Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter One

Don't you turn around

Everything was so loud, the screaming fans, singing along with the song that could be heard through the wall, and the sound of an endless amount of camera shutters. My mind was numb with the sound and I loved every minute of it. I would have a headache tomorrow and my ears would probably ring for three days but who cares? Tokio Hotel is my favourite band of all time.

I could hear the screams from inside getting louder as Tokio Hotel said goodnight and I assumed they were leaving the stage. My best friend Eden and I had seen the show two nights ago and now we were standing outside the back of the concert hall waiting for the band to come out.

The doors opened and two big security guards walked out, studying the crowd as they moved from the door of the concert hall to the door of the black limo waiting to leave. As they stood beside the car door, one of the guards lifted his hand and mumbled something into the microphone on the cuff of his jacket.

A few minutes passed and the doors opened once again. At first all that was visible were two more but then they moved and the cameras started to flash in their direction and the crowd erupted into ear splitting screams. I was never one for screaming, but Eden was going crazy.

All four boys of Tokio Hotel emerged with smiles plastered to their faces, knowing that were would be cameras. Georg and Gustav walked in front, shaking hands with fans and stopping for pictures every so often.

Bill and Tom were next, walking leisurely towards the car, muttering back and forth and smiling at the crowd. Tom paused to sign an autograph and bill stopped to take a picture. Something about the twins absolutely floored me, so when Bill looked at me, my heart almost stopped.

He turned and elbowed Tom in the ribs. Tom turned around, rubbing his side and glared at Bill until Bill started to whisper something very fast in his ear.

Then Tom looked at me to, making my heart restart at an alarming pace. They weren't looking in my direction; they were looking at me. Tom grinned and then started to talk to Bill again. How I wished I knew what they were saying.

Did I have something on my face? Was I disfigured in some way? Was my appearance abnormal in anyway? I wanted to ask Eden but I couldn't take my eyes away from Bill's face.

Tom finished whispering to Bill and his eyes widened a bit as Tom grinned at whatever he just said. Bill moved across to a group of girls not too far down from me and he and Tom started to sign autographs. They were speaking in German now, I could hear them. it sounded like they were having some kind of playful argument, Bill kept saying 'nein' and Tom would go on talking about whatever it was he was talking about.

They were getting closer as they moved down the line of girls begging for pictures and autographs, Bill was the closest and he kept glancing at me out of the corner of his eye.

I turned to Eden who was staring excitedly at the slowly approaching Kaulitz twins, clenching the pen in her hand hard enough to turn her knuckles white.

''E! Eden!'' I yelled over the noise and she nodded her head in response.

''Is there something on my face?'' I asked and she glanced at me quickly.

''No, why?'' she asked, turning back to the twins.

''Because Bill Kaulitz is staring at me.'' I said and she snorted.

''Whatever you say man.'' she laughed.

''I'm serious!'' I defended.

''I'll believe you when he points and waves.'' she said and I rolled my eyes.

Tom and Bill were only about three feet away now and they seemed to be moving away from the line of fans that were held behind a short metal gate, and the excitement on Eden's face vanished. They seemed to be having the same argument as they were before and Tom pushed Bill slightly back towards the gate that was holding back the fans.

''Fine!'' Bill yelled and Tom's grin grew as he chuckled.

All of a sudden, Bill was coming towards us. Towards me. He was looking right at me and I could see Eden looking back and forth between Bill and me.

He was right there, completely closing the gap between us, an irresistible smirk on his face. Eden looked like her jaw was going to fall off. Bill leaned on the gate in front of me, putting one hand on either side of my own, which were clenched tightly to the bar.

I stopped breathing, Bill Kaulitz was right in front of me, a smirk still on his face. He leaned forward, to my ear, and all the muscles in the pit of my stomach tightened.

He started to say something in my ear, although I had no clue what it was. It sounded half German and half English. I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying, I was worried about more important things, like breathing.

I barely caught the end of what he was saying, but it sounded like a question. I was praying it could be answered with a yes or no as I nodded my head yes.

He leaned away from my ear, still grinning. He raised and lowered his eyebrows once quickly and the next thing I knew

Bill Kaulitz had his lips pressed tightly against mine.

My breath caught in my throat and my heart accelerated to the point that I could hear it pounding in my ears. Blood rushed to my face and lips as I blushed scarlet, not that anyone could see.

Everything was silent for a minute and then the crowd gasped as a whole, including Eden. I could see the cameras flashing through my eyelids and hear all the photographers calling Bill's name. I could also hear distinct laughing coming from behind Bill and I figured it could only be Tom.

But just as soon as it started, it finished. Bill pulled away from my lips and I was slightly stunned. He grinned and then reached into his back pocket as he again leaned into my ear. This time I heard what he said.

''Can I have your number?''
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Well that was the first chapter! Feel free to comment and tell me what you think!