head through a wall. Kuwabara didn't completely believe me what I said that she wasn't a she but a he. He was going to look until Boton hit him in the head with her oar.

"Hey, look, a camera." Kuwabara said. We all turned to look at the camera hanging from the ceiling.

"Two more and we're coming after you." I said as Kuwabara and I put up a victory sign with our hands. After that we headed down the hall again.

"I've been thinking about what you did back there, Urameshi. You know, I mean the way you checked to see if Miugi was a boy. Well, what if it had actually been a girl that you were touching?" Kuwabara asked as we ran down the hall.

"Think about it stupid, like I would have complained." I said back.

"Keiko's not going to like hearing that. Though I don't think Ree would like it much either." Kuwabara said with an evil smirk on his face. I suddenly stopped dead in my tracks. Kuwabara stopped too. I grabbed the front of his shirt and shook him.

"You wouldn't dare tell Keiko or Ree that for real!" I yelled shaking him.

"Well, there is this new CD I want that I haven't had enough money to buy." Kuwabara said.

"And you want me to buy it for you?" I asked angrily.

"Would you boys knock it off! We're supposed to be rescuing Yukina and Ree!" Boton yelled.

"That's right! I don't have time for this! Ok!" Kuwabara said tightening his 'headband of love'. "Here goes! By my red pinky string I'm lead to my hearts content." Kuwabara said before running off down the hall.

Hiei's POV

I sprinted through the trees until I was close enough that I could almost see the castle. I stopped in the nearest tree as it began to snow.

'Shouldn't it be colder to snow?' I asked myself as I held my hand out. A snowflake fell onto my hand and instantly melted it. I thought about Yukina when she was little again. As usual I was watching from the trees. It was snowing then too. Yukina was playing with some of the baby animals in the woods.

"Another snow storm is coming. You'll have to find someplace warm. We have to say goodbye to each other now. Well...Goodbye." Yukina said as the baby animals left. I clenched my fist in the memory. I growled as a scent hit my nose. It was blood. It was faint but it was close. Inside the castle somewhere. I thought of the scent. It was familiar but it wasn't Yukina's, Yusuke's, Kuwabara's, or even Boton's. I thought for a minutes before it hit me.

'It's Ree's! What's Ree doing here? I know she didn't come with Yusuke. So how...' I thought before it accrued to me. 'Ree must have been kidnapped for her tear gems as well.' I thought angrily. Ree couldn't defend herself at all. I knew that she was still in no condition to walk let alone fight. Worry consumed me, but not just that; anger, fear, so many emotions that I couldn't explain. I hurried the rest of the wall to the castle.

Your POV

You still lay on the floor in pain. You had walked over to the door of the room and were headed back towards the window when you somehow took a wrong step and fell to the ground. Your legs were bleeding through the bandages. A single crimson tear fell to the floor. For once in your life you were truly afraid. You haven't been this afraid for years, since the murder of your parents when you were little. You shakily reached for the red gem. You picked it up and brought it to your chest holding it tightly as if it were the only thing keeping you alive.

'Someone...Please...Help me. I...I'm afraid...Please...Don't leave me here...Alone...I don't wanna be alone anymore! Not...Now...Not this way!' you screamed in your mind.

Yusuke's POV

We tricked demon 2; Imaki into a track. Kuwabara said that he was here since none of us could see him because he was able to turn invisible.

"Shot gun!" I called as my attack hit Imaki.

"Kinda a cheap move when you don't even have to aim." Kuwabara stated.

"What?" I asked angrily.

"What?" Imaki asked as well obviously wondering how we had got him.

"When there was only one direction that you could come from it was easy. I just had to sense your spirit energy coming around the corner." Kuwabara explained.

"And taking my cue from Kuwabara here I just shot a major shot-gun blast to cover the whole stretch of the hallway. Cleaver huh?" I asked with a smirk. Kuwabara and I saw another camera and walked up to it as it turned from where Imaki now lay on the floor to where we were in front of it.

"One more." Kuwabara and I said as we put up one finger. Then we headed down the next hallway. As we were running Kuwabara suddenly yelled 'Watch Out!' as he came to a sudden stop. The rest of us stopped too. The wall on the right in front of us broke down and the third demon came out and grabbed Boton by the coat.

"The names Gokumanki third demon of the triad." The demon said. Boton was struggling against his grip on her coat but to no prevail.

"I'll write it on your gravestone." I said getting my spirit gun ready to fire.

"Are you sure you won't hit your friend?" Gokumanki asked.

"Yeah, good question." Boton said looking at us pleadingly. I put my spirit gun down knowing that they were right. I growled.

"Dirty trick." I said as Gokumanki laughed. Then he went to reach of something behind his back with his free hand. He pulled out a giant club and tried to hit us with it. Lucky for Kuwabara and I we were able to get out of the way in time.

"Sprite Sword!" Kuwabara said making his spirit sword.

"Very good." Gokumanki said as Kuwabara went running up to him with his sword. Gokumanki easily blocked with his club. Kuwabara's sword wasn't able to hold up long before hit broke.

"What the hell was that?" I asked.

"I was afraid of hitting Boton, I must have held back to much energy!" Kuwabara said before Gokumanki'S club hit Kuwabara in the gut. Kuwabara went flying into a wall and down the hall.

"Kuwabara!" Boton called

"Hey!" I yelled running over to Kuwabara but having Gokumanki swing his club at me almost hitting me too. I made it past Gokumanki and hit club before going over to where Kuwabara lay on the floor. "Can you get up?" I asked kneeling down next to him. Kuwabara pushed himself up into a sitting position. Gokumanki laughed as he turned around to face us.

"You don't have the nerve to attack me as long as I have her." Gokumanki said shaking Boton slightly.

"Shoot." Kuwabara said out of annoyance.

"Unless you have another plan I'm going to start the crushing!" Gokumanki yelled lifting his club above his head.

"Boton, raise your arms." I demanded. She did as she was told and slipped out of the jacket that Gokumanki was holding. Then she quickly ran over to Kuwabara and I.

"Huh?" Gokumanki asked confused.

"Stu...Pid." Kuwabara and I said together. Gokumanki obviously didn't like being called stupid because he became angry and lifted up his club again ready to crush us. Kuwabara and I jumped up into the air and kicked him in the chest with a spirit energy filled kick. He flow back into the wall and fell into unconsciousness.

"Oh yeah." I said hitting the palm of my left hand with my right fist. Again we saw a camera and walked up to it.

"We're coming to get you!" Kuwabara said. Kuwabara, Boton, and I did a victory sign.

"You're going down!" I said.

Your POV

You were finally able to get up only a few minutes before Gonzu Turukina's butler came in and opened the door.

"Come on." He said.

"Don't try anything." Came the voice of the man who had wounded your shoulder; the one you had given all but one of your tears too. Before they had walked up to your cell you had already hidden all of your emotions. You couldn't let them know how or what you were feeling. They couldn't know that you were hurt and in pain; physically and emotionally. So for now you had to listen. You couldn't fight back. You could barely even walk. Let alone run or fight. You walked behind the butler but in front of the man who took your tear gems as you left the place where you cell was and down the hall.

Hiei's POV

I was standing in a tree in front of the rooms Yukina and Ree were in. Yukina had been in the very top room while Ree was directly below her. But they weren't there anymore.

"So this is their filthy prison." I said out loud. Using my Jagan eye I looked inside the castle. I saw the Taguro brothers. "I can't believe they would be here." I said shocked. Yukina was fallowing the younger Taguro while Ree was being fallowed by the elder Taguro.

'Yukina, Ree, hold on! I'm coming!' I thought jumping out of the tree and into the castle.

Your POV

You all stopped in a room with Gonzu Turukina in the room. He was standing in front of a class window that looked into another room below. Yukina was there too. You both were told to stand back, so you did. The guy you gave your tears to left the room and reentered in the room that could be seen through the glass a moment later. It didn't take long after that for Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Boton to arrive in the room below either.

"I take we have one more fight." Yusuke said looking at the guy who took your tears and obviously someone else but you couldn't see who.

"Forget it. Their total spirit energy couldn't hurt a wingless fly." Kuwabara stated.

Yusuke's POV

Kuwabara gasped suddenly and Boton and I looked up to see what he saw. It was Yukina and Ree. They were standing a bit behind Turukina but they were able to see you.

'Thank goodness. Ree's ok. With her injuries I thought she'd be in worse condition but I guess not.' I thought relieved.

"Don't worry; we're coming for you soon." Kuwabara said.

"Welcome, try not to be too hard on us, we're fragile." The tall guy said.

"So I guess this is the big finish." I said.

"I can't wait." Kuwabara said excitedly.

Your POV

You looked at Turukina. He was sweating. Why was he so nervous.

"Hey! Taguro! Don't blow this!" Turukina yelled. Your eyes widened.

'What? Ta...Taguro? No. It...It can't be. That...That man...He killed them...He killed them.' You thought frightened. You took a few steps forward letting your gaze fall onto the tall man you knew to well. You hadn't seen the man since the day he killed your mother and father and you hadn't ever seen him before either. You stood in front of the glass window in a state of shock as Yusuke and Kuwabara fought against Taguro. You hadn't even really noticed the fight had stated. All you could do was stare at the place where Taguro once stood. You didn't blink, you didn't move, you'd be surprised if anyone saw your breathe. You were lost in the memories of that man.


A little girl with long blue hair slept peacefully in bed as her mother came in to check on her. Though the mother thought the little girl was asleep the child was only playing. She hadn't fallen asleep yet. She was to busy thinking of the fun she had had earlier that day with her mother and father. Her mother smiled at her little girl before walking out of the room again. There was an ear shattering scream that came from down stairs.

"Mommy!" the five year old girl yelled as she jumped out of bed and quickly ran down stairs. The man held up a simple katana. He quickly brought the sword down upon the little girl's father as he lay on the floor clutching his bleeding stomach.

"Ree! Run!" the child's mother yelled turning to her daughter. The child's eyes were filled with fear and anger. Tears ran down her face "Please! Don't kill my child!" Ree's mother yelled turning back towards the man with the sword.

"You shouldn’t worry. I won't...Yet." the man said as he brought the sword down upon the child's mother. Blood splattered everywhere. On the walls, the floor, the man, the child, the child's father who lay on the floor dead. The child ran up to the man.

"You killed them! Why? What the hell did me ever do to you?" the child screamed before being backhanded by the man. The child went flying into the wall. The child tried desprately to keep conscious but was loosing. The last words the child heard were the last words she would ever hold close and never forget.

"My name is Taguro. You asked me what I ever did to you...It's not what you did. It's what you can do. You can become much stronger if you have a motive to get stronger. Your revenge against me will make you want to get stronger to beat me. Remember that. I'll be back." The man said before the child slipped into unconsciousness.


'Yusuke and Kuwabara were able to defeat the Taguro brothers?' I mentally asked myself when their spirit energy suddenly disappeared. I few moments later I came up on a door. I could here Turukina talking to someone as I opened the door.

"Huh? Wha-" Turukina started as he turned around to see who had come into the room. I saw Yukina as she turned around to face me. Ree was still looking at where Yusuke and Kuwabara were. She didn't move. The guards pulled out guns and I ran up to them cutting them enough to knock them out but not enough to kill them. I now stood directly in front of Turukina. Yukina stood behind me to my left.

"The games over, you ugly fool." I said. "I saw the talisman cards hug in the tower of the two rooms. That explains why I could find them with my Jagan eye." I explained as Turukina shook with fear. Turukina backed up as my glare deepened. "But, you can't run from death forever." I finally finished.

"Wait! I don't know who the hell you are, but if it's money you're after we can talk! Listen, these girls makes jewels you wouldn't even believe! I could pump millions from them!" Turukina said pointing to Yukina and Ree. My glare deepened even more as I punched him in the face. He flew back into the glass window behind him.

Yusuke's POV

Boton was checking out your wounds when she suddenly looked up.

"Oh, goodness! Hiei!" she said looking up at where Turukina, Yukina, and Ree where.

"Hiei's here?" I asked looking up at where Turukina was. Hiei was repeatedly punching Turukina in the face.

"We have to do something." Boton said standing up. "Regardless of what Turukina deserves Hiei is forbidden to take human life. He'll be punished severely." Boton explained. I finally stood up.

"Stop it, Hiei! Don't kill him!" I yelled.

Hiei's POV

I heard Yusuke yelled at me to not kill Turukina. I stopped.

"They are just afraid of justice." I said as I grabbed Turukina by the choler of his top and was about to give the final blowwhen Yukina grabbed my arm.

"No!" she yelled hugging my arm. "Please. No more. I beg of you." She said.

"Are you crazy? Is this not the man who tormented you and made you his slave?" I asked angrily.

"He is, but I have to bare that. Taking his life can't wash away all that he's done to me. It will only bring more pain. Just more nightmares." Yukina explained to me. My eyes widened. I had to admit to at least myself that she was right. I hadn't thought of that. "Please no more! I can't take it!" she begged as 4 tears ran down her face and turned into jewels before they reached the floor. My eyes softened.

"Understood. I won't make you cry. He's to worthless for that." I said letting Turukina go. He fell back.

"How can I ever thank you?" Yukina asked.

Yusuke's POV

"Looks like things have turned out ok." Boton said to me as we looked at Hiei.

"Yeah." I said back before I heard Kuwabara groan in pain.

Hiei's POV

"You seem...Familiar." Yukina said to me. I gasped and turned from Kuwabara to look at her. My eyes wide.

'Could she know who I am? Does she know that I'm her brother?' I thought a bit worried.

"But I'm not sure why. Who are you?" she asked. I relaxed and turned back to Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Boton before answering.

"No one. Just a member...Of the team." I answered.

"Oh, No, I forgot about them." She said running out the door and heading to Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Boton. I looked over to Ree expecting her to have a smirk on her face. But when I saw her she was still looking at Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Boton. She was perfectly still. She wasn't moving at all.

"Ree, come on." I said about to turn around expecting her to turn around, but she didn't move. I walked up to her curiously. I put a hand on her shoulder. "Ree?" I asked. She didn't move, she didn't answer. She just stood there staring. I shook her slightly. "Ree?" I said louder. I was getting worried. It wasn't like her to just stare off like this. I shook her a little harder; still nothing. I held her shoulder tighter as I spun her around to look at me. I grabbed her other shoulder with my free hand. "Ree?" I asked worry now showing on my face. I looked into her eyes. It was as if she was looking right past me. I looked behind me. Nothing. So what was she staring at? "Ree!" I called shaking her. Crimson tears ran down her face and not just one or two. I knew what the color of her tears meant and from the look on her face she was most likely afraid.

'But of what? What could she be so afraid of?' I asked myself worriedly. I searched her eyes for answered but only found fear, crimson tears, and shock.

"He's...Back...Why?" Ree mumbled almost inaudible words. If I wasn't a demon I wouldn't have been able to hear it. I shook her again.

"Ree! Come on! Snap out of it! Damn it, Ree! Answer me!" I yelled. Lucky for me Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Boton were too caught up with Yukina to hear me and Yukina was to busy tending to their wounds to pay attention.

"He's...Back...Why?" Ree said again.

"Whose back? Ree!" I yelled as more crimson tears ran down her face and littered the floor. There must be 50 of them by now, if not more. She was really starting to worry me.

"Why?" she started again. "Why...Can't he...Leave me...A...Alone?" she asked tears running down her face.

"Ree! Snap out of it!" I said shaking her again. I looked into her eyes again. Her eyes continued to look at me as if I wasn't there. It was still like she was looking past me. It was like she was looking at something that wasn't there or something that only she could see. "Please...Ree. Come on." I begged.

"I...don't...wanna...be alone...I...don't wanna...be alone...again...He took...them...all of them...away...from me...Why?" she asked one last time before her eyes closed and she fell forwards into my arms. I held her close to me as I kneeled down. I leaned her against the wall as I began picking up her tears. After a few minutes another hand joined me in picking up the jewels. I looked up.

"Kurama..."I said drifting off. "How long have you been here? Long enough, right?" I asked. Looking back down at the jewels.

"I wonder who Ree was talking about. You should take her to the spirit world infirmary." Kurama suggested. I nodded. "And don't worry, I won't tell anyone about what happened with you and Ree. I'll just tell them you left and Ree headed to the doctors to check up on everything." Kurama said.

"Hn." I answered a slight blush crossing my cheeks. Kurama pulled out a piece of white clothe out of his pocket and put the jewels on it. I did the same with the jewels I had. Kurama tied the clothe together and gave it to me. I put it in my pocket then stood up before picking of Ree bridal style.

"Are you ever going to tell Ree how much you care about her?" Kurama asked with a smile.

"I don't care about her." I stated with a glare.

"Then what do you call what you're doing? Then why did you beg her to snap out of it?" Kurama asked. I looked away a light blush crossing my cheeks again.

"Hn." I said leaving with Ree in my arms.